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Since 1989 Panorama of Russia has specialized in academic and reference publications from the Russian Federation and the Commonwealth of Independent States.

Rare Russian Books

Total records: 35
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Albums, Calendars, Catalogs
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Code: 013840-1
Markelov, G.V
Sviatye Drevnei Rusi: Materialy po Ikonografii (Prorisi, Perevody, Ikonopisnye Podlinniki)
Tom 1: Atlas Izobrazhenii

[ Saints of Old Rus: Materials on icongraphy . In two volumes : Tom 1: Atlas Izobrazhenii ]
St. Petersburg: Dmitrii Bulanin, 1998
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 64.00
The first volume of thjis two volume publication is an atlas of image patterns of saints and zealots of Old Rus (10th-beginning 18th century) made in two main techniques of copying: "proris" and "perevod".
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Code: 008199
Solov`eva, T.A
K Prichalam Angliiskoi Naberezhnoi
Putevoditel`-Spravochnik is Tsikla Po "Glavnoi Ulitse" Sankt-Peterburga v 6 tomakh

[ To the Piers of the English Embankment: Guide from the Series Along the Main Street of St. Petersburg: In six volumes : Putevoditel`-Spravochnik is Tsikla Po "Glavnoi Ulitse" Sankt-Peterburga v 6 tomakh ]
St. Petersburg: IKAR, 1998
Language: Russian & English
 Price: $ 33.00
This contemporary insight on St. Petersburg is formed from pedestrian and bus routes uniting its best architectural ensembles. One of the goals of this series is to help the reader to understand the role of the Neva river as the city`s main thoroughfare.
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Code: 009122
Davydov, Z.; Kupchenko, V
Krym Maksimiliana Voloshina

[ The Crimea of Maksimilian Voloshin : Photoalbum ]
Kyiv: Mistetstvo, 1994
Language: Russian and English
 Price: $ 45.00
Maksimilian Voloshin (1877-1932) was a poet and artist, who spent most of his life in the small town of Koktebel in the Crimea. M. Voloshin established a writers` community with his own house in this place as the base.
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Code: 004358
Lukichev, M.P. et al
Istoriia Moskvy v Dokumentakh XII-XVIII vv. Rossiiskogo Gosudarstvennogo Arkhiva Drevnikh Aktov

[ The History of Moscow in documents of the 12th-15th cc. of the Russian State Archive of Old Documents : ]
Moscow: Mosgorarkhiv, 1997
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 49.00
This book is a collection of reprints of documents on the history of Moscow dedicated to the city`s 850th anniversary. It is divided into several chapters: The Beginning of Moscow; Moscow sovereigns; Moscow prelates; Moscow on the battle field; Moscow grows; Moscow - the city of masters; Moscow teaches and learns; There is a feast in Moscow; Moscow between Europe and Asia; Moscow - the second capital of the Russian Empire; Muscovites- known and unknown.
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Code: 006441
Svirin, A.N
Iuvelirnoe Iskusstvo Drevnei Rusi: XI-XVII Vekov

[ Early Russian jewelry work: XI-XVII : ]
Moscow: Iskusstvo, 1972
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 49.00
78 color illustrations. Captions are in Russian, English, French, and German
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Code: 004111
Dmitriev, N.G
Mstera Rukotvornaia
Rasskazy ob Iskusstve lakovoi Miniatiury i ee Masterakh

[ Hand made in Mstera : Stories about the art of the lacquer miniature and its masters ]
St. Petersburg: Khudozhnik RSFSR, 1986
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 29.00
Mstera is known throughout the world as a center of papier-mache lacquer miniatures and icon painting. The author of this book, born in Mstera, one of the oldest artists of this place, focused on the specific features of the Mstera style, secrets of their art, the best known Mstera artists, and education of new ones.
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Code: 002891
A.M. Remizov. Avtografy
Iz Kollektsii Doma-Muzeia Mariny Tsvetaevoi: Katalog

[ Autographs : From the collection of the home museum of Marina Tsvetaeva: Catalog ]
: Dom-Muzei Mariny Tsetaevoi, 2003
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 170.00
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Code: 009902
Grant, Neil
Konflikty XX Veka
Illiustrirovannaia Istoriia: Al`bom

[ The chronicle of conflict in the twentieth century : Illustrated history: Album ]
Moscow: Fizkul`tura i Sport, 1995
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 39.00
This book contains about forty essays which analyze the most important military conflicts of the 20th century, including WW1, WW2, civil wars, wars among countries, and revolutions. Richly illustrated with black and white photographs.
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Code: 011438
Russkii Klassitsizm Vtoroi Poloviny XVII-Nachala XIX Veka

[ Russian classicism of the second half of the 17th - beginning of the 19th centuries : ]
Moscow: Izobrazitel`noe Iskusstvo, 1994
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 36.00
This book studies peculiarities of Russian classicism in architecture, painting and the applied arts. A large part of the book is given to the analysis of the relationship of Classicism to pseudo-Gothics, pre-Romanticist and Romanticist trends, the first indications of this style in the early 18-th century, and its later disappearance into Eclectics.
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Code: 006800
Nikonova, S.I
Kazan` na Starinnykh Otkrytkakh

[ The City of Kazan in old postcards : Al`bom ]
Kazan`: Svetliachok, 1995
Language: Russian, Tatar, English
 Price: $ 29.00
Kazan` was one of the largest city in imperial Russia. The history of the city goes back to the 12th century. At that time it was a small frontier fortress in the powerful state of Bulgaria in the Volga region.
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Code: 010022
Petergof: Al`manakh: Iz Istorii Dvortsov i Kollektsii
Àëüìàíàõ: Èç Èñòîðèè Äâîðöîâ è Êîëëåêöèé

[ Petergof: Almanach: From the history of the estates and collections : ]
St. Petersburg: Studiia Biografika, 1992
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 39.00
This collected work-album is about the Russian imperial summer residence Petergof, its architecture, parks, furniture, porcelain collections, carpets, and art collection.
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Code: 022090
Iamshchikov, Savelii
Anatolii Zverev

[ Anatolii Zverev : ]
Moscow: Galart, 1994
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 79.00
An album of the modern genius Russian painter Anatolii Zverev (1931-1986). Savelii (Savva) Iamshchikov (1938-2009) was a well known historian of old Russian art and a restorer.
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Code: 019715
Kaplanova, S.G
Novoe o Kustodieve

[ News about Kustodiev : ]
Moscow: Izobrazitel`noe Iskusstvo, 1979
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 79.00
The art of Boris Kustodiev (1878-1927), innovative and traditional at the time, recorded the folk culture of Russia. This monograph-album contains an article about Kustodiev`s artistic search, memoirs about him by his daughter and several of his friends and relatives, Kustodiev`s letters to his daughter (1909-1926).
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Code: 019712
Voronikhina, L.N
Georgii Semenovich Vereiskii

[ Georgii Semenovich Vereiskii : ]
Leningrad: Khudozhnik RSFSR, 1987
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 68.00
Georgii Semenovich Vereiskii (1886-1962) is best known for his portraits and landscapes, a members of the group "Mir Iskusstv". 121 illustrations. Captions in Russian and English.
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Code: 019711
Pakhomov, A.F
Pro Svoiu Rabotu

[ About my work : ]
Moscow: Khudozhnik RSFSR, 1970
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 69.00
Several generations of Russian children were raised on books of Russian tales and of Russian classic writers illustrated by Aleksandr Pakhomov (1900-1973). He also was known for his portraits and sculpture.
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Code: 019708
Kniga o Vladimire Favorskom

[ A Book about Vladimir Favorskii : ]
Moscow: Progress, 1967
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 97.50
This is a collection of works about Vladimir Favorskii (1886-1964), founder of the Russian school of xylography, theater painter, and a monumentalist. Among the contributors to this book are well known Russian artists, critics, poets, and theater directors: M.
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Code: 012253
Russkii Graficheskii Dizain. 1880-1917

[ Russian graphic design: 1880-1917 : ]
: Vneshsigma, 1997
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 59.00
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Code: 007930
Stark, V.P
Portrety i Litsa: XVIII - Seredina XIX Veka

[ Portraits and faces: the 18th-mid 19th centuries : ]
: Iskusstvo-SPB, 1994
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 29.00
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Code: 006357
Dzhakomo Kvarengi : Arkhitekturnaia Grafika
Katalog Vystavki na Russkom i Ital`ianskom Iazykakh

[ Dzhakomo Kvarengi : Arkhitekturnaia Grafika : Katalog Vystavki na Russkom i Ital`ianskom Iazykakh ]
St. Petersburg: Slaviia, Gos. Ermitazh, 1999
Language: Russian and Italian
 Price: $ 59.00
Many of the famous buildings of St. Petersburg , both public and private, were designed by the Italian architect Giacomo Quarenghi (1744-1817). He also worked in other cities of Russia. This is a catalog of his drawings, plans and drafts, as well as photographs of his buildings.
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Code: 002973
Uralov, Ivan, Vazhova, Marina
Peterburgskii Slitok
Peterburg. Naedine s Soboi. Peterburg, Trevozhnyi Gorod. Peterburg, Fragmenty Dekoratsii: Albums

[ St. Petersburg bar : Tete-a-tete with yourself. Anxious city. Fragments of sets ]
St. Petersburg: Neva, 2003
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 299.00
This is a unique artistic project which consists of three photo albums in one case: White Book (book of white nights), Silver Book (book about rains), Gold Book (book of sun). These albums are connected to each other by theme and plot.
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Code: 030210
V Domike NAIva: Sbornik

[ In the house of NAI: Collection : ]
Moscow: Sovpadenie, 2012
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 29.00
This book is about the phenomenon of naive art, both "adult" and "children’s" art. The collection helps one to understand how children perceive themselves in a culture, to be exact, in various cultures.
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Code: 001424
Vagner, G.K. (Georgii Karlovich)

[ Ryazan : Album ]
Moscow: Iskusstvo, 1971
Language: Russian, German, English, French
 Price: $ 39.00
This is a book-album about one of the oldest towns of Russia, Ryazan, its architecture and art. Bibliography. 88 illustrations.
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Code: 003347
Drevnosti Rossiikogo Gosudarstva

[ Antiques of the Russian State : ]
Moscow: Kapital i Kul`tura, 1994
Language: Russian and English
 Price: $ 99.00
This album contains a unique collection of Russian heirlooms, truly rare works of art of enduring esthetic value: icons, crowns, robes, weapons, tableware, and jewelry made by Russian craftsmen and masters of other nations living in Russia.
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Code: 001112
Nikolaeva, T.V
Drevnii Zvenigorod

[ Old Zvenigorod : ]
Moscow: 1978
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 49.00
Zvenigorod, one of the oldest Russian cities, was founded in the twelfth century. The city had reached its prime by the end of the 14th - first quarter of the 15th century under Prince Iurii as a a capital of his kingdom (kniazhestvo), the youngest son of Grand Duke of Moscow Dmitrii Donskoi.
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Code: 003341
Gosudarstvennaia Oruzheinaia Palata
Russkoe Iuvelirnoe Iskusstvo

[ The Armoury in the Moscow Kremlin: Russian Gold and Silver 12th-Early 20th Centuries : Russkoe Iuvelirnoe Iskusstvo ]
: Galart-AST, 1990
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 145.00
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Code: 008381
Starinnoe Oruzhie
Iz Sobraniia Gosudarstvennogo Istoricheskogo Muzeia

[ Starinnoe Oruzhie : Iz Sobraniia Gosudarstvennogo Istoricheskogo Muzeia ]
Moscow: Menatep, 1993
Language: Russian and English
 Price: $ 43.50
The collection of weaponry of the State History Museum in Moscow is one of the largest in Russia. This album includes weapons made by Russian and foreign armorers which have a particular artistic, historical, and memorial value.
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Code: 003810
Karpun, Alexei
Russian Jewelry
Mid-19th century - 20th century

[ Russkoe Iuvelirnoe Iskusstvo : Mid-19th century - 20th century ]
Moscow: Beresta, 1994
Language: English and Russian
 Price: $ 59.00
From the collection of the All-Russian Museum of Decorative-Applied and Folk Art in Moscow. This collection will introduce readers to ancient and modern Russian jewelers. The album also covers one unique aspect of modern Russian jewelry: the fact that most pieces are specially produced for exhibitions or collections, and are viewed purely as works of art.
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Code: 014380
Sventsits`ka, V.I., Otkovych, V.P
Ukra?ns`ke Narodne Maliarstvo XIII-XX Stolyt`

[ Ukrainian folk painting of the 13th-20th centuries: Album : Al`bom ]
Ky¿v: Mystetstvo, 1991
Language: Ukrainian
 Price: $ 75.00
This album presents the world through the eyes of Ukrainian folk artists. Ukrainian medieval painting is connected with traditions of Kievan Rus, particularly the Galician-Volynian kingdom. 189 color illustrations.
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Code: 010926
Khudozhestvennye Sokrovishcha Muzeev Moskvy

[ Artistic treasures of museums of Moscow : ]
Moscow: Sovetskii Khudozhnik, 1975
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 29.00
This album includes recently restored pictures of old Russian masters from several Moscow museums: Andrei Rublev Museum of Old Russian Art, the State Tretyakov Galley, House-Museum of V.M. Vasnetsov, the Pushkin State Museums of Art, the State Museum of the Oriental Peoples.
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Code: 007110
Bogatskaia I.A
Moskovskii Kreml` i Ego Okrestnosti: Istoriia-Drevnosti-Relikvii
Akvareli i Litografii XIX Stoletiia

[ The Moscow Kremlin and its neighborhood: History. Antiquities. Relics : Watercolors and lithographs of the 19th century ]
Paris-Moscow: Alen de Gurkiuf-Moskovskii Kreml`, 1994
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 99.00
This is an album on the history of the Moscow Kremlin presented in watercolors and lithographs of the 19th century. Excellent book design. Richly illustrated.
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