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Since 1989 Panorama of Russia has specialized in academic and reference publications from the Russian Federation and the Commonwealth of Independent States.

Rare Russian Books

Total records: 22
[ 1 ]
Visual Arts
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Code: 001204
Chumakova, T.V
V Chelovecheskom Zhitel`stve Mnozi Obrazy Zriatsia"
Obraz Cheloveka v Kul`ture Drevnei Rusi

[ The Image of man in the culture of Old Rus : Obraz Cheloveka v Kul`ture Drevnei Rusi ]
St. Petersburg: Sankt-Peterburgskoe Filosofskoe Obshchestvo, 2001
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 16.00
This monograph studies the anthropological views of Old Russian and East-European medieval thinkers: Nil Sorskii, Artemii Troitskii, Tsar Ivan the Terrible, and unknown authors. The author traces how the image of man formed and evolved in Old Russian culture and what were the cultural contexts of man`s existence.
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Code: 024754-05
Vremennik Zubovskogo Instituta
Vyp. 5: Petrushka Kruglyi God: Stat`i i Materialy v Chest` Anny Fedorovny Nekrylovoi

[ Proceedings of the Zubovskii Institut : Issue 5: Petrushka all year long: Articles and material in honor of Anna Fedorovna Nekrylova ]
St. Petersburg: RIII, 2010
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 23.00
This is the fifth issue of proceedings of the Russian Institute for the Studies in History of the Arts (St. Petersburg). The current volume contains works on Russian traditional culture, folk calendar and theater.
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Code: 024754-04
Vremennik Zubovskogo Instituta
Vyp. 4: Grani Interpretatsii

[ Proceedings of the Zubovskii Institut : Issue 4: Nuances of interpretation ]
St. Petersburg: RIII, 2010
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 24.00
This is the fourth issue of proceedings of the Russian Institute for the Studies in History of the Arts (St. Petersburg). The current volume contains works on various approaches to interpretations in music, visual arts, theater, literature: Nezavershennye proizvedeniia - "oshibka protiv logiki"; Soliarnye interpretatsii v akademicheskoi muzyke XX v.
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Code: 002568
Ioskevich, Ia
Novye Tekhnologii i Evoliutsiia Khudozhestvennoi Kul`tury

[ New technologies and the evolution of artistic culture : ]
Moscow: RIII, 2003
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 18.00
This monograph deals with audio-visual culture, art of the screen, and its relations with high technology. The author shows how use of new technologies affects video art and its evolution. Bibliographic references.
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Code: 015895-00
Ezhegodnik Novgorodskogo Gosudarstvennogo Ob`edinennogo Muzeia-Zapovednika: 2000

[ Annual of the Novgorod State Joint Museum Preservation Areas : ]
Velikii Novgorod: Novgorodskii Gosudarstvennyi Ob`edinennyi Muzeii-Zapovednik, 2002
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 31.00
The Novgorod Museum was founded in 1865, the year of the one hundredth anniversary of Russian statehood. The first part of the annual report includes: description of the collection, publications of the museum, scientific conferences, exhibition activity, description of research and restoration work in progress, educational and social activities.
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Code: 003365
Dostoevskii, Fedor
Risunki Fedora Dostoevskogo

[ Fyodor Dostoyevsky`s drawings : ]
Moscow: Voskresen`e, 1998
Language: Russian, English, German and French
 Price: $ 18.00
29 drawings from Dostoevskii`s diaries. Parallel text in Russian, English, German, and French.
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Code: 027051
Reginskaia, N.V
Sv. Georgii Pobedonosets - Nebesnyi Pokrovitel` Rossii v Izobrazitel`nom Iskusstve Evropy i Rossii

[ St. George the Victor - patron saint of Russia in the decorative arts of Europe and Russia : ]
St. Petersburg: SPbKO, 2010
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 32.00
This book describes the history of St. George the Victor iconography, and paintings of Russia and Europe in the 20th century. The author explains the symbolism of the image and its evolution from the birth of Christianity to nowadays.
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Code: 013687
Dvadtsatyi Vek i Puti Evropeiskoi Kul’tury

[ The 20th century and avenues of European culture : ]
Moscow: Gosudarstvennyi Institut Iskusstvoznaniia, 2000
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 21.00
The place of the 20th century in European culture continues to cause debate among philosophers and historians of art, music, theater, and literature. An international symposium of 1997 in Moscow attempted to summarize some of the cultural achievements of the past 100 years while reevaluating the role of expressionism, constructivism, postmodernism, etc.
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Code: 013599-10
Malevich: Klassicheskii Avangard. Vitebck: Vypusk 10
Sbornik Materialov

[ Malevich: Classical avant-garde: Vitebsk: Issue 10 : Sbornik Materialov ]
Minsk: Ekonompress, 2008
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 29.00
The tenth issue of the series started in 1994 includes the most recent studies on the Malevich circle and Vitebsk cultural life in 1910-1920s as well as new publications of their works. Black-and-white illustrations.
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Code: 011208-3
Izvestiia Omskogo Gosudarstvennogo Istoriko-Kraevedcheskogo Muzeia
Vypusk 3

[ Proceedings of the Omsk State Museum of Local History : Volume 3 ]
Omsk: 1994
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 18.00
The first issue of the proceedings was published in 1928. The publication was resumed in 1993. It contains articles on the history of one the oldest cities of western Siberia, Omsk, its history, personalities, economy, culture and arts, handy crafts, religion, and architecture.
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Code: 011208-2
Izvestiia Omskogo Gosudarstvennogo Istoriko-Kraevedcheskogo Muzeia
Vypusk 2

[ Proceedings of the Omsk State Museum of Local History : Volume 2 ]
Omsk: 1993
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 16.00
The first issue of the proceedings was published in 1928. The publication was resumed in 1993. It contains articles on the history of one the oldest cities of western Siberia, Omsk, its history, personalities, economy, culture and arts, handy crafts, religion, and architecture.
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Code: 025628
Leksikon Sovremennogo Iskusstva

[ Lexicon of contemporary art : ]
St. Petersburg: RKhGA, 2010
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 20.00
This dictionary includes the main terms used in modern art history and theory. Each entry is provided with a list of bibliographical references. Also included is a list of the most significant Russian and foreign exhibitions of modern art and a bibliography (pp.
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Code: 011208-5
Izvestiia Omskogo Gosudarstvennogo Istoriko-Kraevedcheskogo Muzeia
Vypusk 5

[ Proceedings of the Omsk State Museum of Local History : Volume 5 ]
Omsk: 1996
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 24.00
The first issue of the proceedings was published in 1928. The publication was resumed in 1993. It contains articles on the history of one the oldest cities of western Siberia, Omsk, its history, personalities, economy, culture and arts, handy crafts, religion, and architecture.
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Code: 007919
Azov, A.V
Problemy Teoreticheskogo Modelirovaniia Samosoznaniia Khudozhnika v Izgnanii
Russkaia Emigratsiia "Pervoi Volny"

[ The Problem of the theoretical simulation of selfconciousness of an artist in exile : Russian emigration of the "first wave" ]
Iaroslavl`: Iaroslavl`skii Gos. Pedagogicheskii Un-t, 1996
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 18.00
This monograph studies the self-reflection of the artist-?migr? in the existential situation of "bogostavlennosti" [God forsaken]. The author interprets this feeling in Jewish hermeneutics, the mystical teaching of Kabbalah.
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Code: 024754-06
Vremennik Zubovskogo Instituta
Vyp. 6: Groznoe Vremia: Voina v Zerkale Chelovecheskogo Vospriiatiia

[ Proceedings of the Zubovskii Institute : Issue 6: The dreadful time: War in the mirror of human perception ]
St. Petersburg: RIII, 2010
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 21.00
This is the sixth issue of proceedings of the Russian Institute for Studies in the History of the Arts (St. Petersburg). Contents: Flag kak voodushevliaiushchii simvol (k semantike obraza Khrista s flagom), Chuzhaia sviatynia: Evreiskaia legenda o voine 1812 g.
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Code: 010557
Florenskii, Pavel

[ Iconostasis : ]
Moscow: Iskusstvo, 1995
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 25.00
Pavel Florenskii (1882-1937) is the Russian Christian philosopher and theologian. The book includes his work "Iconostasis" as well as some other works on icon painting. Includes name and subject indicies and an index of citations.
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Code: 011208-4
Izvestiia Omskogo Gosudarstvennogo Istoriko-Kraevedcheskogo Muzeia
Vypusk 4

[ Proceedings of the Omsk State Museum of Local History : Volume 4 ]
Omsk: 1996
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 22.00
The first issue of the proceedings was published in 1928. The publication was resumed in 1993. It contains articles on the history of one the oldest cities of western Siberia, Omsk, its history, personalities, economy, culture and arts, handy crafts, religion, and architecture.
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Code: 015863
Khudozhestvennye Modeli Mirozdaniia: V Dvukh Tomakh
Kniga 1: Vzaimodeistvie Iskusstv v Istorii Mirovoi Kul`tury. Kniga 2: XX Vek. Vzaimodeistvie Iskusstv v Poiskakh Novogo Obraza Mira

[ Artistic simulation of the universe : Book one: Interaction of arts in the history of world culture. Book two: Coexistence of the arts in the 20th century: Images of the Universe ]
Moscow: NII Teorii i Istorii Izobrazitel`nykh Iskusstv RAKh, Nauka, 1997-1999
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 67.50
The present work explores monumental art and some other kinds of fine arts in their interaction, synthesis of visual arts as an artistic vision of the world, its genesis and composition. The authors try to show how a specific vision of world structure is reflected in synthetic artistic solutions of different ages, countries, and cultural traditions.
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Code: 013599-11
Malevich: Klassicheskii Avangard. Vitebck: Vypusk 11
Sbornik Materialov

[ Malevich: Classical avant-garde: Vitebsk: Issue 11 : Collection ]
Minsk: Ekonompress, 2009
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 27.00
The eleventh issue of the series started in 1994 includes the most recent studies on the Malevich circle and Vitebsk cultural life in 1910-1920s as well as new publications of their works. Black-and-white illustrations.
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Code: 028673
Metodika Khudozhestvennogo Konstruirovaniia

[ Principles of artistic design : ]
Moscow: Vsesoiuznyi NII tekhnicheskoi estetiki, 1978
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 39.00
This book is about methods of artistic design. Contents: Categories of design activity; Process of artistic design; Means and methods of design; Appendices. Profusely illustrated.
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Code: 031103
Aksenov, Vitalii; Kurekhin, Sergei
Muzykal`nye Igry
Muzykal`noe Komediinoe Fantasticheskoe Shou: Reprintnoe Izdanie

[ Musical games : Musical comedy fantasy show: Reprint edition ]
St. Petersburg: Krasnyi matros, 2014
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 22.00
This is a reprint of the film script produced by Vitalii Aksenov and Sergei Kurekhin "Muzykal`nye igry" (1988).
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Code: 031048
Iskusstvo Knigi i Graviura v Khudozhestvennoi Kul`ture
Sbornik Statei

[ Book art and engraving in artistic culture : Collected articles ]
Moscow: Pashkov dom, 2014
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 42.00
This is a collection of works on the history of the graphic arts, their place in artistic culture in the context of designing books. The study covers the period of book publishing from the beginning to the current in various countries of Europe, including Russia.
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