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Since 1989 Panorama of Russia has specialized in academic and reference publications from the Russian Federation and the Commonwealth of Independent States.

Rare Russian Books

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Folklore, Folk Art, and Folklore Studies
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Code: 010662-30
Russkii Fol`klor. XXX
Materialy i Publikatsii

[ Russian Folklore. Volume thirty : Materials and studies ]
St. Petersburg: Nauka, 2000
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 39.00
The serial is published by the Institute of Russian Literature (Pushkinskii Dom). Includes the following chapters: Theory and History of Folklore. From the History of Folklore Studies, Publications, Bibliography, Chronicle.
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Code: 009483-4
Problemy Muzeevedeniia i Narodnaia Kul`tura

[ Problems of Museum studies and Folk Culture : ]
Novosibirsk: Nauka, 1999
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 19.50
This is a collected work on museum studies in Siberia and their place in a history program for graduate students, special collections on Siberian folklore, ethnography and history.
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Code: 024754-09
Vremennik Zubovskogo Instituta: Zhurnal
Vyp. 9: Zubovskii institut: Vremena, Pokoleniia, Sud`by

[ Proceedings of the Zubovskii Institute : Issue 9: The Zubov Institute: Epochs, generations, fates ]
St. Petersburg: RIII, 2012
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 21.00
This is the ninth issue of proceedings of the Russian Institute for Studies in the History of the Arts (St. Petersburg). Contents: Institutskie dni i gody M.S. Druskina v kontekste 1920-1990 gg.; RIII i V.
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Code: 007295-04
Kul`turnoe Nasledie Narodov Sibiri i Severa
Materialy Chetvertykh Sibirskikh Chtenii 12-14 Oktiabria 1998 g. Sankt-Peterburg

[ The Cultural legacy of the peoples of Siberia and the Far North : Proceedings of the Fourth Siberian Readings ]
St. Petersburg: Muzei Antropologii i Etnografii RAN, 2000
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 18.00
This is a collection of articles on the ethnography and culture of aboriginal peoples of the Far North and Siberia: Traditions, folklore, genealogy, beliefs and arts. Among the contributors are ethnographers, archeologists, historians, linguists, sociologists, etc.
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Code: 024754-07
Vremennik Zubovskogo Instituta
Vyp. 7: Instrumentalizm v Istorii Kul`tury

[ Proceedings of the Zubovskii Institute : Issue 7: Instrumentalism in the history of culture ]
St. Petersburg: RIII, 2011
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 21.00
This is the seventh issue of proceedings of the Russian Institute for Studies in the History of the Arts (St. Petersburg). Contents: Struny Boiana: k voprosu o programmnosti instrumental`noi muzyki XII v.
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Code: 006360
Imamutdinova, Z.A
Kul`tura Bashkir
Ustnaia Muzykal`naia Traditsiia ("Chtenie" Korana, Fol`klor)

[ The Bashkir culture : The Oral musical tradition: Qur`ianic cantillation, folk music ]
Moscow: Gos. Institut Iskusstvoznaniia, 2000
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 19.50
This monograph deals with the cultural history of the Bashkir from the archaic period to the twentieth century. The author substantiates the idea of the unity of European and Asian features in the Bashkir culture.
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Code: 023684-13
Antropologicheskii Forum. No 13
Teoreticheskie i Prikladnye Issledovaniia

[ Forum for Anthropology and Culture. Vol.13 : Theory and applied studies ]
St. Petersburg: Evropeiskii un-t v Sankt-Peterburge, MAE RAN, 2012
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 49.00
Contents: Prikladnoe primenenie fol`klora; Iz istorii kliaks. Uroki chistopisaniia v sovetskoi shkole i medial`naia antropologiia; Karel`skii Filipok: regional`nye osobennosti sotsiokul`turnogo oblika sel`skogo shkol`nika kontsa XIX - nachala XX v.
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Code: 011267
Vodarskii, Ia.E., Istomina, E.G
Sel`skie Kustarnye Promysly Evropeiskoi Rossii na Rubezhe XIX-XX Stoletii
Ñâîáîäíûå ðàçìûøëåíèÿ. 1917-1993

[ Village artisan workshops and home crafts of European Russia at the turn of the 20th century. : ]
Moscow: In-t Rossiiskoi Istorii, 2004
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 33.00
This monograph describes the classification of village home crafts and fields (small business) of European Russia at the turn of the 20th century. Volodarskii provides statistical information about their distribution and locations, and their economic development.
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Code: 006903
Studia Metrica et Poetica
Sbornik Statei Pamiati P.A. Rudneva

[ Studia Metrica et Poetica : Collection in memory of Petra Aleksandrovicha Rudneva ]
St. Petersburg: Akademicheskii Proekt, 1999
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 21.00
Petr Rudnev (d.1996) was a well known Russian historian of poetry. This is a collection of memoirs about him and works of his colleagues and pupils: Iu. Lotman, James Bailey, M. Gasparov, etc. Bibliography of Rudnev`s works.
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Code: 004885-2
Russkaia Narodnaia Pesnia
Neizvestnye Stranitsy Muzykal`noi Istorii: Vypusk 2

[ The Russian folk song : Unknown pages of musical history ]
St. Petersburg: Rossiiskii Institut Istorii Iskusstv, 1995
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 27.00
This collective work studies songs and tunes from hand written collections, both with and without scores, written down in the period from the second half of the 17th to early 19th centuries. These collections are housed in several Russian archives.
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Code: 010936
Vinokurova, I.Iu
Kalendarnye Obychai, Obriady i Prazdniki Vepsov
Konets XIX-Nachalo XX v

[ The Calendar customs, rituals, and holidays of the Vepsy : Konets XIX-Nachalo XX v ]
St. Petersburg: Nauka, 1994
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 16.00
The Vepsy (their old name is the Chud`) are a very old people of the Russian North (Kareliia, Vologda and neighbors). This book studies the calendar rituals of the Vepsy.
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Code: 004902-2
Iazguliamskii Sbornik
Vypusk 2. Iazyk i Literatura.

[ Iazguliam collection : Volume two. Language and Literature ]
St. Petersburg: Izd-vo S. Peterburgskogo Universiteta, 1997
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 10.50
The second volume contains articles by young scholars in the theory and history of folklore and literature as well as in linguistics.
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Code: 007839
Svadebnye Obriady Narodov Rossii i Blizhnego Zarubezh`ia

[ Wedding rituals of the peoples of Russia and neighboring countries : ]
Moscow: In-t Etnologii i Antropologii im. N.N. Miklukho-Maklaia, 1993
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 13.50
This collected work includes eight articles describing the wedding rituals of several ethnicities from the territory of the FSU: Georgia, Dagestan, the Smolensk region, Mordovia, Armenia, etc.
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Code: 013239
Froianov, I.Ia., Iudin, Iu.I
Bylinnaia Istoriia
Raboty Raznykh Let

[ History in Russian heroic poems : Raboty Raznykh Let ]
St. Petersburg: Izd-vo Sankt-Peterburgskogo Universiteta, 1997
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 45.00
This is a collection of works on the historical aspects of Russian heroic poems and, in particular, of bylinas. All these works were written as preparation for a monograph on the subject. This study was not finished because of the death of one of the co-authors, the philologist and historian Iurii Iudin (1938-1995).
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Code: 009719
Moskovskie Legendy

[ Moscow legends : ]
Moscow: Literatura i Politika, 1993
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 24.00
Most of the stories, published for first time in this book, were collected in Moscow eating-houses in the 1920s. Among the heros of the city`s folklore are Pushkin and Gogol, cheats and evil spirits, rich merchants and ordinary people.
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Code: 017328
Lutovinova, I.S., Tarasova, M.A
Dialektologicheskaia Praktika
Uchebnoe Posobie dlia Studentov Russkogo Otdeleniia Filologicheskikh Fakul`tetov

[ Dialectical field work : Textbook for students of Russian language with major in philology ]
St. Petersburg: St.-Peterburgskii Un-t, 2003
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 34.50
This textbook for students of Russian language with a major in philology consists of two parts. The first contains some theory and exercises on collecting dialectical words to be used in student summer field work.
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Code: 004873
Pesennaia Lirika Ustnoi Traditsii

[ Song lyrics of the oral tradition : ]
St. Petersburg: Rossiiskii Institut Istorii iskusstv, 1994
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 13.50
This book offers the present notion of the folklore genre which has not been fully studied in spite of its high musical quality: Russian lyrical song in the rural oral tradition. The subjects discussed include: the earlier forms of song lyrics, the instrumental nature of Volynian Czech melodies, the phenomenon of scale-intonation unity in songs of the local tradition in Russian settlements in the Bashkir area, the interrelation of local traditions in the community of Ukrainian settlers in Siberia, etc.
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Code: 007837
Russkii Fol`klor Sibiri: Khudozhestvennyi Obraz
Issledovaniia i Materialy

[ Russian folklore of Siberia: Artistic image : Studies and materials ]
Ulan-Ude: Izd-vo Buriatskogo Nauchnogo Tsentra, 1997
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 18.00
This collection studies the artistic image in Russian Siberian folklore in two senses: as image-character and as an image-stylistic element. Siberian tales, bylichkas, legends, stories, songs, spells and other folklore forms are analyzed from this perspective.
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Code: 010030-2
Drevnerusskaia Pritcha

[ The Old Russian parable : ]
Moscow: Sovetskaia Rossiia, 1991
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 21.00
This book consists of several chapters: original and translated parable, parable-proverbs, parable-enigmas. Includes a short dictionary of old words and bibliographic references.
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Code: 008965-2
Kompleksnoe Sobiranie, Sistematika, Eksperimental`naia Tekstologiia
Vypusk 2: Materialy VI Mezhdunarodnoi Shkoly Molodogo Fol`klorista

[ All-round collection, systematization, experimental textology : Issue two: Materials of the 4th International School of Young Folklorists ]
Arkhangel`sk: Pomorskii Gosudarstvennyi Universitet, 2003
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 28.50
The collection of materials of the 4th International School of Young Folklorists includes papers of the leading Russian folklorists, such as V. Bakhtina, N. Drannikova, L. Fadeeva, A. Grauer, T. Ivanova, K.
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Code: 016752
Vzoidu li Ia na Goru Vysokuiu, Uvizhu li Ia Bezdnu Glubokuiu…"
Staroobraidcheskii Fol`klor Nizhegorodskoi Oblasti

[ Old Believer folklore of Nizhnii Novgorod Oblast : Staroobraidcheskii Fol`klor Nizhegorodskoi Oblasti ]
Novosibirsk: SO RAN, Filial "GEO", 2001
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 17.00
This is a collection of folklore of Old Believers collected in Nizhnii Novgorod Oblast. It includes: stories about Russian history and sacred history, spiritual verses, apocryphal prayers and ceremonies, everyday life stories.
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Code: 004111
Dmitriev, N.G
Mstera Rukotvornaia
Rasskazy ob Iskusstve lakovoi Miniatiury i ee Masterakh

[ Hand made in Mstera : Stories about the art of the lacquer miniature and its masters ]
St. Petersburg: Khudozhnik RSFSR, 1986
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 29.00
Mstera is known throughout the world as a center of papier-mache lacquer miniatures and icon painting. The author of this book, born in Mstera, one of the oldest artists of this place, focused on the specific features of the Mstera style, secrets of their art, the best known Mstera artists, and education of new ones.
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Code: 004779
Podmaskin, V.V
Dukhovnaia Kul`tura Udegeitsev XIX-XX vv.
Istoriko-Etnograficheskie Ocherki

[ The Spiritual culture of Udehe : Istoriko-Etnograficheskie Ocherki ]
Vladivostok: Izd-vo Dal`nevostochnogo Universiteta, 1991
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 15.00
This is an ethnographic study of one of the aboriginal people of the Far North. Based upon written sources, museum collections, and field materials the author studies the traditional conceptions of the Udeghe about human beings, space and time, fauna and flora, their medical and pedagogical ideas, their rituals and holidays, epic and musical arts, life style and traditions.
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Code: 016880
Martenitsa. Martisor. Mapt`e. Verore`
Materialy Kruglogo Stola 25 Marta 2008 Goda

[ Martenica. Martisor. Mapt`e. Verore : Materials of the round table on March 25th, 2008 ]
Moscow: Institut slavianovedeniia RAN, 2009
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 19.00
The Balkan terms in the title of this book mean the ritual reality - twisted red and white threads - which Balkan Slavs traditionally exchange on March 1st, the beginning of the Spring cycle, with wishes for health and good harvests.
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Code: 007846
Fursova, E.F
Traditsionnaia Odezhda Russkikh Krest`ian-Starozhilov Verkhnego Priob`ia
Konets XIX - Nachalo XX Veka

[ Traditional clothing of Russian peasants-early settlers of the upper reaches of Ob` : The end of the 19th-early 20th centuries ]
Novosibirsk: Izd-vo Instituta Arkheologii i Etnografii SO RAN, 1997
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 19.50
This is the first monograph on the traditional Russian clothing of Siberian peasants of the upper Cis-Ob` area. Based on the history of clothing, the author makes some interesting conclusions about the ethnic and religious roots of several ethnic groups in the area: Orthodox "Chaldons", Old Believer "Kerzhaks", and "Poliaks".
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Code: 015547-2
Narodnye Kul`tury Russkogo Severa: Fol`klornyi Entitet Etnosa
Vypusk 2: Materialy Rossiisko-finskogo Simpoziuma

[ Folk cultures of the Russian North : Issue two: Materials of the Russian-Finnish symposium ]
Arkhangel`sk: Pomorskii Gosuniversitet, 2004
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 27.00
These are collected articles from the Russian-Finnish symposium, conducted in November 2003, on the base of the Pomor State University. The symposium dealt with actual problems in Funno-Ugric studies and Russian cultural and ethnic identity in folklore, ethnology and other related disciplinary studies.
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Code: 013806-4
Slavianskaia Traditsionnaia Kultura i Sovremennyi Mir
Vypusk 4

[ Slavic traditional culture and the modern world : Vypusk 4 ]
Moscow: Gos. Respublikanskii Tsentr Russkogo Folklora, 2002
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 19.50
This is the materials of the fourth annual conference organized by the Center for Russian Folklore Studies. The first one was in 1997. The collection includes 24 articles divided into four chapters: General issues of Slavic traditional culture; Local folklore; Poetics of folklore; From the history of Russian folklore studies.
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Code: 009809
Oberegi i Zaklinaniia Russkogo Naroda

[ Protections and spells of the Russian folk : ]
: Kron-Press, 1994
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 13.00
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Code: 029252B
Mifologicheskie Rasskazy Russkikh Krest`ian XIX-XX vv

[ Mythological stories of Russian peasants of the 19th and 20th centuries : ]
St. Petersburg: Pushkinskii Dom, 2015
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 49.00
This is the second edition of the first anthology of mythological stories (bylichkas) of Russian peasants in the 19th and 20th centuries. It includes more than a thousand bylichkas both wide-spread and existing in a single recording.
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Code: 009226-1
Zelenin, D.K
D.K. Zelenin: Izbrannye Trudy
Stat`i po Dukhovnoi Kul`ture: 1901-1913

[ Selected writings : Papers on spiritual culture: 1901-1913. ]
Moscow: Indrik, 1994
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 24.00
Dmitrii Konstantinovich Zelenin (1878-1954) was one of the most important Russian ethnographers and philologists. The series "Traditsionnaia Dukhovnaia Kul`tura" aims to familiarize modern scholars with the Russian scientific heritage.
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