[ Directory book on the history and heraldry of St. Petersburg and Leningradi Oblast. Part I ] Санкт-Петербург: n.p., 2005 Язык: Русский
Цена: $ 36.00
This is a handbook on the history of the heraldry of St. Petersburg and the settlements and peoples on the territory of the current Leningrad Oblast: Karelia (Karelian Isthmus), Ingermanlandiia (Ingriia, Izhora Land) and St.
The Crimean War in 1853-1856 typifies the following two world wars of the twentieth century. It also was a quite difficult war because the losses after military battles far exceeded the direct losses during military actions.
[ The students of Moscow University in the 18th - the first quarter of the 19th centuries ] Москва: PSTGU, 2011 Язык: Русский
Цена: $ 31.00
This monograph covers the history of the students of Moscow University in the second half of the 18th - the first quarter of the 19th centuries. It studies various aspects of student life: social structure, academic activities, lifestyle and conditions, future careers.
This book is focused on the relations between the Russian authorities and society in the 19th century. Avenir Korelin (b. 1933) is a specialist in the Russian economic and political history of the 19th century.
The proceedings of a conference on the history of local self government in the 17th-20th centuries, political activities and the political culture of the Siberian population.
This book focuses on the key aspects of agricultural modernization in central non-chernozem Russian provinces at the end of the 19th – early 20th centuries: its character, speed, evolution of specialization, reaction of the society and the press to the changes, etc.
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Код: 011408 Первое Столетие Сибирских Городов XVII Vek [ The First Hundred Years of Siberian Cities. 17th Century ] Новосибирск: Сибирский Хронограф, 1996 Язык: Русский
Цена: $ 42.00
Collection of 17th century historical documents that can serve as a useful source on the history of Siberian and North-Eastern urban life. The book demonstrates not only the social and professional structure of the urban population, alignment of suburbs, garrison and peasantry, but also the religious concerns of townspeople, their beliefs, social mentality, and mode of the everyday life.
Код: 004265 Гатагова, Л.С., Исмаил-Заде, Д.И. ет ал Россия и Северныи Кавказ 400 let Voiny? [ Russia and Northern Caucasus : 400 years of war? ] Москва: РАН, 1998 Язык: Русский
Цена: $ 9.00
The authors question the claim currently made by certain Russian politicians about an ongoing 400 year war waged in the region of the Northern Caucasus. This book seeks to prove that there has never been a general anti-Russian movement in the area, and that one can only talk about various opportunist ventures of local national elites.
This is a collection of works about Siberia, its economy, income and its sources, and the everyday life of native peoples, and new settlers, by Serafim Patkanov published in St. Petersburg in 1888-1893.
This collection comprises articles by Russian scientists on the history, demography, politics, trade, culture and means of communication in Siberia in the 18th – early 20th centuries. It is dedicated to the 65th birthday of the famous Russian historian Valery Skubnevskii (b.
[ Police amd militia in Russia in the 18th - early 20th century ] Кемерово: ГУВД Кемеровскои Области, 2001 Язык: Русский
Цена: $ 18.00
This book describes the history of law enforcement system in Russia from 1718 to the revolution of 1917. It covers the structure of this system including its political branch, camps, prisons, and other institutions of the penal system in different periods over the last 200 years.
[ Gannibals in Russia: Essays ] Санкт Петербург: СПбГУ, 1999 Язык: Русский
Цена: $ 15.00
This book sums up the results of a 25 year long archival research on the progeny of Abram Gannibal (1697?-1781), an Ethiopian prince, captured and educated by Peter the Great, great-grandfather of Alexander Pushkin.
Volume one is the first translation of a book first published in St. Petersburg in German in 1897. It is about the Irtysh Ostiaks, a small indigenous nation of the Finno-Ugric group that lived in Siberia.
[ Dictionary of folk speech in the city of Tomsk in the 17th-early 18th century ] Томск: Томский Ун-т, 2002 Язык: Русский
Цена: $ 27.00
This dictionary has been in progress for almost 20 years. Its compilers are the lexicographers and philologists of the Tomsk University. It reconstructs the language of the first Russians settlers in Tomsk and Western Siberia.
This volume includes the publications related to the activities of the Tsarist Ministry of Trade and Industry, the Ministry of Finance, and the Ministry of Justice.
This collection includes materials of the scientific conference dedicated to the 80th birthday of Professor A.A. Preobrazhenskii held in Moscow in 2005. It contains articles on crucial issues of the history of the Russian feudalism as well as the materials dedicated to the culture of the nobility and peasant movement of the 17th century.
Publications in this collection present the variety of research areas and the main trends in modern Russian historiography. Over 80 papers from 20 cities of Russia
The "classic" Marxist sociology, so called scientific communism, is slowly giving up its positions in Russian sociology and political science. This shift in ideas, frames of reference, and terminology can be seen in this collection of articles of Russian historians from all over the country.
[ Security guards and adventurers. Secret agents and provocateurs ] Москва: ???????-????????, 2004 Язык: Русский
Цена: $ 39.00
This book is a reprint of two works by Pavel Shchegolev (1877-1931) about the history of a special division of the Russian state police department. This division was in charge of persecution and extirpation of the masons at the beginning of the 20th century, cases of the terrorist Rysakov, provocateur Azeph and other secret agents.
This collection includes foreign studies in the history of the Russian Civil War (1918-1923,) Stalinism and its administrative system, national and cultural politics in the 1920-30s, the Khrushchev "thaw`, the collapse of the USSR, etc.
This third volume of the series History of the Peoples of Russia in Studies and Documents celebrates the 80th birthday of S.G. Agadzhanov (1928-1997, the head of the department on the history of the peoples of Russia at the Institute of History of Russia RAN.
This is the second volume of the series History of the Peoples of Russia in Studies and Documents. The series is focused on international relations, national self-consciousness and self-definition, and national political ambitions.
[ Small cities in national history 13th -20th centuries ] Москва: IRI RAN, 2012 Язык: Русский
Цена: $ 24.00
This is a collection of articles on the role of small cities and towns in the most difficult periods of Russian history. Contents: O prodolzhitel`nosti Smutnogo vremeni nachala XVII v.; Rol` Kaluzhskoi zemli v diplomaticheskikh sviaziakh Russkogo gosudarstva i Kryma v XVI v.
[ The Russian Navy and the foreign policy of Peter I ] С. Петербург: БРАСК, Морской Исторический Сборник, 1994 Язык: Русский
Цена: $ 18.00
This book by the well known Russian historian Evgenii Tarle (1874-1985) was first published in 1949. The author showed how the role of Russia and her relations with European countries changed after she built a powerful fleet under Peter the Great and won several victories in the Great Northern War.
[ Occasional literature in the context of festive culture in Russia in the 18th century ] Москва: Fakul`tet filologii i iskusstv SPbGU, 2010 Язык: Русский
Цена: $ 43.00
Literature and music written for an occasion (occasional literature) is a significant part of the culture of every epoch, but it was the most significant part of Russian culture in the 18th century. This literature has several genres, the most known are: panegyric, madrigal, ceremony, initiation, ode, epitaph, elegy, etc.
[ The Russian debts and the West: From Swiss archives ] Москва: IRI RAN, 2008 Язык: Русский
Цена: $ 14.00
This monograph is about the fate of foreign investments in Russia after she defaulted on loans made by the Interim Russian Government and stopped payments. This action by the Bolshevik government caused a controversial reaction abroad.
[ Russia and the Yugoslavian peoples at the end of the 18th - early 19th century ] Москва: Институт Россиискои Истории РАН, 1996 Язык: Русский
Цена: $ 19.50
This book is about the history of the political relations between Russia and the Yugoslavian peoples two hundred years ago, their mutual military actions in the Adriatic Sea in 1806-07 and in the war against Turkey in 1807-12.
This new volume in the series traditionally includes both new studies and publications of old documents in the philology and history of Russia of the 15th-20th centuries. Among the contributors are the well known Siberian philologists and historians: N.
This monograph of Russian demographer V. Kabuzan (1932-2008) studies the process of the diffusion of ethnic and confessional connections on the territory of Russia in the 18th -early 20th centuries, based on statistical and other government documents.