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Since 1989 Panorama of Russia has specialized in academic and reference publications from the Russian Federation and the Commonwealth of Independent States. |
Who is Who / Personalities/Biographies
Code: 010860 Vertlib, E Vasilii Shukshin i Russkoe Dukhovnoe Vozrozhdenie
[ Vasilii Shukshin i Russkoe Dukhovnoe Vozrozhdenie : ] New York (NY): Effect Publishing, 1990 Language: Russian | Price: $ 27.00 | This book is an artistic biography of the Russian writer, director, and actor Vasilii Shukshin (1929-1974). | |
| | Code: 002089 600 Ekspertov: Politika. Ekonomika. Kul`tura. Spravochnik [ 600 Experts: Politics. Economics. Culture : Handbook ] Moscow: Panorama, 1996 (June) Language: Russian | Price: $ 60.00 | This handbook includes the leading scientists and other experts in culture, politics and economics. Includes name index. | |
| | Code: 011038 Madzharov, A. S Afanasii Shchapov
[ Afanasii Shchapov : ] Irkutsk: Vostochno-Sibirskoe Knizhnoe Izdatel`stvo,, 1992 Language: Russian | Price: $ 15.00 | This book is a biography of the Siberia-born Russian historian Afanasii Shchapov (1831-1876) who studied the movement of Old Believers, became Professor of the Kazan University, and while living in St. | |
| | Code: 011637 Arrian, F Pokhod Aleksandra
[ Alexader`s campaign : ] Moscow: Mif, 1993 Language: Russian | Price: $ 15.00 | This book of the Greek historian Flavius Arrianus (1st century) is about epoch of Alexander the Macedonian, the Byzantine emperor, his campaign to the East. | |
| | Code: 027599 Nadezhdin, N. N.(Nikolai Iakovlevich) Andrei Sakharov "Imenem Sovesti" [ Andrei Sakharov : "For the sake of conscience" ] Moscow: Maior, Osipenko, 2011 Language: Russian | Price: $ 15.00 | This is a compendium of biographical facts about nuclear scientist and human rights activist Andrei Sakharov. 90 photographs. | |
| | Code: 009011 Biznesmeny Rossii 40 Istorii Uspekha [ Businessmen of Russia : Forty histories of success ] : AO , 1994 Language: Russian | Price: $ 19.50 | | |
| | Code: 021638 Nikonov, Aleksandr Slivki: Portrety Vydaiushchikhsia Sovremennikov Kisti Aleksandra Nikonova
[ Cream: Portraits of outstandring contemporaries by Aleksandr Nikonov : ] Moscow: Globulus, 2004 Language: Russian | Price: $ 12.00 | Collection of literary portraits-interviews of Russian politicians, painters and public figures by publicist Aleksandr Nikonov. Among them are: Aleksandr Dugin, Il`ia Glazunov, Boris Nemtsov, Fedor Koniukhov, Andrei Kuraev, Ekaterina lakhova, Ivan Okhlobystin, Gleb Pavlovskii, Dmitrii Vrubel, Vladimir Zhirinovskii, and others. | |
| | Code: 002097 Ekspertnye Tsentry Rossii Politika, Ekonomika, Obshchestvo: Spravochnik [ Expert centers of Russia : Politics, economy, society: Handbook ] Moscow: Panorama, 1996, October Language: Russian | Price: $ 75.00 Special price: $ 67.50 | This handbook includes information about 50 analytical centers, which are involved as experts in various areas of the Russian economy, politics, and society. | |
| | Code: 009676-07 Litsa Biograficheskii Al`manakh: 7 [ Faces: Biographical almanac: 7 : Biograficheskii Al`manakh: 7 ] Moscow-St. Petersburg: Feniks-Athenium, 1996 Language: Russian | Price: $ 39.00 | This almanac includes biographical materials on the women writers A. Damanskaia, A. Mar, N. Sanzhar`, and L. Stolitsa. Others covered include A. Belyi, A. Blok, Ivanov, Razumnik, M. Voloshin, A. Akhmatova, and K. | |
| | Code: 004319 Bedin, V.I.; Kushnikova, M.M.; Togulev, V.V Ot Kuznetskogo Ostroga do Kuznetskstroia Tri Tysiachi Imen v Arkhivnykh i Bibliograficheskikh Istochnikakh [ From Kuznetsk stockade town to Kuznetskstroi : Three thousand names from archives and bibliographies ] Kemerovo: Kuzbassvuzizdat, 1998 Language: Russian | Price: $ 42.00 | This is a dictionary of citizens of the Siberian town of Kuznetsk, founded in 1618 (now Novokuznetsk) who lived in the town in 19th- first half of the 20th centuries. Among them were people closely connected to Leo Tolstoi, F. | |
| | Code: 012975 Prokof`ev, V Gertsen
[ Gertsen : ] Moscow: Molodaia Gvardiia, 1987 Language: Russian | Price: $ 22.00 | The biography of the Russian philosopher, writer, and journalist Aleksandr Gertsen (1812-1870), the publisher and owner of the Russian Free Publishing House (Vol`naia Russkaia Tipografiia). | |
| | Code: 011845 Palmova, I Sled na Zemle Stranitsy Zhizni Viktora Kamkina [ Leaving a legacy : Pages from the life of Viktor Kamkin ] Moscow: Mezhdunarodnaia Kniga, 1995 Language: Russian | Price: $ 25.00 | Viktor Kamkin (1902-1974), publisher and distributor of the Russian book list first in China and later in the USA (1949-1974). This book is also about the first wave of Russian emigration. | |
| | Code: 018033 Mastera Estrady
[ Masters of the stage : ] : AST-PRESS KNIGA, 2003 Language: Russian | Price: $ 15.00 | | |
| | Code: 021655 Popov, K.S Vospominaniia Kavkazskogo Grenadera. 1914-1920
[ Memoirs of a Caucasus grenadier. 1914-1920 : ] Moscow: Gosudarstvennaia Publichnaia Istoricheskaia Biblioteka Rossii, 2007 Language: Russian | Price: $ 28.00 | Reprint of the book published in 1925. It is a memoir of Russian officer Konstantin Popov (1893-1962), a participant in WWI and the Civil war on the side of the White Army. He belonged to the generation of Russian officers who were motivated by love for their motherland and honor. | |
| | Code: 009353 Bogomolov, N.A Mikhail Kuzmin Stat`i i Materialy [ Mikhail Kuzmin : Articles and materials ] Moscow: Novoe Literaturnoe Obozrenie, 1995 Language: Russian | Price: $ 24.00 | Mikhail Kuzmin (1872-1936) was a famous Russian poet and writer. He belongs to the so called Silver Age of Russian culture. The book includes previously published papers and poems, as well as unpublished materials. | |
| | Code: 001607 Gazukin, Pavel Voenachal`niki Rossiiskoi Armii
[ Military leaders of the Russian Army : ] Moscow: Tsentr "Panorama", 2001 Language: Russian | Price: $ 24.00 Special price: $ 19.00 | This handbook includes biographical sketches of 105 top level officers of the Russian armed forces, including Ministry of Defense, General Headquarters, and the Defense Council. All data are current as of August 20, 2001. | |
| | Code: 009530 Moia Zhizn`
[ My life : ] : Ellis Lak, 1994 Language: Russian | Price: $ 24.00 Special price: $ 21.60 | | |
| | Code: 010346 Arinin, A.N., Mikheev, V.M Samobytnye Idei N.A. Danilevskogo
[ Original ideas of N.A. Danilevskii : ] Moscow: IntelTex, 1996 Language: Russian | Price: $ 25.00 | The book is devoted the ideas of the outstanding Russian thinker N. Danilevskii, his theory of civilizations, and in particular his best known book, "Russia and Europe". Includes a bibliography of Danilevskii`s works and a name index. | |
| | Code: 002073-98 Telefonnyi Spravochnik Rossiiskikh Regionov Vlasti i Sredstva Massovoi Informatsii [ Phone book of Russian regions : Executive, legislative and juridical branches, mass media ] Moscow: Panorama, 1998, Fall Language: Russian | Price: $ 105.00 | Phone book of all administrative regions of the Russian Federations: republics, krais, oblasts, okrugs, Moscow and St. Petersburg | |
| | Code: 010516 Mogilianskii, A.P Pisemskii Zhizn` i Tvorchestvo [ Pisemskii : Life and works ] St. Petersburg: [n/p], 1991 Language: Russian | Price: $ 15.00 | This is the first monograph about the Russian writer Aleksei Pisemskii (1821-1881), who became widely known after his ideological conflict with the editor of the democratic journal "Sovremennik" in 1862. | |
| | Code: 009490 Rozental`, I.S Provokator Kar`era Romana Malinovskogo [ Provocateur : The career of Roman Malinovskii ] Moscow: ROSSPEN, 1994 Language: Russian | Price: $ 18.00 | This book is devoted to one of the most scandalous pages in Russia at the beginning of the 20th century. Roman Malinovskii, the secret agent of Tsarist policy, became one of the leaders of the Bolshevik party, Lenin`s comrade in arms. | |
| | Code: 011859 Dmitriev, Viktor Serebrianyi Gost` O Liricheskom Geroe Bal`monta [ Silver guest : About lyrical hero of Bal`mont ] Tenafly (NJ): Hermitage, 1992 Language: Russian | Price: $ 24.00 | This book is about the poetry and prose of Konstantin Bal`mont (1867-1942) who emigrated in 1920. The author shows how the image of Bal`mont unfolds in his works and reveals the profound kinship between his lyrical hero and the lyrical hero of the era and of the symbolism. | |
| | Code: 002048-3 Gazukin, Pavel Vooruzhennye Sily Rossiiskoi Federatsii Biograficheskii Spravochnik [ The armed forces of the Russian federation : Biographical handbook ] Moscow: Panorama, 1996 Language: Russian | Price: $ 45.00 | This handbook includes biographies of the top level officers of the Russian armed forces, as well as a short sketch about the formation of the Russian defense ministry after 1992, a list of the military districts, fleets and flotillas, the main peacekeeping contingents both in Russia and outside it. | |
| | Code: 015230 Onoprienko, V.I Florenskie
[ The Florenskiis : ] Moscow: Nauka, 2000 Language: Russian | Price: $ 27.00 | This volume of the biographical series about Russian scholars features three generations of scholars from the Florenskii family: A.I. Florenskii (1850-1908), P.A. Florenskii (1882-1937), A.A. Florenskii (1888-1938), V. | |
| | Code: 001974 Iurskii, Sergei Igra v Zhizn`
[ The Game of life : ] Moscow: Vagrius, 2002, 2003 Language: Russian | Price: $ 16.00 Special price: $ 14.40 | The wonderful actor and theater director Sergei Iurskii (b. 1935) has now become known as a talented writer as well. This is his seventh book. It is a combinations of several genres: memoir, prose, and fantasy. | |
| | Code: 024144 Rumer-Zaraev, Mikhail Odinochestvo Vlasti Istoriia Vzleta i Gibeli Mikhaila Evdokimova [ The loneliness of power : History of the rise and fall of Mikhail Evdokimov ] Novosibirsk: Sova, 2007 Language: Russian | Price: $ 22.00 | Mikhaila Evdokimov, a popular Russian actor, made his way into politics, and was elected governor of a large Siberial region, the Altai Krai, without visible Kremlin support. Some people see this as a triumph of democracy, others as a proof that democracy is no good for Russia. | |
| | Code: 006984 Istomin, S Samye Znamenitye Izobretateli Rossii
[ The Most famous inventors of Russia : ] Moscow: Veche, 2000 Language: Russian | Price: $ 13.50 | This is a collection of 40 biographical sketches of the most famous inventors of Russia. Some of them such as M. Kalashnikov or Andrei Tupolev are known throughout the world; others are less known or forgotten. | |
| | Code: 026347 Petrov, Vladislav Tri Karty Usatoi Kniagini Istorii o Znamenitykh Russkikh Zhenshchinakh [ Three cards of the mustached grand duchess : Stories about famous Russian women ] Moscow: Lomonosov", 2010 Language: Russian | Price: $ 30.00 | The book narrates about historical mysteries that involve Russian women, whose secret biographies laid the foundation for some of Pushkin’s works, who influenced the fate of the Roman Empire and so on. | |
| |  | Code: 029385 Zhirmunskii, V.M. (Viktor Maksimovich) Nachal`naia Pora: Dnevniki, Perepiska
[ Time of beginning: Diaries, correspondence : ] Moscow: Novoe Literaturnoe Obozrenie, 2013 Language: Russian | Price: $ 37.00 | This book is a collection of materials from the personal archive of notable Russian linguist Viktor Maksimovich Zhirmunskii (1891-1971): diaries, and correspondence with his colleagues V.V. Gippius andi A. | |
| | Code: 001862 Likhachev, D.S Neizvestnyi D.S. Likhachev Neopublikovannye Materialy iz Arkhiva Fonda Kul`tury [ Unknown D.S. Likhachev : Unpublished materials from the archive of the Fund of Culture of the Russian Federation ] Moscow: Rossiiskii Fond Kul`tury, 2006 Language: Russian | Price: $ 17.00 | This collection of previously unpublished speeches and other materials of the outstanding Russian philologist and medievalist Dmitrii Likhachev (1906-1999) related to his activity as the head of the Fund of Culture of the Russian Federation (1980-1999). | |
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