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Since 1989 Panorama of Russia has specialized in academic and reference publications from the Russian Federation and the Commonwealth of Independent States.

Russia in the 20th-21st Centuries

Total records: 1018
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Code: 001783-1
Tsentral`no-Vostochnaia Evropa vo Vtoroi Polovine XX Veka: V Trekh Tomakh
Tom 1: Stanovlenie "Real`nogo Sotsializma" (1945-1965)

[ Tsentral`no-Vostochnaia Evropa vo Vtoroi Polovine XX Veka: V Trekh Tomakh : Tom 1: Stanovlenie "Real`nogo Sotsializma" (1945-1965) ]
Moscow: Nauka, 2000
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 27.00
This is the first volume of a three volume study of Central-Eastern Europe (CEE) in the second half of the 20th century prepared by scholars from the Institute for International Economic and Political Studies.
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Code: 028609
Billington, James H
Raboty po Istorii i Kul`ture Rossii: Izdanie v Dvukh Tomakh
Tom I: Ikona i Topor: Opyt Istolkovaniia Istoriii Russkoi Kul`tury. Tom II: Rossiia v Poiskakh Sebia: Stat`i i Vystupleniia

[ Raboty po Istorii i Kul`ture Rossii: Izdanie v Dvukh Tomakh : Tom I: Ikona i Topor: Opyt Istolkovaniia Istoriii Russkoi Kul`tury. Tom II: Rossiia v Poiskakh Sebia: Stat`i i Vystupleniia ]
Moscow: VGBIL im. M.I. Rudomino, 2011
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 47.00
This is the two-volume publication on the history of Russian culture by the director of the Library of Congress, historian James H. Billington. Bibliographical references. (1.93 kg.)
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Code: 027487
Gosudarstvo Natsii
Imperiia i Natsional`noe Stroitel`stvo v Epokhu Lenina i Stalina

[ Gosudarstvo Natsii : Imperiia i Natsional`noe Stroitel`stvo v Epokhu Lenina i Stalina ]
Moscow: ROSSPEN: Fond "Prezidentskii tsentr B.N. El`tsina", 2011
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 31.00
This collected volume, edited by Ron Suny and Terry Martin, shows how the Soviet state managed to create a multiethnic empire in its early years, from the end of the Russian Revolution to the end of World War II.
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Code: 008259-2
Rossiia i SShA: Ekonomicheskie Otnosheniia. 1933-1941
Sbornik Dokumentov

[ Rossiia i SShA: Ekonomicheskie Otnosheniia. 1933-1941 : Sbornik Dokumentov ]
Moscow: Nauka, 2001
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 25.50
This is the first publication of the documents on the history of Russian-American economic relations in a nine year period, including the first two years of World War II. The first volume was published in 1997.
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Code: 023973
Kelli, Katriona (Kelly, Catriona)
Tovarishch Pavlik
Vzlet i Padenie Sovetskogo Mal`chika-Geroia

[ Tovarishch Pavlik : Vzlet i Padenie Sovetskogo Mal`chika-Geroia ]
Moscow: Novoe Literaturnoe Obozrenie, 2009
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 19.00
The story of the soviet boy-hero Pavlik Morozov created by official propaganda and later literature is very much different from the real story of the Morozov family and in particular their son Pavlik. The author studies the history of the myth and its propagandistic role in the history of collectivization in the Ural villages in early 1930s.
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Code: 027651
Martin, Terri
Imperiia "Polozhitel`noi Deiatel`nosti"
Natsii i Natsionalizm v SSSR 1923-1939

[ Imperiia "Polozhitel`noi Deiatel`nosti" : Natsii i Natsionalizm v SSSR 1923-1939 ]
Moscow: ROSSPEN, Fond B.N. El`tsina, 2011
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 40.00
This book by Harvard University professor Terry Martin deals with the Stalinist national policies in 1923-1939. According to the author, the Soviet Union was neither a federation nor a mono-ethnic state.
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Code: 017148B
Fitspatrik, Sheila (Fitzpatrick, Sheila)
Stalinskie Krest`iane
Sotsial`naia Istoriia Sovetskoi Rossii v 30-e Gody: Derevnia

[ Stalinskie Krest`iane : Sotsial`naia Istoriia Sovetskoi Rossii v 30-e Gody: Derevnia ]
Moscow: ROSSPEN, Fond B.N. El`tsina, 2008
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 32.00
The winter of 1929-1930 was the beginning of the government campaign of forced collectivization in the agrarian sector in the USRR. This work by the outstanding American historian Sheila Fitzpatrick is about various means of resistance that the Russian peasantry found to survive and even gain some advantage.
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Code: 027873
Ister, Dzh. M. (Easter, Gerald M.)
Sovetskoe Gosudarstvennoe Stroitel`stvo
Sistema Lichnykh Sviazei i Samoidentefikatsiia Elity v Sovetskoi Rossii

[ Sovetskoe Gosudarstvennoe Stroitel`stvo : Sistema Lichnykh Sviazei i Samoidentefikatsiia Elity v Sovetskoi Rossii ]
Moscow: ROSSPEN, Fond "Prezidentskii tsentr B.N.El`tsina", 2011
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 23.00
Gerald M. Easter (Miami University) studies the history of the rise and fall of the soviet government with special focus on personal networks and elite identity as informal sources of power. Bibliography.
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Code: 027569
Iuing, E.T. (E. Thomas Ewing)
Uchitelia Epokhi Stalinizma
Vlast`, Politika i Zhizn` Shkoly 1930-x gg.

[ Uchitelia Epokhi Stalinizma : Vlast`, Politika i Zhizn` Shkoly 1930-x gg. ]
Moscow: ROSSPEN, Fond B.N. El`tsina, 2011
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 25.00
This book studies school teachers, their everyday responsibilities, training, demographic characteristics, political views, and status in the 1930s, the period of political repressions in the Soviet Union.
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Code: 001145B
Fitspatrik, Sheila (Fitzpatrick, Sheila)
Povsednevnyi Stalinizm
Sotsial`naia Istoriia Sovetskoi Rossii v 30-e Gody: Gorod

[ Povsednevnyi Stalinizm : Sotsial`naia Istoriia Sovetskoi Rossii v 30-e Gody: Gorod ]
Moscow: ROSSPEN, Fond B.N. El`tsina, 2008
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 35.00
This is the second edition of the Russian translation of the study of everyday life in Stalin`s Russia of the 1930s. The author, a professor at the University of Chicago, portrays a new social type born of this time, homo soveticus, for whom Stalinism was a natural habitat.
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Code: 023483
Paips, Deniel (Pipes, Daniel)
Maniia Presledovaniia v Umakh Politikov

[ Zagovor : Maniia Presledovaniia v Umakh Politikov ]
Moscow: Novyi khronograf, 2008
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 27.00
Daniel Pipes, a well known Middle East scholar and historian, describes how conspiracy style of paranoid thinking affects political life in the USA and the whole world. Though the book is by genre what may be called current writing, it is based on many sources and provided with impressive bibliographical references.
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Code: 018705
Shapiro, Leonard
Kommunisticheskaia Partiia Sovetskogo Soiuza

[ Kommunisticheskaia Partiia Sovetskogo Soiuza : ]
London: Overseas Publication Interchange Ltd, 1990
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 28.50
This book is about the history of the Communist party from its birth to the 1960s. It is based on numerous archival documents. This translation was first published in 1970. This is a reprint of the second edition.
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Code: 020225
Dann, Dennis (Dunn, Dennis)
Mezhdu Ruzvel`tom i Stalinym
Amerikanskie Posly v Moskve

[ Mezhdu Ruzvel`tom i Stalinym : Amerikanskie Posly v Moskve ]
Moscow: Tri Kvadrata, 2004
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 34.00
This book is about the early stage of Soviet-American relations: 1930-1940s. It is a story of the first five American ambassadors to Russia, of the evolution of their views on these relations analyzed on a background of the personal relations between American president Roosevelt and Joseph Stalin.
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Code: 015654
Paips, Richard (Pipes, Richard)
Struve: Levyi Liberal: 1870-1905. Struve: Pravyi Liberal: 1905-1944

[ Struve: Levyi Liberal: 1870-1905. Struve: Pravyi Liberal: 1905-1944 : ]
Moscow: Moskovskaia Shkola Politicheskikh Issledovanii, 2001
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 54.00
Petr Struve (1870-1944), the Russian economist and philosopher, developed as a social thinker during three Russian revolutions and the years of his emigration. Richard Pipes wrote Struve`s intellectual biography and described the evolution of his ideas on liberalism and Russian statehood.
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Code: 020526
Rossiia i Tsentral`no-Vostochnaia Evropa: V Dvukh Tomakh
Transformatsii v Kontse XX - Nachale XXI Veka: Preobrazovaniia. Vzaimootnosheniia

[ Rossiia i Tsentral`no-Vostochnaia Evropa: V Dvukh Tomakh : Transformatsii v Kontse XX - Nachale XXI Veka: Preobrazovaniia. Vzaimootnosheniia ]
Moscow: Nauka, 2005
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 45.50
This two-volume monographic study focuses on the principal trends of economic and political transformations in Russia and Central-Eastern Europe in late 20th - early 21st centuries, their complexity and consequences as well as the evolving new environment for the development of relations between Russia and the eastern post-soviet countries.
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Code: 025018
Solomon, Peter N
Sovetskaia Iustitsiia pri Staline
Sotsial`naia Istoriia Sovetskoi Rossii v 30-e Gody: Gorod

[ Sovetskaia Iustitsiia pri Staline : Sotsial`naia Istoriia Sovetskoi Rossii v 30-e Gody: Gorod ]
Moscow: ROSSPEN, Fond B.N. El`tsina, 2008
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 29.00
This is the first complex study on the history of criminal justice, jurisprudence, system of courts and prosecution in Soviet Russia in 1920-1950s. Name index. Bibliographical references.
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Code: 001145
Fitspatrik, Sheila (Fitzpatrick, Sheila)
Povsednevnyi Stalinizm
Sotsial`naia Istoriia Sovetskoi Rossii v 30-e Gody: Gorod

[ Povsednevnyi Stalinizm : Sotsial`naia Istoriia Sovetskoi Rossii v 30-e Gody: Gorod ]
Moscow: ROSSPEN, 2001
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 32.00
This is the first Russian translation of the study of everyday life in Stalin`s Russia of 1930s. The author, a professor at the University of Chicago, portrays a new social type born of this time, homo soveticus, for whom Stalinism was a natural habitat.
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Code: 008517
Dallin, David
Shpionazh Po-Sovetski
Ob`ekty i Agenty Sovetskoi Razvedki. 1920-1950

[ Shpionazh Po-Sovetski : Ob`ekty i Agenty Sovetskoi Razvedki. 1920-1950 ]
Moscow: Tsentrpoligraf, 2001
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 21.00
This book about Russian espionage by David Dallin, professor of Yale University, is not one of many pulp fictions you can see in stores. It is not a description of single operations or stories but rather an analytical report about Soviet espionage in the 1920-1950s in several Western countries based on numerous sources outside and inside Russia.
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Code: 015891
Sovershenno Lichno i Doveritel`no!
B.A. Bakhmet`ev - V. A. Maklakov: Perepiska: 1919 - 1951: V 3 Tomakh

[ Sovershenno Lichno i Doveritel`no! : B.A. Bakhmet`ev - V. A. Maklakov: Perepiska: 1919 - 1951: V 3 Tomakh ]
: ROSSPEN - Hoover Institution Press, 2001
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 135.00
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Code: 024108
Evreiskoe Gosudarstvo v Nachale XXI Veka
Antologiia Sovremennoi Izrail`skoi Obshchestvenno-Politicheskoi Mysli

[ Evreiskoe Gosudarstvo v Nachale XXI Veka : Antologiia Sovremennoi Izrail`skoi Obshchestvenno-Politicheskoi Mysli ]
Moscow-Jerusalem: Gesharim, Mosty Kul`tury, 2008
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 31.00
This is a collection of current writings by thinkers from modern Israel. Among the contributors to this collection are: Joseph Dan, Alek D. Epstein, Ofir Haivry, David Hazony, Yoram Hazony, Yagil Henkin, Ruth Gavison, Ze`ev Maghen, Amnon Rubinstein, Moshe Yalon, and Bennett Zimmerman.
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Code: 015005
Totalitarizm: Istoricheskii Opyt Vostochnoi Evropy
"Demokraticheskoe Intermetstso" s Kommunisticheskim Finalom: 1944-1948

[ Totalitarizm: Istoricheskii Opyt Vostochnoi Evropy : "Demokraticheskoe Intermetstso" s Kommunisticheskim Finalom: 1944-1948 ]
Moscow: Nauka, 2002
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 21.00
This is the second volume in the series Totalitarianism: Historical Experience of Eastern Europe (the first was published in 1995). This collection includes nine articles by Russian and foreign political scientists.
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Code: 023454
Gregori, Pol (Paul R. Gregory)
Politicheskaia Ekonomiia Stalinizma

[ Politicheskaia Ekonomiia Stalinizma : ]
Moscow: ROSSPEN, 2008
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 29.00
This book uses the formerly secret Soviet state and Communist Party archives to describe the creation and operations of the Soviet administrative command system. It concludes that the system failed not because of the ‘jockey’(i.
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Code: 027683
Daniels, Robert V
Vzlet i Padenie Kommunizma v Rossii

[ Vzlet i Padenie Kommunizma v Rossii : ]
Moscow: ROSSPEN: Fond "Prezidentskii tsentr B.N. El`tsina", 2011
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 35.00
The monograph studies the evolution of the soviet system and its ideology and shows how the key ideological concepts and slogans changed in the course of the unfolding of soviet history. Robert Daniels (1929-2010) was a professor and the dean of the history department at University of Vermont.
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Code: 005563
El`iashevich, D.A
Pravitel`stvennaia Politika i Evreiskaia Pechat` v Rossii, 1797-1917
Ocherki Istorii Tsenzury

[ Pravitel`stvennaia Politika i Evreiskaia Pechat` v Rossii, 1797-1917 : Ocherki Istorii Tsenzury ]
St. Petersburg-Jerusalem: Mosty Kul`tury - Gesharim, 1999
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 39.00
This monograph is a multifaceted study on the history of governmental censorship of Jewish publishing in the Russian empire: books and periodicals in Hebrew, Yiddish, and Russian. It gives a comprehensive account of its organization, staff, and the main areas of activity.
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Code: 027488
Goldman, V.Z. (Wendy Z. Goldman)
Zhenshchiny u Prokhodnoi
Gendernye Otnosheniia v Sovetskoi Industrii (1917-1937 gg.)

[ Zhenshchiny u Prokhodnoi : Gendernye Otnosheniia v Sovetskoi Industrii (1917-1937 gg.) ]
Moscow: ROSSPEN, Fond "Prezidentskii tsentr B.N. El`tsina", 2010
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 32.00
In the annals of Industrialization, the Soviet experience is unique in its whirlwind rapidity. The vast transformation that shook Europe over the centuries--proletarianization, industrialization, urbanization--were telescoped into a mere decade.
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Code: 027489
Viola, Linn
Krest`ianskii GULAG
Mir Stalinskikh Spetsposelenii

[ Krest`ianskii GULAG : Mir Stalinskikh Spetsposelenii ]
Moscow: Moskva: ROSSPEN, Fond "Prezidentskii tsentr B.N. El`tsina", 2011
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 30.00
This monograph by the well known historian presents the previously unknown history of Stalin`s settlements of forced migrants. Bibliography. Name index. (0.525 kg.)
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Code: 001783-2
Tsentral`no-Vostochnaia Evropa vo Vtoroi Polovine XX Veka: V Trekh Tomakh
Tom 2: Ot Stabilizatsii k Krizisu: 1966-1989

[ Tsentral`no-Vostochnaia Evropa vo Vtoroi Polovine XX Veka: V Trekh Tomakh : Tom 2: Ot Stabilizatsii k Krizisu: 1966-1989 ]
Moscow: Nauka, 2002
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 27.00
This is the second volume of a three volume study of Central-Eastern Europe (CEE) in the second half of the 20th century prepared by scholars from the Institute for International Economic and Political Studies.
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Code: 001037-1
Economic and Political Reform in the USSR, 1989
Abstracts of Soviet Social Science Periodicals: Part One

[ Economic and Political Reform in the USSR, 1989 : Abstracts of Soviet Social Science Periodicals: Part One ]
Berkley (CA): Informatics and Prognostics, 1990
Language: English
 Price: $ 24.00
This collection of 896 abstracts is the first part of the research project Economic and Political Reform in the USSR. The abstracts were written by a group of scholars from the Institute of Scientific Information on Social Sciences in Moscow (INION).
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Code: 010973
Kim Chang Jin
Gosudarstvennaia Vlast` i Kooperativnoe Dvizhenie v Rossii-SSSR (1905-1930)

[ Gosudarstvennaia Vlast` i Kooperativnoe Dvizhenie v Rossii-SSSR (1905-1930) : ]
Moscow: Institut Rossiiskoi Istorii, 1996
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 27.00
This is a historical-political analysis of the development of the cooperative movement in Russia during the first thirty years of the 20th century. Includes extensive bibliography.
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Code: 001714
Koen, Stiven (Cohen, Stephen F.)
Proval Krestovogo Pokhoda
SShA i Tragediia Postkommunisticheskoi Rossii

[ Proval Krestovogo Pokhoda : SShA i Tragediia Postkommunisticheskoi Rossii ]
Moscow: AIRO-XX, 2001
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 24.00
This book of the American historian Stephen F. Cohen analyzes the tragedy which followed the collapse of the USSR, and the actual and possible role of the USA in this process. The author offers his understanding of what could American policy be in the 1990s and in the future.
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