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Since 1989 Panorama of Russia has specialized in academic and reference publications from the Russian Federation and the Commonwealth of Independent States.

Rare Russian Books

Total records: 44
[ 1 ][ 2 ]
Sacred Music with scores (5)
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Code: 004885-2
Russkaia Narodnaia Pesnia
Neizvestnye Stranitsy Muzykal`noi Istorii: Vypusk 2

[ The Russian folk song : Unknown pages of musical history ]
St. Petersburg: Rossiiskii Institut Istorii Iskusstv, 1995
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 27.00
This collective work studies songs and tunes from hand written collections, both with and without scores, written down in the period from the second half of the 17th to early 19th centuries. These collections are housed in several Russian archives.
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Code: 030408-2
Barmin, V.G
Mysli pro Tvorchestvo
Chast` 2: Religioznyi Smysl Tvorchestva Viktora Tsoia

[ Thoughts about creativity: Part two: The religious meaning of Viktor Tsoi`s works : Chast` 2: Religioznyi Smysl Tvorchestva Viktora Tsoia ]
Moscow: Sputnik+, 2012
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 21.00
This is a collection of essays about the personality and the religious meaning of works by Russian poet and musician Viktor Tsoi (1962-1990). (0.575 kg.)
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Code: 013022
Russkie Liricheskie Pesni Sibiri i Dal`nego Vostoka

[ The Russian lyric songs of Siberia and the Far East : ]
Novosibirsk: Nauka, 1997
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 39.00
This book is the most complete academic publication of non-ritual lyric songs of the Russian populations of Siberia and the Far East. It is the fourteenth volume of the series Pamiatniki Fol`klora Narodov Sibiri i Dal`nego Vostoka.
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Code: 026833
N.A. Rimskii-Korsakov. Issledovaniia i Materialy
Sbornik Statei

[ N.A. Rimskii-Korsakov. Research and materials : Collected scholarly articles ]
Moscow: 2009
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 29.00
This is a collection of studies and materials about an outstanding Russian composer N.A. Rimskii-Korsakov (1844-1908). Many of the materials, including his letters to composers A.K. Liadov, A,K. Glazunov and N.
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Code: 027188
Mify i Miry Aleksandra Glazunova
Sbornik Nauchnykh Statei

[ Myths and worlds of Aleksander Glazunov : Collected scholarly articles ]
St. Petersburg: NII khimii SPbGU, 2002
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 14.00
Collection of articles about Russian composer and educator Aleksander Glazunov (1865-1936), one of the followers of the musical group Moguchaia Kuchka. Contents: Notnye rukopisi A.K.Glazunova (tekstologicheskie aspekty izucheniia); Muzyka A.
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Code: 026857
Russko-Britanskie Muzykal`nye Sviazi

[ Russian-British musical connections : ]
St. Petersburg: SPb. gos. konservatoriia im. N.A. Rimskogo-Korsakova, 2009
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 35.00
This is a collection on the history of Russian-British musical connections since the 16th century and mutual influnce in thus area. It includes articles, new publications, essays and memoirs. Index. (0.
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Code: 026856
Kamerno-Ansamblevaia Muzyka v Tvorchestve Russkikh Kompozitorov
Sbornik statei

[ Chamber-ensemble music in the works of Russian composers : Collection of articles ]
St. Petersburg: SPb. gos. konservatoriia im. N.A. Rimskogo-Korsakova, 2009
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 15.00
The collection studies chamber-ensemble music in the works of Russian composers and its place in Russian musical culture of the 19th-20th centuries. (0.125 kg.)
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Code: 024754-09
Vremennik Zubovskogo Instituta: Zhurnal
Vyp. 9: Zubovskii institut: Vremena, Pokoleniia, Sud`by

[ Proceedings of the Zubovskii Institute : Issue 9: The Zubov Institute: Epochs, generations, fates ]
St. Petersburg: RIII, 2012
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 21.00
This is the ninth issue of proceedings of the Russian Institute for Studies in the History of the Arts (St. Petersburg). Contents: Institutskie dni i gody M.S. Druskina v kontekste 1920-1990 gg.; RIII i V.
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Code: 005226
Gurevich, S.D
Dinamika Zvuka v Kino

[ Dynamics of sound in cinema : ]
St. Petersburg: Rossiiskii Institut Istorii Iskusstv, 1992
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 9.00
According to the author, the role of sound in film making increased so drastically in the last two decades, that it is possible to speak of a "sound explosion" or that cinema "learned to speak" for the second time in its history.
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Code: 018119-5
Ustnaia i Pis`mennaia Transmissiia Tserkovno-Pevcheskoi Traditsii: Vostok - Rus` - Zapad
Materialy Mezhdunarodnoi Nauchnoi Konferentsii, 23-27 Maia 2005 Goda: Sbornik Statei

[ Oral and written transmission of Church-singing tradition: East - Rus` - West : Materials of an international scholarly conference May 2005 ]
Moscow: Moskovskaia konservatoriia, 2008
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 31.00
This collection of articles by Russian and foreign historians of religious music and singing deals with oral and written transmission of Church singing tradition ascending to Byzantine church rites. (0.
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Code: 024754-02
Vremennik Zubovskogo Instituta
Vyp. 2: Metamir Muzyki: Issledovaniia, Gipotezy, Diskussii

[ Proceedings of the Zubovskii Institut : Issue 2: Metamir of music: Research, hypotheses, discussions ]
St. Petersburg: RIII, 2009
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 13.00
This is the second issue of proceedings of the Russian Institute for the Studies in History of Arts. The current volume contains works on the musical culture of peoples of Russia: sound of Turkic language peoples; acoustic systems; music of Tsvetaeva`s poetry; chordophones of Central Asia; tune organization of music of East-European Jews, etc.
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Code: 024754-01
Vremennik Zubovskogo Instituta
Vyp. 1: Lapinskie Motivy. K 65-letiiu Viktora Arkad`evicha Lapina

[ Proceedings of the Zubovskii Institut : Issue 1: Lapin`s motifs: In honor of the 65th birthday of Viktor Arkad`evich Lapin ]
St. Petersburg: RIII, 2008
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 14.00
This is the first issue of proceedings of the Russian Institute for the Studies in History of Art. The current volume contains works of followers and collegues of V.A.Lapin in his areas of scientific interests: music of the Russian wedding; the phenomenon of bilingual folklore; studies of hand-written song collections, etc.
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Code: 024754-07
Vremennik Zubovskogo Instituta
Vyp. 7: Instrumentalizm v Istorii Kul`tury

[ Proceedings of the Zubovskii Institute : Issue 7: Instrumentalism in the history of culture ]
St. Petersburg: RIII, 2011
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 21.00
This is the seventh issue of proceedings of the Russian Institute for Studies in the History of the Arts (St. Petersburg). Contents: Struny Boiana: k voprosu o programmnosti instrumental`noi muzyki XII v.
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Code: 006360
Imamutdinova, Z.A
Kul`tura Bashkir
Ustnaia Muzykal`naia Traditsiia ("Chtenie" Korana, Fol`klor)

[ The Bashkir culture : The Oral musical tradition: Qur`ianic cantillation, folk music ]
Moscow: Gos. Institut Iskusstvoznaniia, 2000
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 19.50
This monograph deals with the cultural history of the Bashkir from the archaic period to the twentieth century. The author substantiates the idea of the unity of European and Asian features in the Bashkir culture.
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Code: 016047
Russkii Semeino-Obriadovyi Fol`klor Sibiri i Dal`nego Vostoka
Svadebnaia Poeziia. Pokhoronnaia Prichet`

[ Russkii Semeino-Obriadovyi Fol`klor Sibiri i Dal`nego Vostoka : Svadebnaia Poeziia. Pokhoronnaia Prichet` ]
Novosibirsk: Nauka, 2002
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 39.00
This twenty-second volume in the series on the folklore of the peoples of Siberia and the Far East completes the publication of the song heritage of Siberian Russians. The collection includes 367 texts of wedding rites and funeral laments.
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Code: 022016
Ranniaia Russkaia Lirika
Repertuarnyi Spravochnik Muzykal`no-Poeticheskikh Tekstov XV-XVII Vekov

[ Early Russian lyrics : Repertory handbook of musical-poetic texts of the 15th-17th centuries ]
St. Petersburg: Biblioteka Akademii Nauk SSSR, 1988
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 24.00
This book deals with old Russian manuscripts of lyrics of non-liturgical content with well-defined rhythmic structure. This is a collection of so called "pokaiannye stikhi", the earliest form of Russian lyrics, as well as the description of the manuscripts and texts.
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Code: 005466
Traditsionnyi Fol`klor i Sovremennye Narodnye Khory i Ansambli

[ Traditional folklore and modern folk choirs and bands : ]
St. Petersburg: LGiTMiK, 1989
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 12.00
This volume continues the series on traditional song folklore, its vocal and musical techniques, teaching the history and training of performers of Russian musical folklore. One of the chapters contains discographies of Azerbaijani, Armenian, Georgian, Jewish, Latvian, and Mordovian folk songs.
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Code: 008803
Opernaia Rezhissura: Istoriia i Sovremennost`
Sbornik Statei i Publikatsii

[ Opera Directing: History and today : Sbornik Statei i Publikatsii ]
St. Petersburg: Rossiiskii Institut Istorii Iskusstv, 2000
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 19.50
Usually books about opera directing are written by the directors themselves. This collection presents a view from the outside, it includes works of historians of music and theater. The contributors discuss the essence of opera directing as well as works of several outstanding Russian opera directors of the twentieth centuries: Vsevolod Meirekhold (1874-1940), Fedor Komissarzhevskii (1882-1954), N.
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Code: 005280
Nikitina, L.D
Istoriia Russkoi Muzyki
Populiarnye Lektsii

[ A History of Russian music : Popular lectures ]
Moscow: Academia, 1999
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 15.00
This is a course of lectures on the history of Russian music of the 19th-20th centuries. The author gives artistic portraits of the most famous Russian composers: M. Glinka, A. Dargomyzhskii, M. Musorgskii, A.
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Code: 026832-2
Golos v Kulture: Lichnost`. Zhest. Zvukotvorchestvo
Vyp .2: Sbornik Statei

[ Voice in culture: Personality. Gesture. Creation of sounds : Issue 2: Collected articles ]
St. Petersburg: Institut Istorii Iskusstv, 2010
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 19.00
This book touches upon the issues of sound creation, gesture and listening in various cultural traditions: in Orthodox asceticism, reading the Koran, song performance, ritual songs in the Slavic-Baltic area, etc.
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Code: 026920-03
Materialy k "Entsiklopedii Muzykal`nykh Instrumentov Narodov Mira"
Vypusk 3

[ Materials for "Encyclopedia of musical instruments of peoples of the world": Issue 3 : Vypusk 3 ]
St. Petersburg: RIII, 2010
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 19.00
The book written by Russian, Belarusian, Estonian and Turkmen scientists represents the results of research devoted to one of the burning issues of modern instrument studies - the issue of terminology.
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Code: 024754-04
Vremennik Zubovskogo Instituta
Vyp. 4: Grani Interpretatsii

[ Proceedings of the Zubovskii Institut : Issue 4: Nuances of interpretation ]
St. Petersburg: RIII, 2010
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 24.00
This is the fourth issue of proceedings of the Russian Institute for the Studies in History of the Arts (St. Petersburg). The current volume contains works on various approaches to interpretations in music, visual arts, theater, literature: Nezavershennye proizvedeniia - "oshibka protiv logiki"; Soliarnye interpretatsii v akademicheskoi muzyke XX v.
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Code: 027120
Smirnov, V.V
Ogliadyvaias` na Vek Minuvshii
Izbrannye Stat`i, Zametki i Ocherki

[ Looking back at the past century : Collected articles, notes and sketches ]
St. Petersburg: Sankt-Peterburgskaia gosudarstvennaia konservatoriia, 2007
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 26.00
This is a collection by a professor of the St. Petersburg Conservatory Valerii Smirnov for 1960-2006. Contents: Neizvestnyi A.V. Ossovskii; "Virineia" S. Slonimskogo; Chaikovskii i Nikish (po otsenkam sovremennikov), Estetika i stil` "Zhar-Ptitsy" I.
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Code: 027100
Russko-Frantsuzskie Muzykal`nye Sviazi
Sbornik Nauchnykh Statei

[ Russo-French musical connections : Collected scholarly articles ]
St. Petersburg: Sankt-Peterburgskaia gosudarstvennaia konservatoriia, 2003
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 19.00
This is a collection of fourteen articles on the history of Russo-French musical connections. Among them: Boris Godunov" M.P. Musorgskogo vo Frantsii (1876-1908); Dafnis i Khloia" Ravelia v "Russkikh sezonakh; Debiussi i Skriabin: dva vzgliada na zhanr fortepiannoi preliudii, etc.
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Code: 027073
Orkestr bez Granits
Materialy Nauchnoi Konferentsii Pamiati Iu.A. Fortunatova: Sbornik Statei

[ Orchestra without borders : Materials of a scholarly conference in memory of Iu.A . Fortunatova: Collected articles ]
Moscow: Moskovskaia konservatoriia, 2009
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 27.00
This collection includes articles on the history and theory of orchestral music from the late Renaissance to the second avant-garde, its instruments and instrumentation, notation, etc. Contents: Klassitsizm: traktovka orkestra; Iavlenie massy zvuka (k voprosu tematizma); Idei Vtorogo avangarda i organnaia partitura, etc.
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Code: 027124
Russko-Nemetskie Muzykal`nye Sviazi
Sbornik Statei

[ Russo-German musical connections : Collected articles ]
St. Petersburg: St. Petersburg Gos. Konservatoriia, Izd-vo Politekhn. un-ta, 2006
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 16.00
Collection of twelve articles on the history of Russo-German musical connections by the professors of the St. Petesrburg State Conservatory. Contents: Proizvedeniia Gendelia na teksty B.-Kh. Brokesa v Rossii; Veber i Rossiia; Rossiiskie stranitsy biografii Vagnera, etc.
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Code: 027049
Skaftymova, L.A
Vokal`no-Simfonicheskoe Tvorchestvo S.V. Rakhmaninova i Russkaia Kantata Nachala XX Veka

[ Vocal-symphonic works of S.V. Rachmaninof and the Russian cantata in the early 20th century : ]
St. Petersburg: Izd-vo Politekhn. un-ta, 2009
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 22.00
This books deals with the genre of Russian cantata at its peak in the early 20th century. The central figure in this genre was Sergey Rakhmaninov. The author compares his works in this genre with works of other composers, as well as reviews related to his genre poetical and philosophical works.
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Code: 004911
Andrei Petrovich Rimskii-Korsakov: 1897-1942
K Stoletiiu so Dnia Rozhdeniia

[ Andrei Petrovich Rimskii-Korsakov : In honor of the 100th anniversary of his birth ]
St. Petersburg: Izd-vo Peterburgskogo Universiteta, 1998
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 12.00
This book on the life and work of the well-known zoologist A.P. Rimskii-Korsakov, the brother of the famous Russian composer, who played a very important role in forming the Zoology department of St. Petersburg University.
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Code: 027390
Tvorchestvo, Kontseptsii, Shkoly
Deiatel`nost` Professorov Moskovskoi Konservatorii: Ot Istokov do Nashikh Dnei: Sbornik Statei po Materialam Teoreticheskikh Sessii

[ Works, concepts, schools : The activities of professors of the Moscow Conservatory: From the beginning to our days ]
Moscow: Moskovskaia konservatoriia, 2008
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 26.00
This collection studies the artistic life and teaching activity of the outstanding musician professors of the Moscow conservatory and their pupils: A.I. Diubiuk, K.S. Mostras, G.G. Neigauz, L.N. Oborin, Iu.
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Code: 027026-02
"Ot Barokko k Romantizmu"
Muzykal`nye Epokhi i Stili: Estetika, Poetika, Ispolnitel`skaia Interpretatsiia: Sbornik Statei: Vyp. 2

[ "From Baroque to Romanticism" : Musical epochs and styles: Esthetics, poetics, performance interpretation. Collected articles: Issue 2 ]
Moscow: Moskovskaia konservatoriia, 2010
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 38.00
This is the second volume of transactions of scholars of the Moscow State Conservatory on the subject of musical epochs and styles: esthetics, poetics, and performance interpretation. The contributors to this collection analyze musical textology and poetics, peculiarities of historical instruments, traditions of performance and other issues in the history of music.
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