Daniels, Robert V Vzlet i Padenie Kommunizma v Rossii
[ Vzlet i Padenie Kommunizma v Rossii]
The rise and fall of communism in Russia Translated from English by I. Kozhanovskaia
Moscow: ROSSPEN: Fond "Prezidentskii tsentr B.N. El`tsina", 2011 511 p Serie: Istoriia stalinizma Hardcover. 14 x 21 cm ISBN: 9785824314984 Language: RussianThe monograph studies the evolution of the soviet system and its ideology and shows how the key ideological concepts and slogans changed in the course of the unfolding of soviet history. Robert Daniels (1929-2010) was a professor and the dean of the history department at University of Vermont. Name index. (0.605 kg.)