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Since 1989 Panorama of Russia has specialized in academic and reference publications from the Russian Federation and the Commonwealth of Independent States. |
Total records: 320 | [ 1 ] | [ 2 ] | [ 3 ] | [ 4 ] | [ 5 ] | [ 6 ] | [ 7 ] | [ 8 ] | [ 9 ] | [ 10 ] | [ 11 ] |
Code: 018119-4 Vizantiia i Vostochnaia Evropa: Liturgicheskie i Muzykal`nye Sviazi: Gimnologiia. Vypusk 4 K 80-Letiiu Doktofa Milosha Velimirovicha [ Vizantiia i Vostochnaia Evropa: Liturgicheskie i Muzykal`nye Sviazi: Gimnologiia. Vypusk 4 : K 80-Letiiu Doktofa Milosha Velimirovicha ] Moscow: Progress-Traditsiia, 2003 Language: Russian | Price: $ 25.00 | This collected work is published in honor of the historian of music Milos Velimirovic. He focused his research on the medieval chants of the Eastern Orthodox Churches. This collection of works by historians of music deals with the biblical musical instruments, medieval Slavic chants, performance practice, etc. | |
| | Code: 004882 Iz Istorii Instrumental`noi Muzykal`noi Kul`tury
[ Iz Istorii Instrumental`noi Muzykal`noi Kul`tury : ] St. Petersburg: LGITMiK, 1988 Language: Russian | Price: $ 19.50 | This collected work contains eight articles on the history of musical instrumental culture. They are: Pollux`s catalogue of Musical Instruments; The Presentation of Musical Instruments in Hymnography of the Latin Middle Ages; Symbolism of Instruments in Early Russian Chant Compositions; The Genre "Estampie" in the History of medieval Instrumental Culture; The Clarinet and Clarinet Players in Russia of the 18th century; Peculiarities of Orchestral Variation Technique in Glinka`s "Ruslan i Liudmila"; On the Problem of the Development of the Brass Group in the 19th Century Orchestra; Instrumental "Pure Timbres" in Compositional Practice; Blown-Resonance of Baroque Transverse Flute. | |
| | Code: 010710 Peti, Rolan (Petit, Roland) Tan lie s Nurievym
[ Tan lie s Nurievym : ] Nizhnii Novgorod: Dekom, 2007 Language: Russian | Price: $ 11.00 | A famous French choreographer Roland Petit tells about his friendship and work with the outstanding Russian ballet dancer Rudolf Nureev (Rudolf Nureyev, 1938-1993). | |
| | Code: 022059 Shostakovich, Dmitrii; Britten, Benjamin Dmitrii Shostakovich. Satiry; Bendzhamin Britten. Ekho Poeta Posviashchenie Galine Vishnevskoi [ Dmitrii Shostakovich. Satiry; Bendzhamin Britten. Ekho Poeta : Posviashchenie Galine Vishnevskoi ] St. Petersburg: Kompozitor, 2004 Language: Russiana and English | Price: $ 17.00 | This is the scores and lyrics to two cycles of songs written for the famous Russian singer Galina Vishnevskaya by Russian composer Dmitrrii Shostakovich and British composer Benjamin Britten. Introduction by Galina Vishnevskaya. | |
| | Code: 005020 Menukhin, Ieguda (Menukhin, Yehudi) Stranstviia
[ Stranstviia : ] Moscow: KoLibri, 2008 Language: Russian | Price: $ 49.00 | T | |
| |  | Code: 024518 Gasparov, B.M Piat` Oper i Simfoniia Slovo i Muzyka v Russkoi Kul`ture [ Piat` Oper i Simfoniia : Slovo i Muzyka v Russkoi Kul`ture ] Moscow: Klassika-XXI, 2009 Language: Russian | Price: $ 16.00 | This book by professor Boris Gasparov invites the reader to look at Russian musical works of art from an unusual perspective. The monograph studies five well known operas and one symphony (Ruslan and Ludmila, Khovanshchina, Boris Godunov, Evgeny Onegin, and Queen of Spades, as well as the Fourth Symphony by Shostakovich) as sources on the Russian history of the 19th-early 20th centuries. | |
| | Code: 016047 Russkii Semeino-Obriadovyi Fol`klor Sibiri i Dal`nego Vostoka Svadebnaia Poeziia. Pokhoronnaia Prichet` [ Russkii Semeino-Obriadovyi Fol`klor Sibiri i Dal`nego Vostoka : Svadebnaia Poeziia. Pokhoronnaia Prichet` ] Novosibirsk: Nauka, 2002 Language: Russian | Price: $ 39.00 | This twenty-second volume in the series on the folklore of the peoples of Siberia and the Far East completes the publication of the song heritage of Siberian Russians. The collection includes 367 texts of wedding rites and funeral laments. | |
| | Code: 021310 Agata Kristi" Pesni Very i Otchaianiia: Antologiia [ "Agatha Christie" : Songs of faith and despair: Anthology ] St. Petersburg: Amfora, 2007 Language: Russian | Price: $ 15.00 | This book is about the history of the popular rock group "Agata Kristi" from its beginning. It is a collection of conversations about the personal lives of the Samoilov brothers and their popular music albums. | |
| | Code: 027026-02 "Ot Barokko k Romantizmu" Muzykal`nye Epokhi i Stili: Estetika, Poetika, Ispolnitel`skaia Interpretatsiia: Sbornik Statei: Vyp. 2 [ "From Baroque to Romanticism" : Musical epochs and styles: Esthetics, poetics, performance interpretation. Collected articles: Issue 2 ] Moscow: Moskovskaia konservatoriia, 2010 Language: Russian | Price: $ 38.00 | This is the second volume of transactions of scholars of the Moscow State Conservatory on the subject of musical epochs and styles: esthetics, poetics, and performance interpretation. The contributors to this collection analyze musical textology and poetics, peculiarities of historical instruments, traditions of performance and other issues in the history of music. | |
| | Code: 021312 Nashestvie" Fotoal`bom [ "Invasion" : Photo album ] St. Petersburg: Amfora, 2007 Language: Russian | Price: $ 29.00 | This photoalbum covers the main musical open-air event of 2006 summer - festival "Nashestvie" in Ryazan Oblast. The festival attracted the most popular music bands and numerous fans. Photographs are accompanied with reviews from newspapers and periodicals. | |
| | Code: 031712 Nash Starik" Aleksandr Gol`denveizer i Moskovskaia Konservatoriia [ "Our old man" : Aleksander Goldenveizer and the Moscow Conservatory ] St. Petersburg, Moscow: Universitetskaia Kniga, Tsentr gumanitarnykh initsiativ, 2015 Language: Russian | Price: $ 39.00 | This book is about a well know Russian pedagogue, composer, piano player and writer of memoirs Aleksander Borisovich Goldenveizer (1875-1961) whose professional life was closely tied with the Moscow Conservatory. | |
| | Code: 027672 Ruch`evskaia, E.A Voina i Mir": Roman L.N. Tolstogo i Opera S.S. Prokof`eva
[ "War and Peace": The novel by L.N. Tolstoi and the opera by S.S. Prokof`ev : ] St. Petersburg: Kompozitor-Sankt-Peterburg, 2010 Language: Russian | Price: $ 43.00 | This monograph is a comparative study of the novel "War and Peace" by L.N. Tolstoi and the opera of the same name by S.S. Prokof`ev. (0.755 kg.) | |
| | Code: 015635 111 Uvertiur, Simfonicheskikh Poem, Siuit i Kartin Spravochnik-Putevoditel` [ 111 overtures, symphonic poems, and suites : Guide ] : Kul`t-Inform-Press, 2002 Language: Russian | Price: $ 25.50 | | |
| | Code: 026555 Vlasova, E.S 1948 God v Sovetskoi Muzyke Dokumentirovannoe Issledovanie [ 1948 in soviet music : Documentary research ] Moscow: Klassika-XXI, 2010 Language: Russian | Price: $ 54.00 | This is the first attempt to write the history of musical culture in soviet Russia including the history of censorship in this field. Based on unique sources from previously closed archives this book reconstructs the musical life and the management of this process of government controlled bodies from the 1917 revolution to 1940s. | |
| | Code: 018640 Iablonskii, Aleksandr (Yablonsky, A) 06/07: Sny To, Chto Vspomnilos` [ 2006/2007: Dreams : What I could remember ] Moscow: Vodolei, 2008 Language: Russian | Price: $ 29.00 | This book by a Russian musician, historian and teacher of music born in St. Petersburg during the blockade and now living in Boston (MA), is a mixture of several genres: memoir, stories from the life of his generation and modern Russian life, and about the musicians who inspired and taught him. | |
| | Code: 013231 Khentova, Sof`ia Pianisty XX Veka
[ 20th century pianists : ] St. Petersburg: Muzykal`naia Shkola imeni D.D. Shostakovicha, 1997 Language: Russian | Price: $ 16.00 | This book is prefaced by a word of praise from D. Shostakovich, written for this book in 1973. It characterizes several notable pianists: Lev Oborin, Emil` Gilel`s, Sviatoslav Richter, Margarita Long, Artur Rubinshtein. | |
| | Code: 024048 Shcherbakov, Mikhail Tridtsat` Diskov Teksty Pesen [ 30 disks : Texts of songs ] Moscow: Vremia, 2007 Language: Russian | Price: $ 25.00 | Mikhail Shcherbakov and his ironical songs are very much appreciated by his colleagues. "Well done things - this is Shcherbakov, this is his main feature and trademark…" (Dmitrii Bykov). | |
| | Code: 021305 Chernin, A.A. (Anton Anatol`evich) Drugaia Istoriia Dokumental`nyi Roman [ A Different history : Documentary novel ] St. Petersburg: Amfora, 2007 Language: Russian | Price: $ 24.00 | This book is about the history of Russian rock-music and their best record albums of 1980s and 90s. The hosts of the radio show "Letopis" interviewed the authors and performers of the sixteen most popular recordings. | |
| | Code: 005280 Nikitina, L.D Istoriia Russkoi Muzyki Populiarnye Lektsii [ A History of Russian music : Popular lectures ] Moscow: Academia, 1999 Language: Russian | Price: $ 15.00 | This is a course of lectures on the history of Russian music of the 19th-20th centuries. The author gives artistic portraits of the most famous Russian composers: M. Glinka, A. Dargomyzhskii, M. Musorgskii, A. | |
| | Code: 005568 Parin, Aleksei Khozhdenie v Nevidimyi Grad Paradigmy Russkoi Klassicheskoi Opery [ A Pilgrimage to the invisible city: Paradigms of the Russian classical opera : Paradigmy Russkoi Klassicheskoi Opery ] Moscow: Agraf, 1999 Language: Russian | Price: $ 21.00 | This book by a well-known critic is unique for its approach to opera as an anthropological phenomenon. Opera is remarkable for its abundant genetic, emotional, and intellectual links with the world and haughty independence from everyday life combined with banal bowing to Zeitgeist. | |
| | Code: 017932 Galich, A.A Pesnia ob Otchem Dome Stikhi i Pesni s Notnym Prilozheniem [ A Song about ancestral home : Poems and songs with scores ] Moscow: Lokid-Press, 2003 Language: Russian | Price: $ 21.00 | A collection of verses, songs, and prose. Also included are scores of the twenty most popular songs. | |
| | Code: 006388 Grebenshchikov, B.B Akvarium: Teksty XX Veka
[ Akvarium: Texts of the twentieth century : ] St. Petersburg: Gelikon Plius, 2001 Language: Russian | Price: $ 28.50 | The music group Akvarium and its lead singer and author Boris Grebenshchikov are cult figures of 1970-1990s. His place in Russian musical culture may be compared with Bob Dylan`s in American music. This is a collection of songs from his last thirty-one records released in 1990s. | |
| | Code: 014629 Aleksandr Bashlachev: Issledovanie Tvorchestva
[ Aleksandr Bashlachev: Study of his creative works : ] Moscow: Russkaia shkola, 2010 Language: Russian | Price: $ 23.00 | Aleksandr Bashlachev (1960-1988) was a talented Russian rock singer, poet, and a star of the 1980s, who lived a hippie life. He has become very popular in Russia again, probably because the social mood of stagnation and despair of the 1980s has returned to Russian society. | |
| | Code: 004794 Korabel`nikova, L.Z Aleksandr Cherepnin: Dolgoe Stranstvie
[ Aleksandr Cherepnin: A Long Wandering : ] Moscow: Iazyki Russkoi Kul`tury, 1999 Language: Russian | Price: $ 27.00 | Aleksandr Cherepnin (1899-1977) was one of the biggest Russian composers in exile. This book is the first monograph about this distinguished representative of the emigre branch of Russian music. The author describes his life and work as a composer, concert pianist, and teacher. | |
| | Code: 020331 Aleksei Ivanovich Kandinskii Vospominaniia. Stat`i. Materialy [ Aleksei Ivanovich Kandinskii : Memoirs. Articles. Materials ] Moscow: Progress-Traditsiia, 2005 Language: Russian | Price: $ 23.40 | This collection is published in honor of Russian historian of music Aleksei Kandinskii (1918-2000). It includes his articles about Russian composers Glinka, Rimskii-Korsakov, Rachmaninov. Also included are articles of his colleagues and pupils in the areas of his professional interests and memoirs about him. | |
| | Code: 012315 Alka, Allochka, Alla Borisovna Roman-Biographiia [ Alka, Allochka, Alla Borisovna : Novel-biography ] : Zakharov-Vagrius, 1997 Language: Russian | Price: $ 27.00 | | |
| | Code: 001875 Vsia Opernaia Muzyka v Dve Ruki Frantsiia XIX Veka, Italiia Pervoi Poloviny XIX Veka: Spravochnik-Khrestomatiia [ All opera music for two hands : France XIX century, Italy of the first half of the XIX century: Student handbook-reader ] St. Petersburg: Kompozitor-Sankt Peterburg, 2006 Language: Russian | Price: $ 32.00 | Student handbook-reader of the best opera music of the 19th century: librettos, information about the composers, fragments of operas with scores for voice and piano, comments. | |
| | Code: 027763 Novgorodtsev, Seva Integral Pokhozh na Saksofon
[ An integral resembles a saxaphone : ] St. Petersburg: TID Amfora, 2011 Language: Russian | Price: $ 28.00 | Musician Seva Novgorodtsev (Levenshtein, b. 1940) was the legendary radio host of a musical program of Russian studio of the BBC. He emigrated from Russia in 1975. This book is his autobiography of the Russian period of his life. | |
| | Code: 011435B I Poet Mne v Zemlianke Garmon` Sbornik Pesen [ And in the foxhole an accordion sang to me : Collection of Songs ] : Diamant, Zolotoi Vek, 1996 Language: Russian | Price: $ 15.00 | | |
| | Code: 004911 Andrei Petrovich Rimskii-Korsakov: 1897-1942 K Stoletiiu so Dnia Rozhdeniia [ Andrei Petrovich Rimskii-Korsakov : In honor of the 100th anniversary of his birth ] St. Petersburg: Izd-vo Peterburgskogo Universiteta, 1998 Language: Russian | Price: $ 12.00 | This book on the life and work of the well-known zoologist A.P. Rimskii-Korsakov, the brother of the famous Russian composer, who played a very important role in forming the Zoology department of St. Petersburg University. | |
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