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С 1989 года Panorama of Russia специализируется на академической книге и публикациях из Российской Федерации и Союза Независимых Государств.

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'Rossiia zabytaia i neizvestnaia. Zolotaia kollektsiia'

$ 39.00
Bezugol`nyi, A.Iu.; Kovalevskii, N.F.; Kovalev, V.E
History of the military district system in Russia. 1862-1918

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[ Istoriia Voenno-Okruzhnoi Sistemy v Rossii, 1862-1918]

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Москва:  Tsenrtpoligraf, 2012
463 p. [40 ill.]Иллюстрации
Hardcover. 14 x 21 cm
ISBN: 9785227035066
Язык: Русский
The present book is an attempt to analyze more than fifty years of experience of the military district organization in the prerevolutionary Russian Army. It covers the basic stages of the creation and evolution of the military district system, characteristics of its operation in peacetime and during military operations, the difference in the structure and activities of internal and border districts, and some non-military, primarily police functions, of troops. (0.575 kg.)
» История: Методология и Философия Истории   » Военная История
» Военная тема, Безопасность, Космос   » Военная История
» История: Методология и Философия Истории   » Имперская Россия: XVII -XIX вв

Книга входит в серию 'Rossiia zabytaia i neizvestnaia. Zolotaia kollektsiia'

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» General Bicherakhov and his Caucasian army
» General Drozdovskii
» Lost Belovod`e: History of Russian Xinjiang
» Russia in Central Asia
» The two Admirals Chichagov
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