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Since 1989 Panorama of Russia has specialized in academic and reference publications from the Russian Federation and the Commonwealth of Independent States.

Rare Russian Books

Total records: 66
[ 1 ][ 2 ][ 3 ]
Peoples of the Russian Federation
The Mongols (10)
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Code: 017705
Abramian, R.M
Bibliografiia Genealogii Narodov Kavkaza: Na Russkom Iazyke

[ Bibliographical genealogy of the peoples of the Caucasus in Russian : ]
Moscow: Staraia Basmannaia, 2015
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 16.00
The bibliography contains 2000 works on genealogy of the peoples of the Caucasus (Georgia, Armenia and Azerbaijan) in Russian. It includes books, brochures, prints, and articles in periodicals.
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Code: 008475
Natsional`nye Diaspory v Rossii i za Rubezhom V XIX-XX Vekakh
Sbornik Statei

[ National diasporas in Russia and abroad in the 19th-20th centuries : Sbornik Statei ]
Moscow: In-t Rossiiskoi Istorii RAN, 2001
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 21.00
This collection studies the history of diasporas from the USSR and Russia in the 19th-20th centuries, including diasporas from the former Soviet republics to Russia and vice versa. Diasporas are studied from territorial and chronological aspects.
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Code: 012064
Vartanov, Iu.P
Evreiskie Paleotipy Rossiiskoi Natsional`noi Biblioteki
Nauchnoe Opisanie

[ Jewish paleotypes at the Russian National Library : Scholarly description ]
St. Petersburg: Rossiiskaia Natsional`naia Biblioteka, 1996
Language: Russian and Hebrew
 Price: $ 36.00
This catalog includes paleotypes (which, for their cultural and historical significance, are close to incunabulae) of the first half of the 16th century. Jewish book publishing that started soon after the printing press was invented became part of European culture.
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Code: 012403
Mironov, Filipp
Filipp Mironov: Tikhii Don v 1917-1921 gg
Dokumenty i Materialy

[ Filipp Mironov: The Quiet Don in 1917-1921 : Dokumenty i Materialy ]
Moscow: Mezhdunarodnyi Fond "Demokratiia", 1997
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 75.00
Filipp Mironov (1872-1921), a military officer and writer, happened to be in the midst of the events that took place in the Don territory, and did his best to defend the ideals of social justice and freedom in the years of the 1917 revolution and the Civil War.
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Code: 017143
Problemy Istorii i Istoriografii

[ Cossacks : Probems of history and historiography ]
St. Petersburg: Nestor, 2003
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 9.00
This is the materials of the twenty-eighth All-Russian conference on the history and geography of studies on Cossacks as well as on the historiography of this field.
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Code: 010257-2
Evraziiskii Soiuz: Novye Rubezhi, Problemy i Perspektivy
Materialy Nauchnoi Sessii 16 Fevralia 1996 Goda

[ The Eurasian alliance: New lines, problems and perspectives : Proceedings of a scientific session. February 16, 1996 ]
Moscow: ISPI RAN, 1996
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 7.50
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Code: 013191-07
Lavrovskii Sbornik
Materialy Sredneaziatskikh Issledovanii: Etnologiia, Istoriia, Arkheologiia, Kul`turologiia: 2006-2007

[ Lavrov collection : Central Asia and Caucasus studies 2006-2007 ]
St. Petersburg: Muzei Antropologii i Etnografii RAN, 2007
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 24.00
This collected work includes the proceedings of two consecutive conferences of 2006 and 2007 on the ethnic history and current state of Central Asia, including the Kazakh and Caucasian people, their traditional social organization, religion, life style, ethnic self-vision, material and spiritual culture.
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Code: 011200
Ïîæàðèöêàÿ Ñ.Ê
Sibirskii Plavil`nyi Kotel
Sotsial`no-Demograficheskie Protsessy v Severnoi Azii XVI - Nachala XX Veka

[ Siberian melting pot : Social-demographic proccesses in the Northern Asia in the 16th -- early 20th centuries ]
Novosibirsk: Sibirskii Khronograph, 2004
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 31.50
This collection embraces articles by Siberian scholars about the settlement of Russians in Siberia over a three hundred year period after the March of Ermak. The articles included cover a wide range of topics: various waves and groups of migrants and theirs influence on Siberia; interethnic interaction of migrants with aboriginals and within the migrant pool which included an ethnical mixture; social and demographic structure of Siberian society (population), etc.
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Code: 010702
Orenburg i Orenburgskoe Kazachestvo vo Vremia Vosstaniia Pugacheva 1773-1774 gg.

[ Orenburg and the Orenburg Cossacks during the Pugachev Rebellion 1773-1774 : ]
: Arkheograficheskii Tsentr, 1996
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 36.00
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Code: 013600
Chernosotentsy" i Revoliutsiia
Zagadochnye Stranitsy Istorii

[ The "Black Hundred" and the Revolution : Mysterious pages of history ]
: n/p, 1998
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 22.00
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Code: 004627
Zheltov, M.V
Regional`nyi Elektorat: na Primere Kuzbassa
Uchebnoe Posobie

[ The Regional electorate: On the example of Kuzbass : Textbook ]
Kemerovo: Kuzbassvuzizdat, 1998
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 15.00
This book analyzes the social characteristics of the Kuzbass region, an industrial area in southern Siberia. The regional electorate and their political orientations and voting preferences are described, based on surveys of 1994-96.
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Code: 011497
Nikitin, N.I
Nachalo Kazachestva Sibiri

[ The Beginning of the Cossack settlement of Siberia : ]
Moscow: Institut Rossiiskoi Istorii RAN, 1996
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 18.00
This brochure studies the role of the Cossacks in the conquest of Siberia in the 16th century, the study and settlement of North Asia, and the formation of the Cossack battalions beyond the Urals. Includes bibliography.
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Code: 005451
Rossiia i Ee Sosedi: Problemno-Tematicheskii Sbornik
Sootneshenie Natsional`nykh Interesov Vnutri SNG: Referativnyi Sbornik

[ Russia and its neighbors : Correlation of national interests within the CIS ]
Moscow: INION RAN, 1999
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 14.00
This book focuses on the national aims and interests of the CIS member-states as a whole and their attitudes towards developing partnerships with Russia. Special attention is paid to the regions of Central Asia, Ukraine, and Transcaucasus.
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Code: 013191-2
Lavrovskie (Sredneaziatsko-Kavkazskie) Chteniia 1996-1997 gg.
Kratkoe Soderzhanie Dokladov

[ Lavrov`s (Central Asia and Caucasia) readings 1996-1997 : Conference proceedings ]
St. Petersburg: Muzei Antropologii i Etnografii, 1998
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 18.00
This collected work includes the proceedings of two consequent conferences on the ethnic history and current state of Central Asian and Caucasian peoples, their traditional social organization, life style, and material and spiritual culture.
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Code: 013363
Istoriia Evreev na Ukraine i v Belorussii
Ekspeditsii. Pamiatniki. Nakhodki

[ The History of Jews in the Ukraine and Byelorussia: Expeditions. Monuments. Finds : Ekspeditsii. Pamiatniki. Nakhodki ]
St. Petersburg: Peterburgskii Evreiskii Universitet, 1994
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 19.00
This collected work is about the Jewish legacy in Belorussia and Ukraine: the architecture of shtetlach and synagogues, tombs and epitaphs, oral folklore and history.
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Code: 010257-1
Evraziiskii Soiuz: Novye Rubezhi, Problemy i Perspektivy
Materialy Nauchnoi Sessii 18 Ianvaria 1996 Goda

[ The Eurasian alliance: New lines, problems and perspectives : Proceedings of a scientific session. January 18, 1996 ]
Moscow: ISPI RAN, 1996
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 7.50
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Code: 009432
Rodionov, Ivan
Tikhii Don

[ Quiet Don : ]
St. Petersburg: Dmitrii Bulanin, 1994
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 16.50
The book "Tikhii Don", originally published in 1914, it is a collection of essays on the history of the Don Cossacks. The author, who died in emigration in 1940, is himself a candidate for the authorship of the novel `Tikhii Don`, traditionally attributed to Sholokhov.
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Code: 012042
Svodnyi Katalog Listovok Pervykh Let Sovetskoi Vlasti: 25 Oktiabria (7 Noiabria) 1917-1925
V Piati Tomakh, Desiati Knigakh

[ Combined catalog of leaflets issued in the first years of Soviet Power: October 25 (November 7) 1917 -1925 : Volume 1: Leaflets of the higher organs of power and government, of the central party, the trade union, comsomol, and other organizations ]
: Rossiiskaia Natsional’naia Biblioteka, 1995-2006
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 299.00
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Code: 007295-04
Kul`turnoe Nasledie Narodov Sibiri i Severa
Materialy Chetvertykh Sibirskikh Chtenii 12-14 Oktiabria 1998 g. Sankt-Peterburg

[ The Cultural legacy of the peoples of Siberia and the Far North : Proceedings of the Fourth Siberian Readings ]
St. Petersburg: Muzei Antropologii i Etnografii RAN, 2000
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 18.00
This is a collection of articles on the ethnography and culture of aboriginal peoples of the Far North and Siberia: Traditions, folklore, genealogy, beliefs and arts. Among the contributors are ethnographers, archeologists, historians, linguists, sociologists, etc.
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Code: 030897
Syrf, V. I
Gagauzskaia Narodnaia Volshebnaia Skazka

[ Gagauz folk fairy-tale : ]
St. Petersburg: RKhGA, 2013
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 24.00
This monograph deals with Gagauz folk fairy-tales on the basis of materials collected in South Bessarabia in the 19th – 20th centuries, archival and literary sources.
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Code: 005145-10
Luk`ianov, A.A. et al
Minskoe Voennoe Kladbishche
Zakhoroneniia Dorevoliutsionnogo Perioda

[ The Minsk military cemetery : Graves of the pre-Revolutionary period ]
St. Petersburg: VIRD, 2002
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 9.00
This brochure contains information about a military cemetery in the city of Minsk. The chapel built in 1898 commemorates veterans of the Russian-Turkish war of 1877-1878. The brochure includes biographical information about the people buried in the cemetery before the revolution of 1917.
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Code: 013875-2
Istoriia Natsiona`lnykh Literatur
Perechityvaia i Pereosmyslivaia. Vypusk 2

[ History of national literatures: Reread and reevaluated. Issue 2 : Perechityvaia i Pereosmyslivaia. Vypusk 2 ]
Moscow: Nasledie, 1996
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 12.00
This issue of the series includes articles on the historiosophy of literature, Belorussian Renaissance, Ukrainian baroque in the literature of N. Gogol and G. Skovoroda (18th-20th), the Georgian poet Vazha Pshavella and the writer Nodar Dumbadze, the poetry of the Armenian poet P.
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Code: 016197
Maloletko, A.A., Maloletko, A.M
Voinstvo Altaiskogo Gornogo Okruga (1726-1917)

[ Military force of the Altai Mountain District: 1726-1917 : ]
Tomsk: Tomskii Universitet, 2001
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 25.50
The Tomsk fortress (founded in 1604) located in the foothills of Altai was one of the first military centers of Russian colonization of Siberia. The next step was taking over the Alai mountain range with its rich deposits of precious and non-ferrous metals.
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Code: 013191-4
Lavrovskie (Sredneaziatsko-Kavkazskie) Chteniia 2000-2001 gg.
Kratkoe Soderzhanie Dokladov

[ Lavrov (Central Asia and Caucasus) readings 2000-2001 : Conference proceedings ]
St. Petersburg: Muzei Antropologii i Etnografii, 2002
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 19.50
This collected work includes the proceedings of two consecutive conferences of 2000 and 2001 on the ethnic history and current state of Central Asian, including the Kazakh and Caucasian people, their traditional social organization, religion, life style, ethnic self-vision, material and spiritual culture.
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Code: 013191-3
Lavrovskie (Sredneaziatsko-Kavkazskie) Chteniia 1998-1999 gg.
Kratkoe Soderzhanie Dokladov

[ Lavrov (Central Asia and Caucasus) readings 1998-1999 : Conference proceedings ]
St. Petersburg: Muzei Antropologii i Etnografii, 2001
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 21.00
This collected work includes the proceedings of two consecutive conferences of 1998 and 1999 on the ethnic history and current state of Central Asian, including Kazakh and Caucasian people, their traditional social organization, religion, life style, ethnic self-vision, and material and spiritual culture.
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Code: 011706
Fedianovich, T
Semeinye Obychai i Obriady Finno-Ugorskikh Narodov Uralo-Povolzh`ia
Konets XIX veka- 1980 gody

[ Family traditions and rituals of Finno-Ugor peoples from Ural-Volga Region : Late 19th cent.-1980s ]
Moscow: Institut Etnologii i Antropologii RAN, 1997
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 24.00
This book describes birth, marriage, and burial customs of various Finno-Ugrian peoples. The author points to the adverse influence of education and urbanization on rituals, to modification of rituals, and their current formal use.
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Code: 013172
Lallukka, Seppo
Vostochno-Finskie Narody Rossii
Analiz Etnodemograficheskikh Protsessov

[ The East Finnish minorities of Russia : Analysis of ethnodemographic trends ]
St. Petersburg: Evropeiskii Dom, 1997
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 34.50
The nationalist conflicts of the 1980-1990s that caused a renewed interest in the problems of ethnic identity, prompted this study of the personal, social, and collective components of ethnicity among four Finno-Ugric people of the Ural area: Mordovians, Udmurts, Marians, and Komi.
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Code: 004909
Eloeva, F.A
Tiurkoiazychnye Pravoslavnye Greki Vostochnoi Gruzii
Tsaklinskii i Tetritsakaroisskii Raiony

[ Turkish speaking Orthodox Greeks of eastern Georgia : Tsaklinskii i Tetritsakaroisskii Raiony ]
St. Petersburg: St. Peterburgskii Gos. Universitet, 1995
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 6.00
The report is based on field studies in two regions of compact settlements of Greeks in eastern Georgia, and describes the local version of the Pontus dialect. The author also touches upon their ethnic self-identity and the history of Pontus continued in this diaspora.
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Code: 013191
Lavrovskie (Sredneaziatsko-Kavkazskie) Chteniia 1994-1995 gg.
Kratkoe Soderzhanie Dokladov

[ Lavrov`s (Central Asia and Caucasia) readings 1994-1995 : Conference proceedings ]
St. Petersburg: Muzei Antropologii i Etnografii, 1997
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 18.00
This collected work includes the proceedings of two consequent conferences on the ethnic history and current state of Central Asian and Caucasian peoples, their traditional social organization, life style, material and spiritual culture.
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Code: 003327
Berdyev, M.S
Traditsionnaia Sistema Pitaniia Turkmen
Etnokul`turnyi Aspekt

[ Traditional food of the Turkmen : Ethnocultural aspect ]
Ashgabat: Ylym, In-t Istorii Akademii Nauk Turkmenistana, 1992
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 24.00
This monograph studies the historical traditions of eating in Tukmenistan, its traditional food and cuisine, rituals and etiquette of everyday and holiday eating, family and social meals. Bibliography.
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