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Since 1989 Panorama of Russia has specialized in academic and reference publications from the Russian Federation and the Commonwealth of Independent States.


Total records: 20
[ 1 ]
Imperial Russia: 17th to the 19th Centuries
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Code: 004243
Vek Ekateriny II: Rossiia i Balkany

[ Russia and the Balkans during the rule of Ekaterina the Second : ]
: Nauka, 1998
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 14.00
Special price: $ 9.00
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Code: 008842
Rossiia XX Stoletiia v Istoricheskoi Nauke: Vzgliady, Kontseptsii, Tsennostnye Podkhody
Chast` 1: Rossiiskaia Imperiia (Konets XIX v. - 1917 g.)

[ Russia in the twentieth century in historical science: Views, concepts, value approaches : Part one: The Russian empire ]
Moscow: INION RAN, 2000
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 16.00
Special price: $ 13.00
This is a collection of four reviews and four abstracts of recent books on the history of the Russian empire: 18th-early 20th centuries. Among the contributors to this collection are the well known Russian historians: I.
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Code: 005243B
Fedosiuk, Iu.A
Chto Neponiatno u Klassikov, ili Entsiklopediia Russkogo Byta XIX Veka

[ What is hard to understand in classic literature, or, An Encyclopedia of everyday Russian life in the 19th century : ]
Moscow: Flinta - Nauka, 2001
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 18.00
Special price: $ 14.00
This book about the realities of everyday life in the 19th century is meant to help in understanding Russian classic literature. Most of the words and examples of their use are taken from well known works.
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Code: 014648
Ionichev, N.P
Vneshnie Ekonomicheskie Sviazi Rossii (IX - Nachalo XX veka)
Uchebnoe Posobie dlia Vuzov

[ Foreign economic ties of Russia : Textbook for graduate school ]
Moscow: Aspekt Press, 2001
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 19.00
Special price: $ 16.00
This is the first textbook on the history of the economic ties of Russia with other countries over the thousand year period from Kievan Rus to 1917. The book has features of both an academic study and a textbook on Russian economic history.
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Code: 011197
Slaviane i Ikh Sosedi
Grecheskii i Slavianskii Mir v Srednie veka i Rannee Novoe Vremia

[ The Slavs and their neighbors : Greek and Slavic worlds in Middle Ages and early modern times ]
Moscow: Indrik, 1996
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 29.00
Special price: $ 16.00
This book studies the interaction between the Greek and Slavic cultures in the 10th to 14th centuries.
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Code: 030449
Shirokorad, A.B
Kak Malaia Rus` Stala Pol`skoi Okrainoi

[ How Little Russia became Poland`s outskirt : ]
Moscow: Veche, 2012
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 19.00
Special price: $ 17.00
This book tells about little studied pages of the history of Ukraine. It describes how one third of the Old Russian state became a Polish land. Where did the nobility and boyars of Little Russia go? How real was the opportunity of uniting Great and Little Russia in the 14th and 15th centuries? The author answers these and other question related to this land.
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Code: 027913
Rossiiskaia Imperiia: Zanimatel`naia Istoriia

[ The Russian Empire: A captivating history : ]
Moscow: Al`pina biznes buks, 2009
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 21.00
Special price: $ 19.00
This book, based on the TV series (NTV), is a nontrivial and entertaining description of the history of imperial Russia from Peter the First to Nicholas II. (0.251 kg)
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Code: 014976-3
Gordin, I. A
Dueli i Duelianty

[ Duel and duellists : ]
St. Petersburg: Pushkinskii Fond, 1997
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 25.00
Special price: $ 19.00
History of the dueling tradition amongst Russian nobility in the 18th-19th centuries. Included are duelling codes and Lermontov’s file from his court-martial (Mikhail Lermontov, a great Russian poet, was tried for duelling in 1840).
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Code: 009439
Rossiia: Entsiklopedicheskii Slovar`

[ Russia : Encyclopedic dictionary ]
: Lenizdat, 1991
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 37.00
Special price: $ 20.00
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Code: 009838-2
Rossiia i Baltiia
Epokha Peremen: 1914-1924

[ Russia and the Baltics : The Epoch of Changes: 1914-1924 ]
Moscow: In-t Vseobshchei Istorii, 2002
Language: Russian and English
 Price: $ 28.00
Special price: $ 24.00
This is the second volume in the series Russia and the Baltics. The main topic of this volume is the social, political and economic changes which happened after and as a result of WWI, the revolutions and the Civil war in Russia which caused the creation of independent Baltic states.
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Code: 009782-12
Zabelin, Ivan
Domashnii Byt Russkogo Naroda v XVI i XVII Stoletiiakh
Tom I, Chast` 2: Domashnii Byt Russkikh Tsarei v XVI i XVII Stoletiiakh

[ The Domestic life of Russian people in the 16th to the 17th centuries : Volume one, part two. ]
Moscow: Iazyki Russkoi Kul`tury, 2000
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 29.00
Special price: $ 24.00
This is a reprint of a classical work of the well known Russian historian Ivan Zabelin (1820-1908). The book is to be published in three volumes with extensive supplements, the author`s biography, academic commentaries.
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Code: 009782-11
Zabelin, Ivan
Domashnii Byt Russkogo Naroda v XVI i XVII Stoletiiakh
Tom 1: Chast` 1: Domashnii Byt Russkikh Tsarei v XVI i XVII Stoletiiakh

[ The Domestic life of Russian people in the 16th to the 17th centuries : Volume one, part one. The Domestic life of Russian Tsars in the 16th to the 17th centuries ]
Moscow: Iazyki Russkoi Kul`tury, 2000
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 30.00
Special price: $ 24.00
This is a reprint of a classical work of the well known Russian historian Ivan Zabelin (1820-1908). The book is to be published in three volumes with extensive supplements, the author`s biography, and academic commentaries.
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Code: 030366
Rossiiskaia Gosudarstvennost` i Sovremennost`
Problemy Identichnosti i Istoricheskoi Preemstvennosti: Sbornik Dokladov

[ Russian statehood and the present : Problems of identity and historical continuity: Collected reports ]
Moscow: RISI, 2012
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 29.00
Special price: $ 26.00
This collection includes reports of leading scholars from Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Serbia and Bulgaria about the history and present of Russian statehood and culture as a unique phenomenon in world civilization.
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Code: 030215
Bez`ev, D.A
Ukraina i Rech` Pospolitaia v Pervoi Polovine XVII V.

[ Ukraine and Rzecspospolita in the first half of the 17th century : ]
Moscow: Prometei, 2012
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 29.00
Special price: $ 26.00
This monograph is a study of the history of Ukraine and the Rzecspospolita in the first half of the 17th century. The author analyzes the government administration of both principalities, dominant political views and social structure of both societies, phenomenon of "sarmatism" in culture of Polish-Lithuanian state, etc.
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Code: 023940
Il`in, P.V
Mezhdu Zagovorom i Prestolom
Ia.I. Rostovtsev v Sobytiiakh Mezhdutsarstviia 1825 Goda

[ Between conspiracy and the throne : Ia. I. Rostovtsev in events of the interregnum of 1825 ]
St. Petersburg: Nestor-Istoriia, 2008
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 29.00
Special price: $ 26.10
This book studies only one event in the period of the interregnum, the political crisis of 1825 which happened when Nicholas the First ascended to the throne. Adjutant Iakov Rostovtsev, one of the Decembrists, showed up at the Winter Palace on December 12th, two days before the Decembrists rebellion took place, with a letter to Nicholas and had a conversation with him.
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Code: 015358
Dlugolenskii, Iakov
Soldaty Rossii
Neskol`ko Stranits iz Istorii Russkoi Armii: Vremia Ekateriny II - Aleksandra I

[ Soldiers of Russia : Several pages from the history of the Russian army: Time of Catherine the Great and Alexander the First ]
St. Petersburg: Ivan Fedorov, 2001
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 39.00
Special price: $ 29.00
This book is about military heroes and the best known battles of the Russian army in a ten year period. It includes short biographies, geographical information, illustrated with portraits, maps, military uniforms, and schemes of battles.
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Code: 018413-3
Letopis` Literaturnykh Sobytii v Rossii Kontsa XIX - Nachala XX v. (1891-Oktiabr` 1917)
Vypusk 3: 1911- Oktiabr` 1917

[ Chronicle of literary events in Russia in the late 19th - early 20th century : Volume three: 1911 - October 1917 ]
Moscow: IMLI RAN, 2005
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 37.00
Special price: $ 33.30
This is the third and the last volume of the chronicle of literary events in Russia in the late 19th - early 20th centuries. The compilers of the Chronicle intend to present the history of literature free of many communist dogmas and vulgar social schemes of analysis.
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Code: 008389-2
Fedorchenko, V.I
Imperatorskii Dom: Vydaiushchiesia Sanovniki
Entsiklopediia Biografii: Tom 2: M - Ia

[ The Imperial House: Outstanding statesmen : Encyclopedia of biographies: Volume 2 ]
Krasnoiarsk, Moscow: BONUS, OLMA-PRESS, 2003
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 45.00
Special price: $ 39.00
The second volume of the encyclopedia includes about 600 biographies of the most significant Russian statesmen during the nearly 300-hundred years of the existence of the House of Romanov.
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Code: 022245
Rostopchin, F.V., abbot Zhozhel, Tanneberg, G.
Rytsar` Trona

[ Knight of the throne : ]
Moscow: Fond Sergeia Dubova, 2006
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 55.00
Special price: $ 45.00
This volume of the series History of the House of Romanov in Memoirs of Contemporaries includes three works about Paul I. . Name and geographical dictionary. Glossary.
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Code: 006264-1
Kooperatsiia: Stranitsy Istorii: V 3-kh Tomakh: Tom 1. Izbrannye Trudy Rossiiskikh Ekonomistov, Obshchestvennykh Deiatelei, Kooperatorov-Praktikov: V Piati Knigakh
Kniga Pervaia. 30-40e Gody XIX - Nachalo XX Veka: Predystoriia

[ Cooperatives: Pages of history: In three volumes: Volume one. Book 1-3 : Book one: 30s-40s of the 19th - early 20th centuries: Prehistory ]
Moscow: Nauka, 1999-2011
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 235.00
Special price: $ 199.00
This is the first volume of an anthology in 3 parts, in 5 books, of selected works of Russian economists, social activists, and cooperative practitioners on cooperative ideas and movement in Russia. Ideas of cooperation, though they came from the West, struck roots deeply into the Russian soil and gave rich fruits.
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