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Since 1989 Panorama of Russia has specialized in academic and reference publications from the Russian Federation and the Commonwealth of Independent States.

Rare Russian Books

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Aleksandr Pushkin
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Code: 008608
Dragomiretskaia, N.V
A.S. Pushkin. "Evgenii Onegin"
Manifest Dialoga-Polemiki s Romantizmom

[ A Manifesto of dialog-polemics with romanticism : Manifest Dialoga-Polemiki s Romantizmom ]
Moscow: IMLI RAN - Nasledie, 2000
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 22.50
Bairon was the main opponent of Aleksandr Pushkin in his dialog with romanticism. Pushkin, only nine years younger then Bairon, was one of his admirers and considered himself also a romantic poet. This book studies Pushkin`s novel `Evgenii Onegin` as a dialog with the whole literary movement of romanticism in which he tries to break up the philosophy of this movement and find his own.
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Code: 010409-01
Moskovskii Pushkinist-I
Ezhegodnyi Sbornik

[ Moscow Pushkinist : Annual ]
: Nasledie, 1995
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 29.00
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Code: 026579
Tak Nekogda Poet..."
Problemy Nauchnoi Biografii Pushkina

[ "Thus in the old days a poet..." : Issues of a scholarly biography of Pushkin ]
: Pushkinskii Dom, 2010
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 29.00
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Code: 015739
Ovchinnikov, R.V
Po Stranitsam Istoricheskoi Prozy A.S. Pushkina

[ Going through the historical prose of A.S. Pushkin : ]
Moscow: Institut Rossiiskoi Istorii, 2002
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 18.00
What sources did Aleksandr Pushkin use for his works? How prepared was he as a historian for his research. This monograph studies the sources used by Pushkin for his main historical works: The History of Peter the First, The History of his own family, The History of Pugachev, and other works from the Pugachev cycle.
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Code: 004124
Materialy k Letopisi Zhizni i Tvorchestva A.S. Pushkina: 1826-1837 gody: 1837. Kartoteki M.A. i T.G. Tsiavlovskikh
Kartoteka Itinerariev Lits Blizhaishego Pushkinskogo Okruzheniia: V Trekh Tomakh, Piati Knigakh

[ Materials for the chronicle of the life and works of A.S. Pushkin: 1826-1937: 1837: Cards made by M.A. and T.G. Tsiavlovskii : Itineraries of people from Pushkin`s circle: In four volumes, six books ]
: Nasledie, 1998-2003
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 160.00
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Code: 005390
Seregina, N
Pushkin i Khristianskaia Gimnografiia

[ Pushkin and Christian hymnography : ]
St. Petersburg: Rossiiskii Institut Istorii Iskusstv, 1999
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 14.00
The author shows up the echoes of Christian hymns and images of other Church songs, poetics and lexics in Pushkin`s verse epic "Boris Godunov" and his last poetry of 1836. Seregina specializes in the study of the Old Russian church hymn (also available Seregina, N.
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Code: 005452
A.S. Pushkin: K 200-Letiiu so Dnia Rozhdeniia
Stat`i. Besedy. Bibliografiia

[ A.S. Pushkin: On the 200th anniversary of his birthday : Articles. Conversations. Bibliography ]
Moscow: INION RAN, 1999
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 13.50
This book contains the first published lecture by Ivan Il`in about Pushkin (1943); the minutes of talks to Semen Geichenko, the long time director of the Pushkin museum in Mikhailovskoe; a review of recent Pushkin studies, and more.
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Code: 010409-03
Moskovskii Pushkinist-III
Ezhegodnyi Sbornik

[ Moscow Pushkinist : Annual ]
Moscow: Nasledie, 1996
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 28.00
This serial is a publication of the Moscow Pushkin Commission, which was founded in 1988. It contains recent studies of Pushkin`s works, as well as reviews of other works in the field. This issue includes a bibliography of works about Pushkin published abroad in the period 1918-1944.
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Code: 010409-02
Moskovskii Pushkinist-II
Ezhegodnyi Sbornik

[ Moscow Pushkinist : Annual ]
Moscow: Nasledie, 1996
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 28.00
This serial is a publication of the Moscow Pushkin Commission, which was founded in 1988. It contains recent studies of Pushkin`s works, as well as reviews of other works in the field. This issue includes a bibliography of works about Pushkin published abroad in the period 1921-1941.
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Code: 007419
Pushkin, A., et al
Poet, Rossiia i Tsari
A.N. Pushkin. A.N. Vol`f. M.K. Merder. L.N. Pavlishchev

[ The Poet, Russia, and the Tsars : A.N. Pushkin. A.N. Vol`f. M.K. Merder. L.N. Pavlishchev ]
Moscow: Fond Sergeia Dubova, 1999
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 24.00
This volume is dedicated to Pushkin’s 200th jubilee and contains memoirs of the poet; diaries of his friend, retired staff lieutenant A. Vul’f and of the Empress’s lady-in-waiting M. Merder; and family chronicles of Pushkin’s nephew, L.
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Code: 004334
Shchegolev, P.E
Duel` i Smert` Pushkina
S Prilozheniem Novykh Materialov iz Niderlandskikh Arkhivov

[ The Duel and death of Pushkin : With supplement of new materials from Netherlands archives ]
St. Petersburg: Akademicheskii Proekt, 1999
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 35.00
Pavel Shchegolev (1877-1931) was known as a scholar, publisher and an editor of the magazine “Byloe,” the first periodical on the history of liberation movements in Russia. This book was the first on the last days of Pushkin and the history of his duel with d`Anthes, and became a classic work used by almost all scholars on the subject.
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Code: 010660
Fomichev, S.A
Prazdnik Zhizni
Etiudy o Pushkine

[ Festival of life : Sketches about Pushkin ]
St. Petersburg: Nauka, 1995
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 25.00
A collection of sketches about how Pushkin worked, his life and writings.
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Code: 004898
Bessonova, A.M
Gannibaly v Rossii: Ocherki

[ Gannibals in Russia: Essays : ]
St. Petersburg: SPbGU, 1999
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 15.00
This book sums up the results of a 25 year long archival research on the progeny of Abram Gannibal (1697?-1781), an Ethiopian prince, captured and educated by Peter the Great, great-grandfather of Alexander Pushkin.
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Code: 008203
Sibirskaia Pushkinistika Segodnia
Sbornik Nauchnykh Statei

[ Siberian Pushkin studies today : Sbornik Nauchnykh Statei ]
Novosibirsk: SO RAN, 2000
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 33.00
Special price: $ 29.00
This collection of twenty two articles was prepared by the Novosibirsk State Public Scientific Library and Novosibirsk University for the 200th anniversary of Aleksandr Pushkin. Siberian philologists and Pushkinists touch upon the following topics: Peculiarity of national character in the cycle of Pushkin`s `southern poems`; Linguistic analysis of the verse `Prophet`; Religious and philosophical interpretation of `Mozart and Salieri`; Image of `the black man` in the poet`s works; intertextual problems of symbolic text: `Copper Rider` by Pushkin and `Peterburg" by A.
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