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Since 1989 Panorama of Russia has specialized in academic and reference publications from the Russian Federation and the Commonwealth of Independent States.

Rare Russian Books

Total records: 33
[ 1 ][ 2 ]
History and Theory of Arts
The Russian Avant-Garde (5)The Silver Age (1)
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Code: 024754-06
Vremennik Zubovskogo Instituta
Vyp. 6: Groznoe Vremia: Voina v Zerkale Chelovecheskogo Vospriiatiia

[ Proceedings of the Zubovskii Institute : Issue 6: The dreadful time: War in the mirror of human perception ]
St. Petersburg: RIII, 2010
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 21.00
This is the sixth issue of proceedings of the Russian Institute for Studies in the History of the Arts (St. Petersburg). Contents: Flag kak voodushevliaiushchii simvol (k semantike obraza Khrista s flagom), Chuzhaia sviatynia: Evreiskaia legenda o voine 1812 g.
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Code: 005561-4
Teoriia Khudozhestvennoi Kul`tury: Ezhegodnik
Vypusk 4

[ Theory of artistic culture: Annual : Issue four ]
: Gos. Institut Iskusstvoznaniia, 2000
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 19.00
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Code: 025563-15
Kul`turologicheskie Zapiski: Vyp. 15
Sotsiologiia Iskusstva Mezhdu Proshlym i Budushchim: K 20-Letiiu Otdela Teoreticheskoi Sotsiologii Iskusstva

[ Culturological notes: Issue 15 : Sociology of art between the past and future: On the 20th anniversary of the Department of Theoretical Sociology of Art ]
Moscow: GII, 2013
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 25.00
The fifteenth issue of the annual publication of the Institute of Art Studies is about the sociology of art. Among contributors to the collection are the leading Russian specialists in the field: G. Dadamian, E.
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Code: 003563-1
Drevnii Mir i My: Al`manakh, No. 1
Klassicheskoe Nasledie v Evrope i v Rossii

[ Old World and we: Almanac : The Classical heritage in Europe and Russia ]
St. Petersburg: Aleteiia, [1997]
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 22.00
This is the first volume of an almanac which will publish materials on the history of education, life, and culture in Ancient Greece and Rome. It is addressed not only to scholars but to a broad reading public as well.
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Code: 010918
Ierusalim v Russkoi Kul`ture

[ Jerusalem in Russian culture : ]
Moscow: Nauka-Vostochnaia Literatura, 1994
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 28.50
The theme of Jerusalem and its sacred places is a perennial topic of Russian theology, literature, and the arts. This book pays special attention to how Jerusalem influenced Russian medieval headstones, frescos, iconography, and architecture: Tserkov` Vozneseniia Khristova (Spas na Krovi), city of New Jerusalem, etc.
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Code: 005561-5
Teoriia Khudozhestvennoi Kul`tury: Ezhegodnik
Vypusk 5

[ Theory of artistic culture: Annual : Issue five ]
Moscow: Gos. Institut Iskusstvoznaniia, 2001
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 24.00
This is the fifth volume of the annual by the National Institute of Art Studies started in 1997. This volume discusses the relationship between culture and the arts; the history of soviet art and its various interpretations; social history of the arts, its current state and perspectives; the unstable state of social strata in post-soviet society; axiological changes in modern architectural thinking; the marginal type of artist as a phenomenon of the transition epoch; trends and perspectives of cultural charity in Russia; economic the basis of cultural policy; theory and history of the arts in the transition period.
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Code: 005561-14
Teoriia Khudozhestvennoi Kul`tury
Vypusk 14

[ Theory of artistic culture : Issue 14 ]
Moscow: Gos. Institut Iskusstvoznaniia (GII), 2011
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 43.00
The fourteenth issue of the series discusses the artistic experience of the 20th century, its sociological, historical and semiotic aspects. The contributors also touch upon methods of cultural study and issues of the functioning of new arts: TV, Internet, cyber culture, etc.
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Code: 008740-98
Nauchnoe Obozrenie - 98/99

[ Scientific review - 1998/99 : ]
Moscow: Gos. In-t Iskusstvoznaniia, 2001
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 24.00
This is the second issue of a review which is planned to be the annual proceedings of the State Institute of History and Theory of Art (Gosudarstvennyi Institut Iskusstvoznaniia). Chapter one includes an annotated bibliography of the 1998-1999 institute publications (pp.
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Code: 014389-1
Istoriia i Sotsiologiia Kul`tury
Vypusk 1: Istoriia i Sotsiologiia Obrazovaniia

[ History and sociology of culture : Issue 1: History and sociology of education ]
Novosibirsk: Novosibirskii Gos. Universitet, 2000
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 12.00
This is the first issue of proceedings of the History Department of Novosibirsk University on the history and sociology of education. The collection includes seven articles on the pedagogic ideas and methods of different cultures and epochs, including articles on the history of graduate and continuing education in Russia.
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Code: 005561-13
Teoriia Khudozhestvennoi Kul`tury
Vypusk 13

[ Theory of artistic culture : Issue 13 ]
Moscow: Gos. Institut Iskusstvoznaniia (GII), 2011
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 43.00
This is the thirteenth volume of the annual by the National Institute of Art Studies. This volume discusses the transformation of art and artistic culture in the 20th century: Metamorphosis of art in the 20th-early 21st centuries; Myth creation in the history of artistic culture; Myth as a category of culture.
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Code: 013140
Doteatral`no-Igrovoi Iazyk Russkogo Fol`klora

[ Pre-theater play language of Russian folklore : ]
: Dmitrii Bulanin, 1998
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 25.00
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Code: 007295-03
Kul`tura Narodov Sibiri
Materialy Tret`ikh Sibirski Chtenii

[ Culture of Siberian Peoples : Materials of the third readings ]
: Muzei Antropologii i Etnografii (Kunstkamera), 1997
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 21.00
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Code: 013826-02B
Drevnerusskoe Iskusstvo
Vizantiia, Rus`, Zapadnaia Evropa: Iskusstvo i Kul`tura

[ Old Russian art : Byzantium, Old Rus, Western Europe: Art and Culture ]
: Dmitrii Bulanin, 2002
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 48.00
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Code: 009458
Siuzhety i Simvoly Moskovskogo Tsarstva

[ Themes and symbols of the Moscovite Kingdom : ]
: Akropol`, 1995
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 33.00
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Code: 004227
Kliuchevskii, V.O
O Nravstvennosti i Russkoi Kul`ture

[ On morality and Russian culture : ]
Moscow: Institut Russkoi Istorii, 1998
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 18.00
V. Kliuchesvskii (1841-1911) is best known as an outstanding Russian historian, but he also left a lot of essays about his historian colleagues, literary criticism, and writings on moral issues. This book is a collection of his essays, speeches, and lectures.
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Code: 013533
Lavrent`ev, A.V
Liudi i Veshchi
Pamiatniki Russkoi Istorii i Kul`tury XVI-XVIII vv., Ikh Sozdateli i Vladel`tsy

[ People and objects : Monuments of Russian history and culture XVI-XVIII ]
Moscow: Arkheograficheskii Tsentr, 1997
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 29.00
This book contains essays on several monuments of Russian history and culture of the 16th-18th centuries from the collection of the State Historical Museum in Moscow, as well as from private collections of Muscovites.
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Code: 009999-05
Rozanov, V.V
V.V. Rozanov: Sobranie sochinenii
V Temnykh Religioznykh Luchakh

[ V.V. Rozanov: Collected works : In dark religious rays ]
Moscow: Respublika, 1994
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 35.00
This volume includes two Rozanov`s works: "Russkaia Tserkov` i Drugie stat`i" (1909) and "V Temnykh Religioznykh Luchakh" (1910). The main subject of these books is the role of christianity in the development of Russian culture.
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Code: 010394
Problemy Istorii Nauki i Kul`tury Rossii
Mezhvuzovskii Sbornik Nauchnykh Trudov

[ Problems in the history of social science and the culture of Russia : Collected work ]
Omsk: Omskii gosudarstvennyi universitet, 1993
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 21.00
This collected work contains articles on the history of the Russian intelligentsiia, the role of personality in Russian history, the relationship between history and sociology, archival studies in Siberia, personalities, etc.
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Code: 008740-01
Nauchnoe Obozrenie - 2001

[ Scientific review - 2001 : ]
Moscow: Gos. In-t Iskusstvoznaniia, 2003
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 25.50
This is the fourth issue of the annual proceedings of the State Institute of History and Theory of Art (Gosudarstvennyi Institut Iskusstvoznaniia). Chapter one includes an annotated bibliography of the 2001 institute publications.
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Code: 008740-00
Nauchnoe Obozrenie - 2000

[ Scientific review - 2000 : ]
Moscow: Gos. In-t Iskusstvoznaniia, 2002
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 25.50
This is the third issue of the annual proceedings of the State Institute of History and Theory of Art (Gosudarstvennyi Institut Iskusstvoznaniia). Chapter one includes an annotated bibliography of the 2000 institute publications.
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Code: 004345
Chervonnaia, S.M
Vse Nashi Bogi s Nami i za Nas
Etnicheskaia Identichnost` i Etnicheskaia Mobilizatsiia v Sovremennom Iskusstve Narodov Rossii

[ All our gods with us and for us : Ethnic identity and ethnic mobilization in the modern art of the peoples of Russia ]
Moscow: Institut Etnologii i Antropologii, 1999
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 18.00
The author studies two sides of one phenomenon in modern Russian culture. First, how the values and symbols of ethnic identity express themselves in modern art. Second, the role of artists in forming and defining national identities and national movements in different republics and regions of Russia The monograph studies problems on the interchange between theoretical ethnology and art criticism.
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Code: 008740-97
Nauchnoe Obozrenie - 97

[ Scientific review - 1997 : ]
Moscow: Gosudarstvennyi In-t Iskusstvoznaniia, 2001
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 24.00
This is the pilot issue of a review which is planned to be an annual proceedings of the State Institute of History and Theory of Art (Gosudarstvennyi Institut Iskusstvoznaniia). It consists of four chapters.
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Code: 010145-28
Informatsionnyi Biulleten` MAIRSK. Vyp. 28-29

[ of The Information Bulletin of the International Association for the Study and Dissemination of Slavonic Cultures. Vol. 28-29 : ]
Moscow: In-t Slavianovedeniia i Balkanistiki, 1996
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 24.00
This double issue (vol. 28-29) of The Information Bulletin of the International Association for the Study and Dissemination of Slavonic Cultures opens with a speech by the president of IASDSC at the conference "Slav cultures and modern civilization" in Sofia, 1994.
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Code: 010277
Iskusstvo i Rynok

[ The Arts and the market : ]
Moscow: In-t Iskusstvoznaniia, 1996
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 22.50
This book is devoted to problems of the arts in transitional economics, the market for cultural services, and the role of the government in the development of the arts.
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Code: 003532
Literatura i Iskusstvo v Istorii Otechestva
Materialy Dvenadtsatoi Vserossiiskoi Zaochnoi Nauchnoi Konferentsii

[ Literature and the arts in the history of the Motherland : Materials of the twelfth All-Russian Scientific conference ]
St. Petersburg: Nestor, 1998
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 9.00
This book is a collection of 46 papers presented in the conference on literature and the arts in the history of Russia. Most of them are on art history and the place of the arts in Old Rus and the most recent Russian history.
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Code: 008229
Khronika Khudozhestvennoi Zhizni Tomska: 1909-1919
K 90-Letiiu Tomskogo Obshchestva Liubitelei Khudozhestv

[ Chronicle of artistic life of the city of Tomsk in 1909-1919 : On the 90th jubilee of the Tomsk Society of Friends of Art ]
Tomsk: TGU, 2000
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 21.00
This chronicle was compiled based on the newspaper Siberian Life for 1908-1919. The city of Tomsk was one of the largest cities in pre-revolutionary Russia and had a rich cultural and artistic life. The chronicle contains information about the biggest cultural events, artists, artistic schools, etc.
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Code: 009538
Iz Istorii Russkoi Emigratsii
Obshchestvo Okhraneniia Russkikh Kul`turnykh Tsennostei. Parizh: Katalog Vystavki

[ From the history of Russian emigration : The Society for the Protection of Russian Cultural Values. Paris: Exbition catalog ]
: Evropeiskii Dom, 1995
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 9.00
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Code: 012833
Dialog Kul`tur
Problema Vzaimodeistviia Russkogo i Mirovogo Teatra XX Veka

[ Dialogue of cultures : The Problem of the interaction between Russian and world theaters in the 20th century ]
St. Petersburg: Dmitrii Bulanin, 1997
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 33.00
This book is about the history of Russian theater and the cultural dialogue among European, American, and Russian theaters.
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Code: 029728-4
Russkii Simvolizm i Mirovaia Kul`tura
Sbornik Nauchnykh Trudov Vyp. 4

[ Russian symbolism and world culture : Collected scholarly works: Issue 4 ]
Moscow: Ekon-inform, 2012
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 28.00
This is the fourth volume of works on the early symbolist literary school: Briusov, Bal`mont, Minskii, Merezhkovskii, Gippius, etc. (0.345 kg.) Also available on the subject: Petrova, Oksema. Simvolizm v Russkom Izobrazitel`nom Iskusstve (2000); Literaturnye Manifesty ot Simvolizma do Nashikh Dnei (2000); Kolobaeva, L.
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Code: 030933
Kliueva, L.B
Postmodernizm v Kino: O Nekotorykh Aspektakh Postmodernistskogo Diskursa
Materialy po Kursu "Teoreticheskii Analiz Fil’ma": Uchebnoe Posobie

[ Postmodernism in film: On various aspects of postmodern discourse : Materials for the course "Theoretical analysis of film": Text book ]
Moscow: GITR, 2010
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 19.00
This is a textbook for the course "Theoretical analysis of film" at the Russian State Institute of TV and Radiocasting. (0.135 kg.)
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