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Since 1989 Panorama of Russia has specialized in academic and reference publications from the Russian Federation and the Commonwealth of Independent States.

Audiobooks on tape, CD and DVD

Total records: 139
[ 1 ][ 2 ][ 3 ][ 4 ][ 5 ]
Code: 013740-1
Holy Russia
Part One: The Temples of Saint Petersburg. 4 CDs

[ Holy Russia : Part One: The Temples of Saint Petersburg. 4 CDs ]
Moscow: Lanck Software Ltd, 1998
Language: Russian and English
 Price: $ 45.00
This CD-ROM provides two modes of operation: 1) Information for common users interested in the history of Russia; 2) Training for high school and college students. The disk contains over 300 combinations of questions and answers.
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Code: 003834
Khudozhniki Sankt-Peterburga: Konets XX Veka

[ Khudozhniki Sankt-Peterburga: Konets XX Veka : ]
St. Petersburg: Profil` - Palitra, 1997
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 30.00
Presents over 600 works by 116 St. Petersburg artists. The catalog has an original, accessible, and simple interface. Parallel text in Russian and English.
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Code: 007533
Nekrasov, N.A
N.A. Nekrasov: Lirika

[ N.A. Nekrasov: Lirika : ]
Moscow: Stradiz, 1998
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 10.50
Read: P. Vishniakov, Ia. Smolenskii et al
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Code: 016918
Tysiacha i Odna Noch`
Khalif na Chas. CD

[ 1001 Arabian nights : Caliph for an hour ]
Moscow: Russkii Kompakt Disk (RCD), 2001
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 12.00
Read by Aleksandr Pashutin.
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Code: 016913
Tysiacha i Odna Noch`
Rybak i Dzhinn

[ 1001 Arabian nights : The Fisherman and the genie ]
Moscow: Russkii Kompakt Disk (RCD), 2001
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 12.00
Read by Raisa Riazanova.
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Code: 016917
Tysiacha i Odna Noch`
Skazka o Trekh Iablokakh. Skazka o Shirin i Rybake. Skazka o Masrure. Rasskaz o Vliublennykh

[ 1001 Arabian nights : The Tale of three apples. Khusrau and Shirin and the Fisherman. A Tale about Masrur. A Tale about a loving couple ]
Moscow: Russkii Kompakt Disk (RCD), 2001
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 12.00
Read by Tat`iana Rodionova.
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Code: 024048
Shcherbakov, Mikhail
Tridtsat` Diskov
Teksty Pesen

[ 30 disks : Texts of songs ]
Moscow: Vremia, 2007
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 25.00
Mikhail Shcherbakov and his ironical songs are very much appreciated by his colleagues. "Well done things - this is Shcherbakov, this is his main feature and trademark…" (Dmitrii Bykov).
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Code: 021871
Strugatskii, A., Strugatskii, B
Za Milliard Let do Kontsa Sveta

[ A Billion years before the end of the world : ]
Moscow: Media Kniga, 2006
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 19.00
A story by the brothers Strugatskiis (1976). Read by A. Karapetian. 5 hours 11 minutes. For MP3 players.
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Code: 022582
Bulgakov, Mikhail
Sobach`e Serdtse

[ A Dog`s heart : ]
Moscow: Klassika, 2006
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 19.00
This CD includes story "A Dog`s Heart" by Mikhail Bulgakov. Read by German Valiev. 3 hours 42 min.
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Code: 021861
Averchenko, Arkadii
Diuzhina Nozhei v Spinu Revoliutsii. Shutka Metsenata

[ A Dozen knives in the back of the revolution. The Joke of a patron : ]
Moscow: Media Kniga,
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 19.00
Arkadii Averchenko (1881-1925) was the editor and a contributor to the magazine "Satiricon" and the author of a novel, essays and memoirs. His contemporaries called him `king of laughter`. Read by V. Gerasimov.
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Code: 026110
Atlas-Kalendar` Nizhegorodskoi Gubernii na 1875 g. Nizhnii Novgorod 1875
Elektronnyi Nositel

[ Address-Calendar of Nizhnii Novgorod Guberniia for 1875 : Electronic format ]
Moscow: GPIB, 2007
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 18.00
Local information publications of Russian gubernias and oblasts were published under various titles: Pamiatnaia knizhka, spravochnaia knizhka, kalendar`, adres-kalendar`, etc. They were published in addition to other local publications: newspapers, local studies, transactions of local archives, and others.
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Code: 026109
Adres-Kalendar` Lits, Sluzhashchikh v Viatskoi Gubernii na 1871 g. Viatka 1871
Elektronnyi Nositel

[ Address-Calendar of officers and clerks of the Viatka Gubernia for 1871 : Electronic format ]
Moscow: GPIB, 2007
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 18.00
Local information publications of Russian gubernias and oblasts were published under various titles: Pamiatnaia knizhka, spravochnaia knizhka, kalendar`, adres-kalendar`, etc. They were published in addition to other local publications: newspapers, local studies, transactions of local archives, and others.
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Code: 007616-CD
Arkhangel`skii, Aleksandr
Aleksandr I

[ Aleksandr I : ]
Moscow: Molodaia gvardiia, 2008
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 15.00
This audio book is about Alexander the First (1801-1825), one of the most controversial Russian Tsars. He was involved in his father`s assassination; started unsuccessful reforms; but won the war over Napoleon; founded the Lyceum of Tsarskoe Selo which gave to Russian culture not only Pushkin, but also many others who became the glory of the country; and founded the Union of European countries.
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Code: 011917B
Merezhkovskii, D.S
Antikhrist: Petr i Aleksei

[ Antichrist: Petr and Aleksei : ]
Moscow: Klassika, 2006
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 29.00
"Antichrist: Petr and Aleksei" is the third novel by the well known philosopher and writer Dmitrii Merezhkovskii in his trilogy "Christ and Antichrist". Read by Vladimir Samoilov. Time 23 hours and 13 minutes.
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Code: 005802
Zamiatin, E.I
Na Kulichkakh

[ At the world`s end : ]
Moscow: Novaia Biblioteka,
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 27.00
Read by R. Kisilev. 4 cassettes. Time 4 hours.
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Code: 023146
Akunin, Boris

[ Azazel` : ]
Moscow: Klassika, 2006
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 19.00
The first book in the series Prikliucheniia Erasta Fandorina. The events in the book take place in 1876. Read by A. Bykov, O. Aroseva, time 4 hours, 47 minutes.
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Code: 001385
Kravchinskii, M.E
Boris Sichkin: Ia - Buba Kastorskii!

[ Boris Sichkin: I am Buba Kastorskii! : ]
Nizhnii Novgorod: Dekom, 2010
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 26.00
This book is about the chanson singer Boris Sichkin who after the film "Neulovimye Mstiteli" became known as Buba Kastorskii. Emigrated in America in 1979. The book is accompanied with a rare video (DVD) (1922-2002).
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Code: 002327-CD
Pavlenko, N.I
Ekaterina I

[ Catherine I : ]
Moscow: Molodaia Gvardiia, 2008
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 15.00
Audio book version of a biography of the first Russian Empress Catherine the First (1725-1727), the wife of Petr I, by a well known specialist in 18th century Russian history and a master of the historico-biographical genre, Nikolai Pavlenko.
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Code: 023151
Rybakov, Anatolii
Deti Arbata

[ Children of Arbat : ]
Moscow: Klassika, 2006
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 26.00
Read by Igor` Dobriakov. Time 27 hours and 16 mins.
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Code: 021866
Rybakov, Anatolii
Deti Arbata

[ Children of Arbat : ]
Moscow: Media Kniga, 2006
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 29.00
Autobiographical novel by Anatolii Rybakov (1911-2003). Read by I. Dobriakov. 27 hours 16 minutes. For MP3 players.
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Code: 012513-95
Kinomaniia - 95
Entsiklopediia Rossiiskogo Kinoiskusstva

[ Cinemania-97 : Encyclopedia of Russian cinema ]
Moscow: Microsoft, Cinemaniia, 1995
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 50.00
Special price: $ 39.00
More than 4,200 articles about Russian and FSU films from the period 1908-1994, including 550 biographies and filmographies of Russian actors, directors, cameramen, artists and composers, 54 fragments and clipping lists from the most famous films, 35 sound fragments with songs.
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Code: 021873
Bulgakov, M.A
Diavoliada. Rokovye Iaitsa

[ Devil story. Fatal eggs : ]
Moscow: Media Kniga, 2006
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 19.00
Diavoliada (1923). Rokovye Iaitsa (1924). Read by A. Iaroslavtsev, A. Gruzdev. 4 hours 42 minutes. For MP3 players.
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Code: 001874B
Pasternak, Boris
Doktor Zhivago

[ Doctor Zhivago : ]
Moscow: Media Kniga, 2006
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 29.00
The Nobel award winning novel by Boris Pasternak. Read by Kirill Grebenshchikov. 24 hours 08 minutes. For MP3 players.
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Code: 021880
Kuprin, A.I

[ Duel : ]
Moscow: Media Kniga, 2006
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 19.00
Read by I. Basov. 10 hours 25 minutes. For MP3 players.
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Code: 020207
Entsiklopediia Kino Kirilla i Mefodiia

[ Encyclopedia of filmm by Kirill and Mfodii : ]
Moscow: Êèðèëëà è Ìåôîäèÿ, 2003
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 28.00
22,000 entries; 3,700 images; 150 video clips; dictionary of cinema terms; illustrated chronicle of the history of cinema; over 11,000 reviews; over 10,000 personalities; stars of Russian and foreign films; the best films of 50 countries, etc.
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Code: 003930
Entsiklopediia Istorii Rossii: 862-1917

[ Encyclopedia of Russian history: 862-1917 : ]
Moscow: KOMINFO, [1998]
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 79.00
This encyclopedia on CD-ROM contains about 1,000 entries on Russian history: Tsars and emperors, cultural monuments, chronology and genealogy, and the best known works of art. There are about 700 slides and video fragments, maps, schemes of the most important battlefields.
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Code: 021868
Pushkin, Aleksandr
Evgenii Onegin. Malen`kie Tragedii

[ Eugeny Onegin. Small tragedies : ]
Moscow: Media Kniga, 2006
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 19.00
Includes: novel in verse Evgenii Onegin; Small Tragedies: Skupoi Rytsar`, Motsart i Sal`eri, Kamennyi Gost; Pir vo Vremia Chumy. Read by Viacheslav Bukharov. 5 hours 38 minutes. For MP3 players.
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Code: 023153
Pushkin, A.S
Evgenii Onegin. Malen`kie Tragedii

[ Evgenii Onegin. Small tragedies : ]
Moscow: Klassika, 2006
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 19.00
Read by Viacheslav Bukharov. Time 5 hours and 38 mins.
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Code: 010568D
Tolkovyi Slovar` Zhivogo Russkogo Iazyka.

[ Explanatory dictionary of living Russian language : ]
: ETS-AST-Veche, 1998
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 125.00
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Code: 005123E
Paskhal`nye Iaitsa Faberzhe
Mul`timediinyi Al`bom

[ Faberge Easter Eggs : Multimedia album ]
Moscow: KOMINFO, 1997
Language: English
 Price: $ 59.00
The famous collection of Faberge Easter Eggs was made to mark the notable events in the life of the imperial family and in Russian history at large. Over 50 eggs were made during of the firm `s existence, and each of them is unique, concealing a surprise of its own.
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