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Since 1989 Panorama of Russia has specialized in academic and reference publications from the Russian Federation and the Commonwealth of Independent States.

Finance and Banking

Total records: 114
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Code: 019479
Kuris`, N.V
Inostrannye Investitsii
Rossiiskaia Istoriia (Pravovoe Issledovanie)

[ Inostrannye Investitsii : Rossiiskaia Istoriia (Pravovoe Issledovanie) ]
St. Petersburg: Iuridicheskii Tsentr Press, 2003
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 29.00
This book expounds the basic principles of legal regulation of foreign investment based on the author’s historical research of Russian legislation from the 16th to the 20th centuries. It provides a comparative analysis with current legislation, and provides recommendations for applying historical principles.
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Code: 019551
Leont`eva, Zh.G., Kuznetsova, A.V
Uchet Vneshneekonomicheskoi Deiatl`nosti i Valiutnykh Operatsii

[ Uchet Vneshneekonomicheskoi Deiatl`nosti i Valiutnykh Operatsii : ]
St. Petersburg: Iuridicheskii Tsentr Press, 2004
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 34.50
This book deals with organization and methodology of accounting, taxation, and audit of currency transactions of profit-making organizations in accordance with the latest changes in currency, accounting and tax legislation of the Russian Federation.
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Code: 019435
Vinnitskii, D.V
Rossiiskoe Nalogovoe Pravo
Problemy Teorii i Praktiki

[ Rossiiskoe Nalogovoe Pravo : Problemy Teorii i Praktiki ]
St. Petersburg: Iuridicheskii Tsentr Press, 2003
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 36.00
This book researches several problems of theory and practice of Russian tax law: its functions, the subject of regulation, certain peculiarities of its legal effect, tax law principles, concepts and categories, the presumptions and legal constructions used, and some ways of interpreting tax law norms.
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Code: 029376
Eikhengrin, Barri (Barry Eichengreen)
Nepomernaia Privilegiia: Vzlet i Padenie Dollara

[ Nepomernaia Privilegiia: Vzlet i Padenie Dollara : ]
Moscow: Izd-vo Instituta Gaidara, 2013
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 24.00
Recent events in the US--high unemployment, record federal deficits, and unprecedented financial distress--have raised serious doubts about the future of the dollar. So profound has been the impact that some say the dollar may soon cease to be the world`s standard currency.
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Code: 016469
Apel`, A., Gun`ko, V., Sokolov, I
Obnalichivanie i Offshornyi Biznes v Skhemakh

[ "Laundering money" and off-shore business in schemes : ]
St. Petersburg: Piter, 2002
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 18.00
This monograph studies the most frequent financial crimes in Russia: so called "obnalichivanie" or "chernyi nal (laundering money)". Most of them are done with the help of off-shore businesses. The authors describe and classify various schemes of this kind of crime, both already known and specific to Russia.
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Code: 007118
Anikin, A.V
Istoriia Finansovykh Potriasenii
Ot Dzhona Lo do Sergeia Kirienko

[ A History of financial crashes : From John Law to Sergei Kirienko ]
Moscow: Olimp-Biznes, 2000
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 24.00
This history of financial crashes starts with the project of the Scottish Adventurer John Law (France, 1716-1720) and finishes with the Kirienko default (1997) named after the Russian prime-minister at that time.
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Code: 031438
Katasonov, V.Iu
Amerika protiv Rossii: Agoniia Finansovoi Piramidy FRS
Reket i Ekspropriatsii Vashingtonskogo Obkoma

[ America against Russia: Death agony of the financial pyramid of the Federal Reserve System : Racket and expropriation of the Washington "obkom" ]
Moscow: Knizhnyi mir, 2014
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 25.00
This book analyzes the economic, financial and monetary aspects of modern America in the context of the world economic system. V. Katasonov is a professor of international finance systems at the MGIMO (Moscow).
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Code: 012032
Polonskii, Iu.D
Predprinimatel`stvo bez Obrazovaniia Iuridicheskogo Litsa: Gosudarstvennaia Registratsiia: Vybor Sitemy Nalogooblozheniia: Registratsiia v Nalogovom Organe: Raschetnyi Schet v Banke
Denezhnye Raschety. Dokhody i Raskhody. Otchetnost.: Dokumenty

[ An entrepreneur without registration as a proprietor: Official registration: The choice of tax system: Registration with a revenue department : Opening an account: Monetary transactions: Income and expenses: Accountability: Documents ]
Moscow: Os`-89, 1997
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 22.00
This brochure contains normative acts, an account of methods, and experts’ recommendations with an emphasis on financing and taxation law. The documents are compiled with regard to the statutes of the new Russian Federation Civil Code, as well as to standard documents regulating the use of the simplified tax system, inventory, and bookkeeping sanctioned for small entrepreneurs.
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Code: 002390-19
Shirikov, Anton
Anatomiia Bezdeistviia
Politicheskie Instituty i Konflikty v Biudzhetnom Protsesse Regionov Rossii

[ Anatomy of inaction : Political institutions and conflicts in the budgetary process of regions of Russia ]
St. Petersburg: Izd-vo Evropeiskogo Un-ta v Sankt-Peterburge, 2010
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 29.00
The Russian society has gotten used to the new regional legislative bodies (dumas), however these new political institutions are still quite ineffective and weak. The idea of expanding the government machine was originally very welcome, but the concept of separation of power is not rooted in Russian political culture.
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Code: 020167
Stepashin, S.V., Dvurechenskikh, V.A., Chegrinits, et al
Vlast` — Demokratiia — Kontrol`

[ Authority — Democracy — Control : ]
Moscow: Finansovyi Kontrol`, 2005
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 33.00
Special price: $ 32.00
This book is about one of the most influential organs of the Russian government, Schetnaia Palata (Controlling Chamber), responsible for the fiscal control of the government on the federal and local levels, as well as their budgets and financial activities.
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Code: 011980
Banki i Bankovskie Operatsii
Uchebnik dlia Vuzov

[ Banks and banking transactions : Uchebnik dlia Vuzov ]
Moscow: Banki i Birzhi, IUNITI, 1997
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 39.00
The activities of banks of different kinds and the banking system as whole in the modern Russian situation is the subject of this textbook. Includes reading list and short dictionary.
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Code: 014163
Simonov, N.S
Banki i Den`gi: 1988-2008
Istoricheskie Ocherk

[ Banks and money: 1988-2008 : Historical essays ]
Moscow: RAGS, 2010
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 49.00
This monograph is about the organizational and political history of the formation the modern banking system in postsoviet Russia: its crises, functions and evolution. (0.515 kg.)
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Code: 014657
Liasko, A.K
Barter: Teoriia i Praktika

[ Barter: Theory and practice : ]
Moscow: Finstatinform, 2001
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 13.50
Barter transactions as well as other forms of non-monetary exchanges continue to play an important role in the Russian economy. By the beginning of 2000 non-monetary transactions were 35% of total sales.
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Code: 005580
Sulakshin, S
Biudzhet-99: Dobit` Stranu

[ Budget `99: To destroy the country : ]
Moscow: Fond Razvitiia Politicheskogo Tsentrizma, 1999
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 6.00
S. Sulakshin is one the leaders of the Foundation of Political Centrism. He is a nuclear physicist and vice-chairman of the Committee on Industry, Construction, Transportation, and Energetics in the Russian Parliament, where he is responsible for the military-industrial complex.
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Code: 009989
Biznes i Banki v Sovremennoi Rossii
Dinamika, Tendentsii i Zakonomernosti Razvitiia

[ Business and banks in contemporary Russia : Dynamics, trends and regularities of development ]
Moscow: Institut Ekonomiki RAN, 1996
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 16.00
Covers issues of bank and banking in Russia including monetray regulation of commercial banks, forms of government suport of small business, economic crimes, remedies for overcoming investment crises, training of bank staff, forming the resources of commercial banks.
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Code: 029311
Guseva, Alia
Karty v Ruki: Zarozhdenie Rynka Bankovskikh Kart v Postsovetskoi Rossii

[ Cards in hand: The rise of the market for bank cards in postsoviet Russia : ]
Moscow: Vysshaia shkola ekonomiki, 2012
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 21.00
This monograph studies the rise of the market for bank cards in postsoviet Russia in 1988-2008. The author analyzes two main problems which inevitably relate to this market: how to protect banks from losses from bad loans, and how to attract as many users of the cards as possible and maximize the number of card transactions.
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Code: 010615
Bogatukh, E.A
Grazhdanskoe i Torgovoe Pravo
Ot Drevnego Rimskogo k Sovremennomu Rossiiskomu. Part I

[ Civil and trade law : From ancient Rome to modern Russia ]
Moscow: INFRA-M, 1996
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 36.00
This book describes the major principles of Russian trade and civil law, its specifics compared with other legal systems, its subjects and objects, main types of agreements and trade relations, their rules and phases, and legal amenities.
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Code: 020999B
Prokhorova, N.V
Monety i Banknoty Rossii

[ Coins and banknotes of Russia : ]
Moscow: Dom Slavianskoi Knigi, 2008
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 21.00
This book is about the history of circulating currency in Russia from the 10th century to 1999, types of money used, their individual history, monetary reforms. Though the book is not addressed to collectors and numismatists directly, it contains valuable information on the topic.
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Code: 020999
Prokhorova, N.V
Monety i Banknoty Rossii

[ Coins and banknotes of Russia : ]
Moscow: Dom Slavianskoi Knigi, 2006
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 25.00
This book is about the history of circulating currency in Russia from the 10th century to 1999, types of money used, their individual history, monetary reforms. Though the book is not addressed to collectors and numismatists directly, it contains valuable information on the topic.
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Code: 015167
Ponomarev, A.L
Den`gi Zolotoi Ordy i Trapezundskoi Imperii
Kvantitativnaia Numizmatika i Protsessy Srednevekovoi Ekonomiki

[ Coins of the Golden Horde and Trapezund Empire : Quantative numismatics and medieval economic trends ]
Moscow: Editorial URSS, 2002
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 89.00
Trapezund and the Golden Horde were region of intense international trade. Unfortunately, there are very few documents which would permit scholars to describe the economics of the region. The author used old treasure and coin collections as a source of information.
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Code: 008399
Sbornik Program Gumanitarnykh i Sotsial`no-Ekonomicheskikh Distsiplin po Spetsial`nostiam "Gosudarstvennoe i Munitsipal`noe Upravlenie", " Finansy I Kredit", "Iurisprudentsiia"

[ Collection of syllabi for the courses `State and Municipal Management`, `Finance and Credit`, and `Jurisprudence` : ]
Novosibirsk: Sibirskaia Akademiia Gosudarstvennoi Sluzhby, 2000
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 21.00
This teaching aid contains three syllabi together with recommended reading and tests for each of them.
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Code: 004364
Bogdanova, O.M
Kommercheskie Banki Rossii
Formirovanie Uslovii Ustoichivogo Razvitiia

[ Commercial banks in Russia : Forming conditions for sustainable development ]
Moscow: Finstatinform, 1998
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 19.50
The author studies factors and conditions for sustainable development of commercial banks on macro and micro levels, trends in banking system development, levels of government regulation.
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Code: 028840
Strochak, S.A
Uslovnye Obiazatel`stva - 2, ili Ocherki Finansovoi Diplomatii

[ Conditional liability - 2, or essays on financial diplomacy : ]
Moscow: Zebra E, 2012
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 43.00
Sergei Storchak (b. 1954), the former director of international finance department at the Ministry of Finance (2004-5) was arrested and accused in attempt to embezzle the government money. He was released in 2008.
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Code: 024701
Golubovskii, D.N
Zagovor Bankirov

[ Conspiracy of the bankers : ]
Moscow: Eksmo, Algoritm, 2009
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 18.00
This book by the Russian financial analyst Dmitrii Golubovskii shows how the recent financial crisis made the "selected" banks and bankers, including Russian ones, richer at the expense of millions of people.
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Code: 023447
Peregudov, S.P., Semenenko, I.S
Korporativnoe Grazhdanstvo
Kontseptsii, Mirovaia Praktika i Rossiiskie Realii

[ Corporate citizenship : Concepts, world practice and Russian realities ]
Moscow: Progress-Traditsiia, 2008
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 37.00
This monograph deals with the issue of the corporate citizenship, its principles and norms, in particular what is called the social responsibility of corporations. The authors analyze the main areas of social responsibility, general context and differences in theory and practice of social responsibility and corporate citizenship of international corporations in Russia and its regions.
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Code: 012757
Oleksienko, M. et al
Kredyt i Kredytni Pravovidnosini
Ekonomichna Pryroda i Praktyka Zakonodavchogo Reguliuvannia

[ Credit and legal credit relations : The Economic nature and practice of legal regulation ]
Ky¿v: Kozaki, 1996
Language: Ukrainian
 Price: $ 24.00
The book describes legal and economic nature of credit relationships, analyzes the recent practice of arbitration courts and specific cases on the subject, contains all the major Ukrainian laws and acts regulating credit relations.
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Code: 005075
Chernyshev, Sergei
Krizis? Ekspansiia!
Kak Sozdat` Mirovoi Finansovyi Tsentr v Rossii

[ Crisis? Expansion! : How to create a world financial center in Russia ]
Moscow: Evropa, 2009
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 8.00
Russia has a real chance to become a world financial center after the current world economic crisis is over, according to the author of this book. He offers his plan of preparing Russia for this role. Sergei Chernyshev (b.
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Code: 011990
Valiutnoe Regulirovanie v Rossii
Sbornik Osnovnykh Normativnykh Aktov

[ Currency regulation in Russia : Normative acts collection ]
Moscow: Zakon i Pravo, IUNITI, 1996
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 42.00
This book contains all major laws and regulations on currency transactions, bank accounts, exchanges and markets in Russia. Laws and acts are arranged topically.
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Code: 007344-266
Valiutnye Voiny: Mify i Real`nost`
Materialy Kruglogo Stola (Institut Evropy RAN, 2 Dekabria 2010 g.)

[ Currency wars: Myths and reality : Materials of the round table (Institute of Europe RAS, December 2, 2010) ]
Moscow: IE RAN, Russkii suvenir, 2011
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 20.00
The global crisis of 2008-2009 affected all spheres of economic activity and brought to light serious conflicts of the interest among the various participants in international economic exchange. Recent sharp fluctuations in currency rates on the global market are viewed as one of the most striking demonstrations of these contradictions.
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Code: 030572
Momot, M.V
Demokratiia i Ee Posledstviia
O Proiskhozhdenii "Narodnogo Pravleniia", Gosdolge, Neravenstve i Nalogakh

[ Democracy and its consequences : On the birth of "Peoples` government", the national debt, inequality and taxes ]
Moscow: Territoriia budushchego, 2013
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 18.00
Despite the common opinion that democracy as "people`s government” has the better control over the spending collected taxes at all levels, the author of this book tries to show that the existing political system does just the opposite, it does not allow the people to control spending, and that is why the government debt is constantly growing in most democratic countries to the point that they are on the edge of bankruptcy.
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