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Since 1989 Panorama of Russia has specialized in academic and reference publications from the Russian Federation and the Commonwealth of Independent States.


Total records: 24
[ 1 ]
Russia in the 20th-21st Centuries
Cold War (1)Collapse of the USSR (1)Great Terror, GULAG (1)
Revolution of 1917 and the Civil War (3)World War Two (1)
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Code: 013010
Makarchuk, S. V
Sotsialisty Rossii v Mezhrevoliutsionnyi Period (Iiul` 1907 - Fevral` 1917 gg.)
Protivoborstvo i Edinenie Fraktsii i Gruppirovok

[ The Socialists of Russia in the interrevolutionary period (July 1907 -February 1917) : Confrontation and uniting of factions and groups ]
Kemerovo: Kemerovskii Gos. Universitet, 1994
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 15.00
Special price: $ 12.00
This textbook on the history of several socialist parties, groups, and factions, including Socialist-Revolutionaries (Esers) and Social-Democrats in between two Russian revolutions.
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Code: 009994
Trudnosti Sotsial`nogo Obnovleniia Rossii (1993-1994)
Sbornik Obzorov

[ Hardships of the social transformation of Russia (1993-94) : Collection of reviews ]
Moscow: INION, 1996
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 17.00
Special price: $ 13.00
This collection includes reviews of sociological studies devoted to labor conflicts and the labor movement, problems of youth in Russia, social deviance in the army. social problems of migration, social attitude towards the homeless.
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Code: 009484
Gosudarstvennye Deiateli Rossii XIX-Nachala XX v.
Biograficheskii Spravochnik

[ Statesmen of Russia 19th - early 20th cent. : Biographical Handbook ]
: Izd-vo Moskovskogo Universiteta, 1995
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 18.00
Special price: $ 14.00
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Code: 011259
Individual`nyi Politicheskii Terror v Rossii : XIX-Nachalo XX v
Materialy Konferentsii

[ Individual political terror in Russia : 19th-early 20th centuries ]
Moscow: Memorial, 1996
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 16.00
Special price: $ 14.00
Terror as a method of political struggle has a long history in Russia. This history has practically not been studied until some of the archive materials became available. This is a book of extended resumes of the conference on "Individual Political Terror in Russia: 19th-early 20th Centuries".
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Code: 005844
Rossiiskoe Narodovlastie
Razvitie, Sovremennye Tendentsii i Protivorechiia

[ Russian democracy : Development, current trends and contradictions ]
Moscow: Fond Liberal`naia Missiia, Novoe izd-vo, 2005
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 18.00
Special price: $ 16.20
Will the Russian Federation become a democratic nation with a republican government? Will this country form efficient institutions of citizen control over government misconduct? These questions are topical in today’s Russia.
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Code: 001594
Desiat` Let, Kotorye Potriasli...
1991-2001 gg

[ Ten years, that shook... : 1991-2001 ]
Moscow: Vagrius, Literaturnaia Gazeta, 2002
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 18.00
Special price: $ 16.20
This book includes 20 articles published in the newspaper Literaturnaia Gazeta. Nineteen well known Russian politicians and social activists of various political orientations present their vision of what happened to Russia in 1991-2001.
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Code: 001539
Stalin, I
O Velikoi Otechestvennoi Voine Sovetskogo Soiza

[ On the Great Patriotic War of the Soviet Union : ]
Moscow: Kraft+, 2002
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 19.50
Special price: $ 16.58
This book by Joseph Stalin is a reprint of the 1946 edition. It is published to reinstate the significance of Stalin`s leadership in the victory in WWII. About one third of the book is taken by Stalin`s military orders and speeches celebrating the most significant victories in the Great Patriotic War.
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Code: 030449
Shirokorad, A.B
Kak Malaia Rus` Stala Pol`skoi Okrainoi

[ How Little Russia became Poland`s outskirt : ]
Moscow: Veche, 2012
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 19.00
Special price: $ 17.00
This book tells about little studied pages of the history of Ukraine. It describes how one third of the Old Russian state became a Polish land. Where did the nobility and boyars of Little Russia go? How real was the opportunity of uniting Great and Little Russia in the 14th and 15th centuries? The author answers these and other question related to this land.
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Code: 010855
Kozbanenko, V.A
Partiinye Fraktsii v I i II Gosudarstvennykh Dumakh Rossii (1906-1907)

[ Party factions in the first and second Russian State Dumas. 1906-1907 : ]
Moscow: ROSSPEN, 1996
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 21.00
Special price: $ 18.00
This book is devoted to the history of the formation of party factions in the first two Russian State Dumas and their role in parliamentary decisions.
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Code: 011574
Dobrovol`skii, A. V
Sotsialisty-Revoliutsionery Sibiri
Ot Raspada k Samolikvidatsii

[ Socialist-Revolutionaries of Siberia : From break-up to self liquidation ]
Novosibirsk: [n/p], 1997
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 21.00
Special price: $ 18.90
This brochure studies the socialist-revolutionary (esers) movement in Siberia in 1919-1923. Based on new archive materials. Name list and bibliography.
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Code: 008151
Strelianyi, A.I
Vashi Pis`ma na "Svobodu"

[ Your letters to Liberty : ]
Moscow: Vremia, 2000
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 21.00
Special price: $ 19.00
Anatolii Strelianyi was host of the show Your Letters at the Russian department of Radio Liberty in Prague. This is a transcript of the show for two years in 1995-1997. The letters sent by Russian people to the station touch the most sensitive issues of recent Russian history during El`tsin`s period, their opinions, political orientations, and hopes.
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Code: 020445
Orekhov, A.M
Sovetskii Soiuz i Pol`sha v Gody "Ottepeli"
Iz Istorii Sovetsko-Pol`skikh Otnoshenii

[ The Soviet Union and Poland in the years of the "thaw" : From the history of Soviet-Polish relations ]
Moscow: Indrik, 2005
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 23.00
Special price: $ 20.70
This monograph covers five years in the history of Soviet-Polish relations which lately were called the "thaw". The author focuses his attention on the genesis, development and overcoming of the social and political crisis in Poland that had its peak in October 1956.
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Code: 027116
Orlov, I.B
Sovetskaia Povsednevnost`
Istoricheskii i Sotsiologicheskii Aspekty Stanovleniia

[ Soviet everyday life : Historical and sociological aspects of formation ]
Moscow: GU VShE, 2010
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 25.00
Special price: $ 21.00
The monograph studies historical and sociological aspects of Soviet everyday life in the first half of the 20th century. It describes the role of mass tourism, communal flats, alcohol policy and leisure time, family experience and strategies in daily life of the Soviet people.
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Code: 009741
Sobchak, Anatolii
Zhila-Byla Kommunisticheskaia Partiia

[ Communist Party that was : ]
St. Petersburg: Lenizdat, 1995
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 24.00
Special price: $ 21.00
Anatolii Sobchak, mayor of St. Petersburg and political advisor to Gorbachev and El`tsin, is the one who returned the city to its old name. This book is his reflections on how the Communist Party collapsed, what chances of its revival are, and the problems and contradictions of the transition period from totalitarism to democracy.
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Code: 004092
Ryzhkov, Vladimir
Darovannaia Demokratiia
Izbrannye Stat`i po Politike, Ekonomike, Istorii, Mezhdunarodnym Otnosheniiam

[ Granted democracy : Selected articles in politics, economy, history and internatioanl relations ]
Moscow: Moskovskaia Shkola Politicheskikh Issledovanii, 2006
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 24.00
Special price: $ 21.60
Vladimir Ryzhkov, one of very few independent representative in the Russian parliament since 1994, explains why the "granted democracy" which Russia has now does not work, and how to work and fight for a real one.
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Code: 019422
Partii Rossiiskikh Promyshlennikov i Predprinnimatelei
Dokumenty i Materialy: 1905-1906 gg.

[ Parties of Russian manufacturers and entrepreneurs : Documents and materials: 1905-1906 ]
Moscow: ROSSPEN, 2004
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 24.00
Special price: $ 21.60
Documents and materials of parties of Russian industrialists and employers give a rather full notion of the views held by members of the business community in 1905-1906 regarding a large spectrum of problems of Russian socio-economic and political history.
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Code: 009951
Rossiiskie Liberaly
Kadety i Oktiabristy

[ Russian liberals : Cadets and Octobrists ]
Moscow: ROSSPEN, 1996
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 29.00
Special price: $ 23.00
This book is a compilation of the program documents, current writings, and speeches of two liberal political movements in Russia at the turn of the century: the constitutional democrats and the Octobrists (Soiuz 17 Oktiabria (1905)).
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Code: 011463
V Poiskakh Rossii
Obshchestvenno-Politicheskaia Mysl` Russkogo Zarubezh`ia o Revoliutsii 1917 g., Bol`shevizme i Budushchikh Sud’bakh Rossiiskoi Gosudarstvennosti

[ In search of Russia : The Sociopolitical thought of Russians abroad about the Revolution of 1917 ]
: RKhGI, 1996
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 29.00
Special price: $ 23.00
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Code: 030366
Rossiiskaia Gosudarstvennost` i Sovremennost`
Problemy Identichnosti i Istoricheskoi Preemstvennosti: Sbornik Dokladov

[ Russian statehood and the present : Problems of identity and historical continuity: Collected reports ]
Moscow: RISI, 2012
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 29.00
Special price: $ 26.00
This collection includes reports of leading scholars from Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Serbia and Bulgaria about the history and present of Russian statehood and culture as a unique phenomenon in world civilization.
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Code: 021098
Demin, V.A
Verkhniaia Palata Rossiiskoi Imperii. 1906-1917

[ The Upper chamber of the Russian Empire. 1907-1917 : ]
Moscow: ROSSPEN, 2006
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 29.00
Special price: $ 26.10
This monograph commemorates the 100th hundredth anniversary of the upper chamber of the Russian parliament, the State Council (Gosudarstvennyi Sovet) created in February 1906. This book is about the history and structure of the State Council, its place and powers in the state system, factions and groups, method of organization and execution of the power.
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Code: 001801
Politbiuro TsK RKP(b) - VKP(b) i Evropa
Resheniia "Osoboi Papki": 1923-1939

[ The Politbureau of the Central Committee of RCP(b)- ARCP(b) and Europe : Resolutions from the "Special Folder": 1923-1939 ]
Moscow: ROSSPEN, 2001
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 29.00
Special price: $ 26.10
This is a collection of the main resolutions of the Politbureau of the Central Committee of RCP(b)- ARCP(b) on their European policy in 1923-1939. These documents had the highest secrecy. The documents reflect the first steps of soviet foreign policy in Europe and the mechanism of making the important political decisions in the pre-WWII period.
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Code: 028675
Zhil`tsov, S.S
Ukraina: 20 Let Puti k Nezavisimosti

[ Ukraine: 20 year path to sovereignty : ]
Moscow: Vostok - Zapad, 2012
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 32.00
Special price: $ 29.00
This monograph includes a systematic analysis of the formation and development of the new independent state of Ukraine over the last 20 years. The author also describes the evolution of her political system, political competitions, and the regional and cultural spectrum of modern Ukraine.
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Code: 020580
Akhiezer, A.S (Aleksandr Samoilovich)
Aleksandr Akhiezer. Trudy
V Dvukh Tomakh

[ Transactions: In two books : V Dvukh Tomakh ]
Moscow: Novyi Khronograf, 2006-2008
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 59.00
Special price: $ 53.10
This is a two-volume publication of works by the well known Russian philosopher, historian of culture and sociologist Aleksandr Akhiezer (1929-2007). The first book (2006, ISBN 5948810151): Peculiarities of the history of Russia; Catastrophes in nature and society as a moral problem; On the specifics of modern philosophical thought.
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Code: 014664
V Poiskakh Sud`by: Evreiskii Narod v Krugovorote Istorii: V 3-kh Knigakh

[ In search of its fate: Jewish people in the rotation of history : ]
: Mezhdunarodnye Otnosheniia, 2001-2003
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 72.00
Special price: $ 64.80
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