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Since 1989 Panorama of Russia has specialized in academic and reference publications from the Russian Federation and the Commonwealth of Independent States.

Constitutional Law

Total records: 68
[ 1 ][ 2 ][ 3 ]
Code: 019277
Kudashkin, A.V
Voennaia Suzhba v Rossiiskoi Federatsii
Teoriia i Praktika Pravovogo Regulirovaniia

[ Voennaia Suzhba v Rossiiskoi Federatsii : Teoriia i Praktika Pravovogo Regulirovaniia ]
St. Petersburg: Iuridicheskii Tsentr Press, 2003
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 39.00
The military reform of the army that started several years ago under El`tsin has slipped and disappeared in the last four years. The opposite trend gains weight in Russian society: extending the army and increasing influence of militaries in making important political decisions.
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Code: 022241
Mironov, A.N
Konstitutsiia Rossiiskoi Federatsii 1993 Goda
Smyslo-Logicheskii Analiz

[ 1993 Constitution of the Russian Federation : Semantic-logical analysis ]
St. Petersburg: Roza mira, 2005
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 23.40
This book analyzes the language of the current constitution of the Russian Federation article by article, offers a new language for these articles which are collected into a new version of the constitution at the end of the book.
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Code: 029853
Sheinis, Viktor
Vlast` i Zakon
Politika i Konstitutsii v Rossii v 20-21 Vekakh

[ Authority and the Law : Politics and constitutions in Russia in the 20 - 21st centuries ]
Moscow: Mysl`, 2014
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 49.00
The constitutional history of Russia includes more than 100 years and six constitutions. This book is about Russian constitutions, the historical context in which they were created, and the challenges they addressed.
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Code: 012858
Barkhatova, E.Iu
Grazhdanstvo i Registratsiia
Moskva, Rossiia, SNG: Federal`nyi Zakon ot 11 Noiabria 2003., No. 151-FZ

[ Citizenship and registration : Moscow, Russia, the CIS: Federal law adopted on November 11th, 2003 ]
Moscow: Velbi, Prospekt, 2004
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 25.00
This is a detailed commentary to the Russian federal law about citizenship and registration, phases of naturalization, and renunciation Russian citizenship, dual citizenship, job, medical insurance, education and inheritance in the Russian Federation and countries of the Commonwealth.
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Code: 026371
Rasuladze, Mamed Emin
Mamed Emin Rasuladze. Sbornik Proizvedenii i Pisem

[ Collected works and letters : ]
Moscow: Flinta, 2010
Language: Russian and French
 Price: $ 32.00
This is the first translation into Russian of a famous book Azerbaidzhanian Republic by the founder of the Azerbaidzhanian Republic (La Republique d`Azerbaijan, 1918-1920), writer and journalist Mamed Emin Rasuladze (1884-1955).
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Code: 032106
Repnikov, A.V
Konservativnye Modeli Rossiiskoi Gosudarstvennosti

[ Conservative models of Russian statehood : ]
Moscow: ROSSPEN, 2014
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 32.00
This monograph deals with the political, social and economic views of Russian Marxists, their position on confessional and national issues, as well as their foreign doctrines. (0.735 kg.)
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Code: 005810
Koliushin, Evgenii
Konstitutsionnoe (Gosudarstvennoe) Pravo Rossii

[ Constitutional (government) law of Russia : ]
Moscow: Izd-vo Moskovskogo Universiteta, 1999
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 27.00
A textbook for graduate students of the Moscow State University with a major in Constitutional Law and Federal and Municipal Government. Bibliography.
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Code: 003685
Baglai, M.B
Konstitutsionnoe Pravo Rossiiskoi Federatsii

[ Constitutional law of Rossian Federation : ]
Moscow: Norma, 2005
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 32.50
This textbook on the constitutional law of Russia was written by a leading scholar in this field and the chairman of the Supreme Constitutional Court (1997-1998) Marat Baglai. It is recommended for graduate students with a major in jurisprudence.
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Code: 016776
Bezuglov, A.A., Soldatov, S.A
Konstitutsionnoe Pravo Rossii
V Dvukh Tomakh

[ Constitutional law of Russia : V Dvukh Tomakh ]
Moscow: Profobrazovanie, 2002
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 73.50
This textbook on the constitutional law of Russia covers the most disputable issues of the law, presents positions of the leading specialists of past and modern Russia, describes and interprets the decisions of the Constitutional Court and of other new documents of 1991-2002.
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Code: 003682
Kozlova, E.I., Kutafin, O.E
Konstitutsionnoe Pravo Rossii

[ Constitutional law of Russia : ]
Moscow: Iurist, 2004
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 37.00
This is one of the best textbooks on the constitutional law of Russia by professors of the Moscow State Legal Academy. It is recommended for graduate students with a major in jurisprudence.
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Code: 010957
Konstitutsionnoe Pravo Rossiiskoi Federatsii

[ Constitutional law of the Russian Federation : Anthology ]
Moscow: Akademkniga, 2004
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 67.50
This anthology contains the main laws, decrees, international treaties, court decisions and other legal documents for the course Constitutional law of the Russian Federation. All official documents are as of Janiary, 2004.
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Code: 019256
Markheim, M.V., Smolenskii, M.B., Iatsenko, I.S
Konstitutsionnoe Pravo Rossiiskoi Federatsii

[ Constitutional law of the Russian Federation: Textbook : Uchebnik ]
St. Petersburg: Iuridicheskii Tsentr Press, 2003
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 40.50
This textbook for graduate students in law deals with the basic issues of constitutional law of the Russian Federation: fundamentals of the constitutional system, legal status of a personality, federal structure, state mechanism, etc.
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Code: 019461
Nudnenko, L.A
Konstitutsionno-Pravovoi Status Deputata Zakonodatelnogo Organa Gosudarstvennoi Vlasti v Rossiiskoi Federatsii

[ Constitutional Legal Status of Deputy of Legislative Body of State Power in the Russian Federation : ]
St. Petersburg: Iuridicheskii Tsentr Press, 2004
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 37.50
This book analyzes the legislation on status of deputy in various subjects of the Russian Federation, practice of its realization, problems of further improvement of the legal status of deputies of legislative bodies.
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Code: 019274
Malyi, D.A
Konstitutsionnoe Pravo na Ob"edinenie v Rossiiskoi Federatsii
Voprosy Teorii i Praktiki

[ Constitutional right to association in the Russian Federation: Questions of theory and practice : Voprosy Teorii i Praktiki ]
St. Petersburg: Iuridicheskii Tsentr Press, 2003
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 34.50
This book studies problems of the theory and practice of realizing the constitutional right of association with regard to international treaties of the Russian Federation. The right of association is researched in the light of subject law, its essence and content.
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Code: 005586
Konstitutsii Stran SNG i Baltii
Uchebnoe Posobie

[ Constitutions of the members of CIS and Baltic States : Uchebnoe Posobie ]
Moscow: Iurist, 1999
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 25.50
This book contains the constitutions of all members of the Commonwealth of Independent States and of the Baltic States, provided with commentaries.
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Code: 023537
Mironiuk, M.G
Sovremennyi Federalizm
Sravnitel`nyi Analiz: Uchebnoe Posobie

[ Contemporary federalism : Comparative analysis: Textbook ]
Moscow: ROSSPEN, 2008
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 21.00
This is a teaching aid on the history and theory of federalism, its modern state and trends, the formation of the federation in Russia and its national peculiarities. The book is based on a course of lectures at the Moscow State Institute of International Relations.
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Code: 013795
Medushevskii, A.N
Demokratiia i Avtoritarizm
Rossiiskii Konstitutsionalizm v Sravnitelnoi Perspektive

[ Democracy and authoritarianism : Russian constitutionalism in comparative perspective ]
Moscow: ROSSPEN, 1998
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 32.00
The main subject of this book is constitutionalism in the world and in Russian history. The author analyzes the Russian experience of parliamentarianism and constitutionalism in the 19th-20th centuries, and compares it with the corresponding European experience, especially the problem of transition from an authoritarian political system to a democratic one.
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Code: 022567
Demokratiia i Federalizm v Rossii

[ Democracy and federalism in Russia : ]
Moscow: ROSSPEN, 2006
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 22.00
This collection includes 12 articles by leading Russian political experts on the state of democracy and federalism in Russian society, and their interaction. Bibliographical references.
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Code: 031728
Inakomyslie v Usloviiakh "Real`nogo Sotsializma"
Poiski Novoi Gosudarstvennosti: Konets 60-kh - 80-e gg. XX v.

[ Dissent under "real socialism" : In search of a new form of statehood: The late 1960s - 1980s ]
Moscow: Institut slavianovedeniia RAN, 2014
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 39.00
This collective work analyzes various concepts and ideas of statehood in the frame of a relatively new discipline - history of ideas. Oppositional and dissident ideas are studied as a matrix of possible transformations of statehood.
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Code: 010691
Federal`noe Konstitutsionnoe Pravo Rossii
Osnovnye Istochniki po Sostoianiiu na 15 Sentiabria 1996 Goda

[ Federal Constitutional Law : Major sources as of September 15, 1996 ]
Moscow: Norma, 1996
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 45.00
This almanac contains all the main sources of the Russian federal constitutional law. In addition to the main one - the Constitution (1993), it includes federal constitutional laws, Federation Agreement (Federal`nyi Dogovor), treaties about the division of power between the government of the Russian Federation and its subjects, Supreme Constitutional Court decisions.
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Code: 021267
Cherepanov, V.A
Federativnaia Reforma v Rossii

[ Federal reform in Russia : Monograph ]
Moscow: Sotsial`no-Politicheskaia Mysl`, 2007
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 28.00
This monograph is a constitutional study of federal reform of the Russian Federation. This reform started a year before the Russian Federation became an independent state and has continued since then. This monograph traces all the major steps in this process and their reflection and justification in the Russian constitution.
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Code: 030640
Alekhnovich, S.O
Federalizm: Kontsept i Praktika Rossiiskogo Proekta

[ Federalism: Concept and practice of the Russian project : Monograph ]
Moscow: ROSSPEN, 2012
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 27.00
This monograph considers federalism as an instrument of political action. The author analyzes the current state and shape of federalism in Russia which was not the result of voluntary unification of several states as in some other countries, but rather was imposed on the country as a project.
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Code: 024832-5
Iz Istorii Sozdaniia Konstitutsii Rossiiskoi Federatsii
Konstitutsionnaia Komissiia: Stenogrammy, Materialy, Dokumenty (1990-1993 gg.): v 6 t.: T.5: Al`ternativnye Proekty Konstitutsii Rossiiskoi Federatsii (1990-1993 gg.)

[ From the history of the creation of the Constitution of the Russian Federation : Constitutional Commission: Stenograms, materials, documents (1990-1993): In 6 V.: V. 5: Alternative versions of a constitution of the Russian Federation ]
Moscow: Fond konstitutsionnykh reform, 2009
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 99.00
This is the fifth volume of materials of the Constitutional Commission: stenograms, materials, documents (1990-1993). It includes 22 parallel and alternative projects for a constitution of the Russian Federation.
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Code: 024832-6
Iz Istorii Sozdaniia Konstitutsii Rossiiskoi Federatsii
Konstitutsionnaia Komissiia: Stenogrammy, Materialy, Dokumenty (1990-1993 gg.): v 6 Tomakh: Tom 6: Dopolnitel`nye, Spravochnye, Memuarnye Materialy

[ From the history of the creation of the Constitution of the Russian Federation : Constitutional Commission: Stenograms, materials, documents (1990-1993): In 6 volumes: Volume 6: Suplementary reference and memoir materials ]
Moscow: Fond konstitutsionnykh reform, 2010
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 109.00
This is the sixth and final volume of materials of the Constitutional Commission: stenograms, materials, documents (1990-1993). It includes supplementary reference and memoir materials related to the creation of the last constitution of the Russian Federation.
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Code: 028817
Pykhtin, S.P
Gosudarstvo i Russkaia Ideologiia
Kak Byt` Rossii?

[ Government and Russian ideology : What is Russia to do? ]
Moscow: Traditsiia, 2012
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 28.00
This book is about invisible fight about the changes in the Russian state and constitutional laws that were adopted during the El’tsin period. According to the author, many of the statutes of the Russian constitution are based on political views alien to the Russian mind, were enforced on Russia and destabilize its statehood.
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Code: 023714
Val`denberg, V.E
Gosudarstvennoe Ustroistvo Vizantii do Kontsa VII Veka

[ Government organization of Byzantium to the end of the 7th century : ]
St. Petersburg: SPBGU, 2008
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 24.00
This book investigates the legal nature of the Byzantine emperor’s power up to the end of the 7th century. The author provides evidence that there was continuity between Roman and Byzantine emperors, thereby proving that the Byzantine authority was based on democracy.
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Code: 026542
Ivanov, V.V
Glava Subekta Rossiiskoi Federatsii
Pravovaia i Politicheskaia Istoriia Instituta

[ Head of a region-member of the Russian Federation : Legal and political history of the institution (1990-2010) ]
Moscow: Praksis, 2010
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 35.00
This book deals with the political and legal history of the office of head of a region-member of the Russian Federation, as a political institution, its power and mission. V. Ivanov does not hide that he is against elections for this office, however he offers his suggestions on future development of this institution of executive power.
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Code: 004636
Chicherin, B.N
Istoriia Politicheskikh Uchenii
V Trekh Tomakh: Toma 1 i 2

[ History of political theories : In three volumes ]
St. Petersburg: RKhGA, 2006-2008
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 99.00
Special price: $ 79.00
This is the first reprint since the early 20th century of the classical work in three volumes by B.N. Chicherin (1829-1904), a prominent philosopher, lawyer, and historian. It includes a detailed analysis of the development of political thought in Europe from Antiquity to the mid 19th century.
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Code: 023306
Imperskie i Natsional`nye Modeli Upravleniia
Rossiiskii i Evropeiskii Opyt: Sbornik Materialov Mezhdunarodnoi Nauchnoi Konferentsii. Kazan`, 11-13 Maia 2006 g.

[ Imperial and National Models of Administration : Russian and European Experience: Collected Materials of the International Scientific Conference. Kazan`, May 11-13, 2006 ]
Moscow: In-t Vseobshchei Istorii RAN, 2007
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 27.00
This book includes the materials of the International scientific conference “Imperial and National Models of Administration: Russian and European Experience” hold in May 11-13, 2006 by the Historical Department of the Kazan’ State University and the Institute of General History of the Russian Academy of Science.
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Code: 016610
Vorob`ev, V.P. (Viacheslav Petrovich)
Problemy Razvitiia i Reformirovaniia SNG

[ Issues of development and reforming the CIS : ]
Moscow: Vostok - Zapad, 2009
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 19.00
The Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) has been struggling to keep and strengthen the ties among its members since the moment of its birth. The author, professor of the Diplomatic Academy, describes the history of the CIS, its specific characteristics, and directions of optimization of their institutions and cooperation.
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