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Since 1989 Panorama of Russia has specialized in academic and reference publications from the Russian Federation and the Commonwealth of Independent States.


Total records: 12
[ 1 ]
Early Rus and Medieval Russia
Classics and Byzantine Studies (2)
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Code: 014648
Ionichev, N.P
Vneshnie Ekonomicheskie Sviazi Rossii (IX - Nachalo XX veka)
Uchebnoe Posobie dlia Vuzov

[ Foreign economic ties of Russia : Textbook for graduate school ]
Moscow: Aspekt Press, 2001
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 19.00
Special price: $ 16.00
This is the first textbook on the history of the economic ties of Russia with other countries over the thousand year period from Kievan Rus to 1917. The book has features of both an academic study and a textbook on Russian economic history.
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Code: 013205
Pervye Skandinavskie Chteniia
Etnograficheskie I Kul`turno-Istoricheskie Aspekty

[ The First Scandinavian Readings : Ethographic, cultural, and historical aspects ]
St. Petersburg: Muzei Antropologii I Etnografii im. Petra Velikogo, 1997
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 22.00
Special price: $ 17.00
This collection of articles is based on the materials of a conference on Scandinavian ethnography (April, 1996). They describe a variety of topics: Norman links with Old Russia, history of ecclesiastical contacts and inter-ethnic relationship in the European North, ornaments on Runic stones, the old Scandinavian system of orientation, the image of Slavs in Scandinavian historical thought of the 16th-17th century, the contribution of Russian, Swedish, Norwegian, and Danish writers, scholars, and translators to Russian-Scandinavian rapprochement.
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Code: 006526
Floria, B.N
Skazaniia o Nachale Slavianskoi Pis`mennosti

[ Stories about the beginning of Slavic literacy : ]
St. Petersburg: Aleteiia, 2000, 2004
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 19.50
Special price: $ 17.55
This is a collection of the three manuscripts on the history of the formation of Slavic literacy: Life of Constantine, Life of Methodius, and The Tale of Monk Khrabr `On Letters`. Each of them is translated and provided with commentary by an B.
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Code: 018108
Krivosheev, Iu.V
Gibel` Andreia Bogoliubskogo
Istoricheskoe Rassledovanie

[ The Death of Andrei Bogoliubskii : Historical investigation ]
St. Petersburg: St.-Peterburgskii Un-t, 2003
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 22.00
Special price: $ 19.00
Prince Andrei Bogoliubskii (1115?-1174), a son of Iurii Dolgorukii and grandson of Vladimir Monomakh, left a bright trace in the history of Old Rus. This biography of the prince is focused primarily on the last period of his life, his voluntary retirement from political activity, and the intriguing circumstances of his death.
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Code: 018507
Zarezin, M. I
Poslednie Riurikovichi i Zakat Moskovskoi Rusi

[ The Last of the Ruriks and the fall of Muscovy : ]
Moscow: Veche, 2004
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 24.00
Special price: $ 19.00
"The Russia we lost...". This lamentation can be said not once but several times in Russian history. One of the lost Russias is the 1,000 year history of the House of Rurik (9th to 16th centuries). The fall of this dynasty caused the first, but not the last, Time of Troubles.
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Code: 010626
Istoriia Russkoi Dukhovnoi Kul`tury v Rukopisnom Nasledii XVI-XX v.

[ The History of Russian spiritual culture in manuscripts of the 16th-20th centuries : ]
Novosibirsk: Nauka, 1998
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 29.00
Special price: $ 19.00
This volume in the series "Archeography and Source Studies of Siberia" is a result of the Siberian Archeographic Center. It includes review of Siberian collections of old manuscripts. The main subject of this book is folk consciousness and how it reflects itself in the literature of medieval Russia, particularly of Siberia.
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Code: 010642
Myl`nikov, A
Kartina Slavianskogo Mira
Vzgliad iz Vostochnoi Evropy: Etnogeneticheskie Legendy, Dogadki, Protogipotezy XVI-XVIII Veka

[ The Picture of the Slavic World: the View from Eastern Europe: Ethnic Legends, Preassumptions, Protohypotheses : Vzgliad iz Vostochnoi Evropy: Etnogeneticheskie Legendy, Dogadki, Protogipotezy XVI-XVIII Veka ]
St. Petersburg: Tsentr "Peterburgskoe Vostokovedenie", 1996
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 27.00
Special price: $ 19.00
This monograph studies the ideas of Slavic chroniclers and scholars, as well as contemporary German, Swedish and Italian authors of Early Modern times (The turn of the 15th-16th century-beginning of 18th century) about the emergence of the Slavic super-ethnic entity (ethno-genesis of the first level) and its succeeding division into separate Slavic entities (ethno-genesis of the second level) Includes bibliographic references and name index.
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Code: 030366
Rossiiskaia Gosudarstvennost` i Sovremennost`
Problemy Identichnosti i Istoricheskoi Preemstvennosti: Sbornik Dokladov

[ Russian statehood and the present : Problems of identity and historical continuity: Collected reports ]
Moscow: RISI, 2012
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 29.00
Special price: $ 26.00
This collection includes reports of leading scholars from Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Serbia and Bulgaria about the history and present of Russian statehood and culture as a unique phenomenon in world civilization.
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Code: 030215
Bez`ev, D.A
Ukraina i Rech` Pospolitaia v Pervoi Polovine XVII V.

[ Ukraine and Rzecspospolita in the first half of the 17th century : ]
Moscow: Prometei, 2012
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 29.00
Special price: $ 26.00
This monograph is a study of the history of Ukraine and the Rzecspospolita in the first half of the 17th century. The author analyzes the government administration of both principalities, dominant political views and social structure of both societies, phenomenon of "sarmatism" in culture of Polish-Lithuanian state, etc.
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Code: 010514-2
Svod Drevneshikh Pis`mennykh Izvestii o Slavianakh
VII-IX vv.

[ Svod Drevneshikh Pis`mennykh Izvestii o Slavianakh : VII-IX vv. ]
Moscow: Vostochnaia Literatura, 1995
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 32.00
Special price: $ 28.00
This is the second and last volume of the collection of the most ancient documents pertaining to Slavic history. The first volume of this work was published in 1991.The book was prepared by the Institut of Slavianovedeniia i Balkanistiki RAN.
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Code: 018168-01
Pis`mennye Pamiatniki Istori Drevnei Rusi: Letopisi. Povesti. Khozhdeniia. Poucheniia. Zhitiia. Poslaniia
Annotirovannyi Katalog-Spravochnik

[ Written monuments of the history of ancient Rus. Chronicles. Tales. Walks. Homilies. Lives. Epistles : Annotated catalog handbook ]
St. Petersburg: BLITs, 2003
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 45.00
Special price: $ 40.50
This is a new reference publication on the history of Old Rus. This annotated catalog-guide includes 273 records about historiographical texts: chronicles and annalistic codexes, tales from the chronicles, Byzantine annals with Russian allusions, tales and legends of the events in Rus, tales of the construction and consecration of the churches; Itineraries; Poetic publicist works; The Tale of Igor`s Campaign, etc; Indices of persons and eparchies; Works on natural science and educational materials on birch bark; Rhetorical works; Hagiographic monuments; Messages of Princes and clerical figures, diplomatic messages to and from Rus, letters on birch bark.
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Code: 004370
Shmurlo, E.F
Kurs Russkoi Istorii: V Chetyrekh Tomakh

[ Course in Russian history: In four volumes : ]
St. Petersburg: Aleteiia, 1998-1999
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 79.00
Special price: $ 71.10
This a collection of the major works of the outstanding Russian historian and emigre E. F. Shmurlo (1853-1934). They were condemned and forbidden in the Soviet Union, and are now being published in Russia for the first time.
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