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Since 1989 Panorama of Russia has specialized in academic and reference publications from the Russian Federation and the Commonwealth of Independent States. |
Political Science
Total records: 1379 | [ 1 ] | [ 2 ] | [ 3 ] | [ 4 ] | [ 5 ] | [ 6 ] | [ 7 ] | [ 8 ] | [ 9 ] | [ 10 ] | [ 11 ] | [ 12 ] | [ 13 ] | [ 14 ] | [ 15 ] | [ 16 ] | [ 17 ] | [ 18 ] | [ 19 ] | [ 20 ] | [ 21 ] | [ 22 ] | [ 23 ] | [ 24 ] | [ 25 ] | [ 26 ] | [ 27 ] | [ 28 ] | [ 29 ] | [ 30 ] | [ 31 ] | [ 32 ] | [ 33 ] | [ 34 ] | [ 35 ] | [ 36 ] | [ 37 ] | [ 38 ] | [ 39 ] | [ 40 ] | [ 41 ] | [ 42 ] | [ 43 ] | [ 44 ] | [ 45 ] | [ 46 ] |
Code: 020598 Tsenzura i Dostup k Informatsii: Istoriia i Sovremennost` Tezisy Dokladov Mezhdunarodnoi Nauchnoi Konferentsii SPB 2005 g [ Tsenzura i Dostup k Informatsii: Istoriia i Sovremennost` : Tezisy Dokladov Mezhdunarodnoi Nauchnoi Konferentsii SPB 2005 g ] St. Petersburg: Rossiiskaia Natsional`naia Biblioteka, 2005 Language: Russian | Price: $ 9.00 Special price: $ 8.10 | This is a collection of papers presented to the fourth conference on censorship in Russia (the first three were in 1991, 1993 and 1995). Materials included study censorship from the beginning of Russian history up to the present. | |
| | Code: 025282 Men`sheviki: Ot Revoliutsii 1917 Goda do Vtoroi Mirovoi Voiny
[ Men`sheviki: Ot Revoliutsii 1917 Goda do Vtoroi Mirovoi Voiny : ] Moscow: Sobranie, 2009 Language: Russian | Price: $ 39.00 | This collective monograph on the history of the Menshevik movement is based on the memoirs and materials of surviving emigre leaders of this movement. (0.775 kg.) | |
| |  | Code: 027555 Kapitalizm: Neznakomyi Ideal
[ Kapitalizm: Neznakomyi Ideal : ] : Al`pina pablisherz, 2011 Language: Russian | Price: $ 28.00 Special price: $ 25.00 | | |
| | Code: 015654 Paips, Richard (Pipes, Richard) Struve: Levyi Liberal: 1870-1905. Struve: Pravyi Liberal: 1905-1944
[ Struve: Levyi Liberal: 1870-1905. Struve: Pravyi Liberal: 1905-1944 : ] Moscow: Moskovskaia Shkola Politicheskikh Issledovanii, 2001 Language: Russian | Price: $ 54.00 | Petr Struve (1870-1944), the Russian economist and philosopher, developed as a social thinker during three Russian revolutions and the years of his emigration. Richard Pipes wrote Struve`s intellectual biography and described the evolution of his ideas on liberalism and Russian statehood. | |
| | Code: 030241 Krauch, Kolin (Colin Crouch) Strannaia ne-Smert` Neoliberalizma
[ Strannaia ne-Smert` Neoliberalizma : ] Moscow: Delo, RANKhiGS, 2012 Language: Russian | Price: $ 25.00 | The financial crisis seemed to present a fundamental challenge to neo-liberalism, the body of ideas that have constituted the political orthodoxy of most advanced economies in recent decades. Colin Crouch argues in this book that it will shrug off this challenge. | |
| | Code: 026701 Lal, Dipak (Lal, Deepak ) Pokhvala Imperii Globalizatsiia I Poriadok [ Pokhvala Imperii : Globalizatsiia I Poriadok ] Moscow: Novoe izdatel`stvo, 2010 Language: Russian | Price: $ 28.00 | This book is based on the Henry Wendt Lecture by the well known economist Deepak Lal, delivered at the American Enterprise Institute in 2002, In Defense of Empires. The book is addressed to a broad audience. | |
| | Code: 015005 Totalitarizm: Istoricheskii Opyt Vostochnoi Evropy "Demokraticheskoe Intermetstso" s Kommunisticheskim Finalom: 1944-1948 [ Totalitarizm: Istoricheskii Opyt Vostochnoi Evropy : "Demokraticheskoe Intermetstso" s Kommunisticheskim Finalom: 1944-1948 ] Moscow: Nauka, 2002 Language: Russian | Price: $ 21.00 | This is the second volume in the series Totalitarianism: Historical Experience of Eastern Europe (the first was published in 1995). This collection includes nine articles by Russian and foreign political scientists. | |
| | Code: 001783-1 Tsentral`no-Vostochnaia Evropa vo Vtoroi Polovine XX Veka: V Trekh Tomakh Tom 1: Stanovlenie "Real`nogo Sotsializma" (1945-1965) [ Tsentral`no-Vostochnaia Evropa vo Vtoroi Polovine XX Veka: V Trekh Tomakh : Tom 1: Stanovlenie "Real`nogo Sotsializma" (1945-1965) ] Moscow: Nauka, 2000 Language: Russian | Price: $ 27.00 | This is the first volume of a three volume study of Central-Eastern Europe (CEE) in the second half of the 20th century prepared by scholars from the Institute for International Economic and Political Studies. | |
| | Code: 027683 Daniels, Robert V Vzlet i Padenie Kommunizma v Rossii
[ Vzlet i Padenie Kommunizma v Rossii : ] Moscow: ROSSPEN: Fond "Prezidentskii tsentr B.N. El`tsina", 2011 Language: Russian | Price: $ 35.00 | The monograph studies the evolution of the soviet system and its ideology and shows how the key ideological concepts and slogans changed in the course of the unfolding of soviet history. Robert Daniels (1929-2010) was a professor and the dean of the history department at University of Vermont. | |
| | Code: 023059 Kaplan, L`iuis E Stalin: Chelovek, Kotoryi Spas Kapitalizm
[ Stalin: Chelovek, Kotoryi Spas Kapitalizm : ] Moscow: Pokolenie, 2007 Language: Russian | Price: $ 32.00 | This is the first Russian translation of the original and deep book about the role of Joseph Stalin in the uniting, strengthening and developing capitalism and in increasing the prosperity of the capitalist countries, particularly the USA. | |
| | Code: 001232 Zakariia, Farid (Zakaria, Fareed) Budushchee Svobody Neliberal`naia Demokratiia v SShA i za Ikh Predalami [ Budushchee Svobody : Neliberal`naia Demokratiia v SShA i za Ikh Predalami ] Moscow: Ladomir, 2004 Language: Russian | Price: $ 29.00 | Fareed Zakaria, the editor-in-chief of Newsweek International, a host of his own show on CNN, is one of the best known American political experts and scientists. This book is his analysis of the American democratic system of power, its specific features and shortcomings. | |
| |  | Code: 025989 Za Ramkami Totalitarizma Sravnitel`nye Issledovaniia Stalinizma i Natsizma [ Za Ramkami Totalitarizma : Sravnitel`nye Issledovaniia Stalinizma i Natsizma ] Moscow: ROSSPEN, Fond "Prezidentskii tsentr B.N. El`tsina", 2011 Language: Russian | Price: $ 43.00 | The authors of this collection rethink the nature of Stalinism and Nazism and establish a new methodology for viewing the history of Germany and the USSR. These methods go well beyond the now-outdated twentieth-century models of totalitarianism, ideology, and personality. | |
| | Code: 001783-2 Tsentral`no-Vostochnaia Evropa vo Vtoroi Polovine XX Veka: V Trekh Tomakh Tom 2: Ot Stabilizatsii k Krizisu: 1966-1989 [ Tsentral`no-Vostochnaia Evropa vo Vtoroi Polovine XX Veka: V Trekh Tomakh : Tom 2: Ot Stabilizatsii k Krizisu: 1966-1989 ] Moscow: Nauka, 2002 Language: Russian | Price: $ 27.00 | This is the second volume of a three volume study of Central-Eastern Europe (CEE) in the second half of the 20th century prepared by scholars from the Institute for International Economic and Political Studies. | |
| | Code: 031475 Ol`denburg, Rai Tret`e Mesto Kafe, Kofeini, Knizhnye Magaziny, Bary, Salony Krasoty i Drugie Mesta "Rusovok" Kak Fundament Soobshchestva [ Tret`e Mesto : Kafe, Kofeini, Knizhnye Magaziny, Bary, Salony Krasoty i Drugie Mesta "Rusovok" Kak Fundament Soobshchestva ] Moscow: Novoe Literaturnoe Obozrenie, 2014 Language: Russian | Price: $ 35.00 | The Great Good Place argues that "third places" - where people can gather, put aside the concerns of work and home, and hang out simply for the pleasures of good company and lively conversation - are the heart of a community`s social vitality and the grassroots of democracy. | |
| | Code: 031034 Snaider, T. (Timothy Snyder) Rekonstruktsiia Natsii
[ Rekonstruktsiia Natsii : ] Moscow: Letnii Sad, 2013 Language: Russian | Price: $ 25.00 | Timothy Snyder traces the emergence of four rival modern nationalist ideologies from common medieval notions of citizenship. He presents the ideological innovations and ethnic cleansings that abetted the spread of modern nationalism, but also examines recent statesmanship that has allowed national interests to be channeled toward peace. | |
| | Code: 015728 Rossiia v Global`nom Kontekste Stat`i Rossiiskikh Sotsiologov [ Rossiia v Global`nom Kontekste : Stat`i Rossiiskikh Sotsiologov ] Moscow: RITs ISPI RAN, 2002 Language: Russian | Price: $ 25.50 | This is a collection of papers presented at the Russian Forum within the XV World Congress of sociologists and political scientists in Australia in July 2002. The Russian Forum embraced social scientists studying Russia and post-soviet countries from around the world. | |
| | Code: 002359 Uortman, Richard S. (Wortman, Richard S.) Stsenarii Vlasti Mify i Tseremonii Russkoi Monarkhii: Tom I: Ot Petera Velikogo do Smerti Nikolaia I [ Stsenarii Vlasti : Mify i Tseremonii Russkoi Monarkhii: Tom I: Ot Petera Velikogo do Smerti Nikolaia I ] Moscow: O.G.I., 2002 Language: Russian | Price: $ 37.00 | This famous work on the history of Russian political culture deals with the symbolism of court ceremonies from the epoch of Ivan the Third to the reign of Aleksandr the Third. The author describes the complicated system of signs creating and supporting the political images and mythology of the Russian monarchy. | |
| | Code: 023302 Kharvi, Devid (David Harvey) Kratkaia Istoriia Neoliberalizma Aktual`noe Prochtenie [ Kratkaia Istoriia Neoliberalizma : Aktual`noe Prochtenie ] Moscow: Pokolenie, 2007 Language: Russian | Price: $ 26.00 | This is a classic work on the foundations of neo-liberalism, its history and present. Bibliographical references. | |
| | Code: 023255 Administrativnye Reformy v Kontekste Vlastnykh Otnoshenii Opyt Postsotsialisticheskikh Transformatsii v Sravnitel`noi Perspektive [ Administrativnye Reformy v Kontekste Vlastnykh Otnoshenii : Opyt Postsotsialisticheskikh Transformatsii v Sravnitel`noi Perspektive ] Moscow: ROSSPEN, 2008 Language: Russian | Price: $ 31.00 | Contents: A. Oleinik. Taxonomy of power relations; V. Ledyaev. Domination, power and authority in Russia: Basic characteristics; O. Gaman-Golutvina. Changing role of the state and state bureaucracy in the context of public administration reforms: Russian and foreign experience; P. | |
| | Code: 023483 Paips, Deniel (Pipes, Daniel) Zagovor Maniia Presledovaniia v Umakh Politikov [ Zagovor : Maniia Presledovaniia v Umakh Politikov ] Moscow: Novyi khronograf, 2008 Language: Russian | Price: $ 27.00 | Daniel Pipes, a well known Middle East scholar and historian, describes how conspiracy style of paranoid thinking affects political life in the USA and the whole world. Though the book is by genre what may be called current writing, it is based on many sources and provided with impressive bibliographical references. | |
| | Code: 026425 Malia, Martin Aleksandr Gertsen i Proiskhozhdenie Russkogo Sotsializma. 1812-1855
[ Aleksandr Gertsen i Proiskhozhdenie Russkogo Sotsializma. 1812-1855 : ] Moscow: Territoriia budushchego, 2010 Language: Russian | Price: $ 42.00 | The book is one of the best intellectual biographies of the Russian thinker Alexander Gertsen (Herzen) written by an American historian and a specialist in Russia. It raises the issues of the origin and evolution of Gertsen’s political views, examines his social and political activity and his influence on the development of Russian philosophical ideas. | |
| | Code: 023435 Stiglits, Dzhozef Iudzhin (Joseph E. Stiglitz) Revushchie Devianostye Semena Razvala [ Revushchie Devianostye : Semena Razvala ] Moscow: Sovremennaia Ekonomika i Pravo, 2005 Language: Russian | Price: $ 59.00 | A famous work of the 2001 Nobel prize winner in economics Joseph E. Stiglitz in which he analyzes American economic development in 1990s-early 2000s. | |
| | Code: 024108 Evreiskoe Gosudarstvo v Nachale XXI Veka Antologiia Sovremennoi Izrail`skoi Obshchestvenno-Politicheskoi Mysli [ Evreiskoe Gosudarstvo v Nachale XXI Veka : Antologiia Sovremennoi Izrail`skoi Obshchestvenno-Politicheskoi Mysli ] Moscow-Jerusalem: Gesharim, Mosty Kul`tury, 2008 Language: Russian | Price: $ 31.00 | This is a collection of current writings by thinkers from modern Israel. Among the contributors to this collection are: Joseph Dan, Alek D. Epstein, Ofir Haivry, David Hazony, Yoram Hazony, Yagil Henkin, Ruth Gavison, Ze`ev Maghen, Amnon Rubinstein, Moshe Yalon, and Bennett Zimmerman. | |
| | Code: 024196 Paips, Richard (Pipes, Richard) Russkii Konservatizm i Ego Kritiki Issledovanie Politicheskoi Kul`tury [ Russkii Konservatizm i Ego Kritiki : Issledovanie Politicheskoi Kul`tury ] Moscow: Novoe izdatel`stvo, Fond Liberal`naia Missiia, 2008 Language: Russian | Price: $ 27.00 | A new book by a famous American historian and thinker on the history of conservative thinking in Russia from the 15th century to early 1917. According to the author, the factual absence of the institution of private ownership as it is known in the western world became the main reason for the weakness of civil society in Russia, and for the high popularity of conservative ideology defending the authoritative state as the only possible alternative for the Russian political system. | |
| | Code: 022928 Kin, Dzhon (Keane, John) Demokratiia i Grazhdanskoe Obshchestvo O Trudnostiakh Evropeiskogo Sotsializma, Perspektivakh Demokratii i Probleme Kontrolia nad Sotsial`no-Politichekoi Vlast`iu [ Demokratiia i Grazhdanskoe Obshchestvo : O Trudnostiakh Evropeiskogo Sotsializma, Perspektivakh Demokratii i Probleme Kontrolia nad Sotsial`no-Politichekoi Vlast`iu ] Moscow: Progress-Traditsiia, 2001 Language: Russian | Price: $ 19.00 | This is a well known book by John Keane, professor at the University of Westminster, the director of the Centre for the Study of Democracy. The subtitle of this book: On the Predicaments of European Socialism, the Prospects for Democracy, and the Problem of Controlling Social and Political Power. | |
| | Code: 028591 Mitchell, U.Dzh. (Mitchell, William J.) Ia++: Chelovek, Gorod, Seti
[ Ia++: Chelovek, Gorod, Seti : ] Moscow: Strelka Press, 2012 Language: Russian | Price: $ 39.00 | With Me++ the author of City of Bits and e-topia completes an informal trilogy examining the ramifications of information technology in everyday life. William Mitchell describes the transformation of wireless technology in the hundred years since Marconi—the scaling up of networks and the scaling down of the apparatus for transmission and reception. | |
| | Code: 022553 Manen, Bernard (Manin, Bernard) Printsipy Predstavitel`nogo Pravleniia
[ Printsipy Predstavitel`nogo Pravleniia : ] St. Petersburg: Izd-vo Evropeiskogo Universiteta, 2008 Language: Russian | Price: $ 24.00 | This book is a study at the crossing of theory of democracy, political theory and history of political thought. It contains a respectful and reasoned criticism of the existing democracies and their power systems: England, France, the USA. | |
| | Code: 002145E Kozhevnikova, G.V., Sibireva, O.A., Verkhovskii, A.M Xenophobia, Freedom of Conscience and Anti-extremism in Russia in 2007 A Collection of annual reports by the SOVA Center for Information and Analysis [ Xenophobia, Freedom of Conscience and Anti-extremism in Russia in 2007 : A Collection of annual reports by the SOVA Center for Information and Analysis ] Moscow: Informatsionno-Analiticheskii Tsentr "Sova", 2008 Language: English | Price: $ 7.00 | A collection of annual reports summarizes all the major areas of research by the SOVA Center for Information and Analysis in 2007. The first report addresses pressing issues, such as the growth of nationalism, hate crimes, and the efforts of government and society to combat these problems. | |
| | Code: 027873 Ister, Dzh. M. (Easter, Gerald M.) Sovetskoe Gosudarstvennoe Stroitel`stvo Sistema Lichnykh Sviazei i Samoidentefikatsiia Elity v Sovetskoi Rossii [ Sovetskoe Gosudarstvennoe Stroitel`stvo : Sistema Lichnykh Sviazei i Samoidentefikatsiia Elity v Sovetskoi Rossii ] Moscow: ROSSPEN, Fond "Prezidentskii tsentr B.N.El`tsina", 2011 Language: Russian | Price: $ 23.00 | Gerald M. Easter (Miami University) studies the history of the rise and fall of the soviet government with special focus on personal networks and elite identity as informal sources of power. Bibliography. | |
| | Code: 005815 Fergiuson, A. (Ferguson, A.) Opyt Istorii Grazhdanskogo Obshchestva
[ Opyt Istorii Grazhdanskogo Obshchestva : ] Moscow: ROSSPEN, 2000 Language: Russian | Price: $ 23.00 | This is the first complete Russian translation of the famous book by Adam Ferguson (1723-1816) with some supplements added to the last (1814) edition. | |
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