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Since 1989 Panorama of Russia has specialized in academic and reference publications from the Russian Federation and the Commonwealth of Independent States.

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$ 39.00
Bezugol`nyi, A.Iu.; Kovalevskii, N.F.; Kovalev, V.E
Istoriia Voenno-Okruzhnoi Sistemy v Rossii, 1862-1918
[ History of the military district system in Russia. 1862-1918]

Moscow:  Tsenrtpoligraf, 2012
463 p. [40 ill.]Images
Serie: Rossiia zabytaia i neizvestnaia. Zolotaia kollektsiia
Hardcover. 14 x 21 cm
ISBN: 9785227035066
Language: Russian
The present book is an attempt to analyze more than fifty years of experience of the military district organization in the prerevolutionary Russian Army. It covers the basic stages of the creation and evolution of the military district system, characteristics of its operation in peacetime and during military operations, the difference in the structure and activities of internal and border districts, and some non-military, primarily police functions, of troops. (0.575 kg.)
» History: General Works and Philosophy of History   » Imperial Russia: 17th to the 19th Centuries
» History: General Works and Philosophy of History   » Military History
» Military / National Security / Aerospace   » Military History

This book is part of the series ''

Other books of the series:
» General Bicherakhov i Ego Kavkazskaia Armiia
» General Drozdovskii
» Poteriannoe Belovod`e. Istoriia Russkogo Sin`tsziana
» Rossiia v Srednei Azii
» Dva Admirala Chichagova
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