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Since 1989 Panorama of Russia has specialized in academic and reference publications from the Russian Federation and the Commonwealth of Independent States.


Total records: 12
[ 1 ]
Economy and Social Reforms
Economic History (7)
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Code: 021358
Prioritetnye Natsional`nye Proekty - Ideologiia Proryva v Budushchee

[ Priority national projects - ideology of the break through : Sbornik ]
Moscow: Evropa, 2007
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 11.00
Special price: $ 9.90
National projects, priority direction in Russian social policy, are addressed to the most significant problems of Russian population: wealth, education, demographic situation, housing, etc. They meant to become tools of government spending of money received for natural resources, primarily oil and gas.
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Code: 019082
Iavlinskii, Grigorii
Perspektivy Rossii
Ekonomicheskii i Politicheskii Vzgliad

[ Prospects for Russia : Economic and political view ]
Moscow: Galleia-print, 2006
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 11.00
Special price: $ 9.90
This book is about economic and political prospects for Russia and the necessary reforms in both areas. Grigorii Iavlinskii (b. 1952), is a doctor of economics, leader of the party "Iabloko" since 1989, the former vice Prime-Minister and the author of the economic program "500 days".
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Code: 009994
Trudnosti Sotsial`nogo Obnovleniia Rossii (1993-1994)
Sbornik Obzorov

[ Hardships of the social transformation of Russia (1993-94) : Collection of reviews ]
Moscow: INION, 1996
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 17.00
Special price: $ 13.00
This collection includes reviews of sociological studies devoted to labor conflicts and the labor movement, problems of youth in Russia, social deviance in the army. social problems of migration, social attitude towards the homeless.
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Code: 027918
40 Sekretov Uspekha
Interv`iu s Vedushchimi Top-Menedzherami Rossii

[ 40 Secrets of success : Interviews with the leading CEO`s of Russia ]
Moscow: Al`pina biznes buks, 2006
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 15.00
Special price: $ 13.00
This is a collection of interviews with 40 leading CEO`s of Russia. Their stories are not only recipes for success, but also documents of the epoch of social reforms, the rise of capitalism and of a new type of business people in Russia, both men and women.
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Code: 027920
Dragunskaia, Irina
Kod Zavinchivaniia
Ofisnoe Rabstvo v Rossii

[ Code of screwing : Office slavery in Russia ]
Moscow: Al`pina Pablisherz, 2010
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 19.00
Special price: $ 15.00
This book is about the life of employees in Russian medium and large businesses. Though office life in Russia has some similarities with western business, it also has a specific Russian taste and color.
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Code: 001594
Desiat` Let, Kotorye Potriasli...
1991-2001 gg

[ Ten years, that shook... : 1991-2001 ]
Moscow: Vagrius, Literaturnaia Gazeta, 2002
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 18.00
Special price: $ 16.20
This book includes 20 articles published in the newspaper Literaturnaia Gazeta. Nineteen well known Russian politicians and social activists of various political orientations present their vision of what happened to Russia in 1991-2001.
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Code: 001485-14
Dnevnik Altaiskoi Shkoly Politicheskikh Issledovanii. No. 13/14: Sovremennaia Rossiia i Mir
Al`ternativy Razvitiia: Respublika Altai i Reformy v Ekonomike i Federativnom Ustroistve Rossii

[ Diary of the Altai School of Political studies. No. 13/14: Modern Russia and the world : Alternatives of development: Republic of Altai and reforms in economy and federal arrangement of Russia ]
Barnaul: Azbuka, 2001
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 27.00
Special price: $ 19.00
This is materials of the international conference held in the city of Gorno-Altaisk in June 2001. The conference touched upon a wide range of issues: economic and court reforms, party system and reform of the federal organization of Russia, the democratic experiment in modern Russia, etc.
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Code: 028443
Sotsial`noe Predprinimatel`stvo v Rossii i v Mire
Praktika i Issledovaniia

[ Social enterprise in Russia and the world : Practice and research ]
Moscow: Vysshaia shkola ekonomiki, 2011
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 25.00
Special price: $ 20.00
This is the first monograph in Russian on social enterprise (e.g. microfinance) in Russia and the world, the activity which aims to alleviate or solve existing social problems. It is based on the results of the pilot study of Russian social enterprise made in 2009.
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Code: 004075
Zubarevich, N.V
Sotsial`noe Razvitie Regionov Rossii
Problemy i Tendentsii Perekhodnogo Perioda

[ Social development of the regions of Russia : Trends and problems of the transition period ]
Moscow: Editorial URSS, 2005
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 25.00
Special price: $ 21.00
This monograph studies trends and problems of the social development of various regions of Russia in the transition period. The author describes his research approach, methods of estimation and analysis, the set of indicators and factors of social development and results of his analysis.
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Code: 008037-1
Iasin, Evgenii
Novaia Epokha - Starye Trevogi
Politicheskaia Ekonomiia

[ A New Epoch - Old concerns : Political economy ]
Moscow: Fond Liberal`naia Missiia, Novoe izd-vo, 2004
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 27.00
Special price: $ 24.30
This book is a collection of works of 1998-2004 on the interconnection of social and economic processes in Russia. Evgenii Iasin (b. 1934), former Minister of Economy (1994-1997), was one of the major contributors to the first government program of the transformation of the centrally planned Russian economy into a market one.
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Code: 027555
Kapitalizm: Neznakomyi Ideal

[ Kapitalizm: Neznakomyi Ideal : ]
: Al`pina pablisherz, 2011
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 28.00
Special price: $ 25.00
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Code: 010330
Strategiia Razvitiia Rossiiskoi Ekonomiki i Programma Pervoocherednykh Shagov
Doklad Pravitel`stvu s Izlozheniem Predlozhenii po Kliuchevym Voprosam Dolgosrochnoi Strategii...

[ The strategy of Russian economy development and program of immediate steps : Report to the government ]
Moscow: Institut Ekonomiki RAN, 1996, June
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 28.00
Special price: $ 25.00
This report analyzes the current state of the Russian economy, and contains suggestions about the strategy of development for 1996-2010
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