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Since 1989 Panorama of Russia has specialized in academic and reference publications from the Russian Federation and the Commonwealth of Independent States.


Total records: 10
[ 1 ]
Economy / Business / Management
Agriculture and Peasant Studies (2)Demography (2)Economic and Demographic Statistics (16)
Economy and Social Reforms (12)Energy and Natural Resources (3)Finance and Banking (2)
Regional Studies (2)
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Code: 003676
Panikin, A
Shestoe Dokazatel’stvo
Priznaniia Russkogo Fabrikanta

[ The Sixth proof : Confessions of a Russian manufacturer ]
Moscow: Pan’inter, 1998
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 13.00
Special price: $ 10.00
This book is by an amateur writer, a dashing businessman Aleksandr Panikin (1950-2002), who at the age of seventeen came to Moscow from Krasnodar to become an actor, tried his hand as a theater manager, and then, stirred by his failures and by his own bold and enterprising spirit, stepped into the treacherous and, for him, exciting, waters of Russian commerce and created the successful concern Paninter.
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Code: 006277-1
Nauchnye Zapiski NGAEiU

[ Proceedings of the Novosibirsk Academy of Economics and Management : ]
Novosibirsk: Novosibirskaia Gos. Akademiia Ekonomiki i Upravleniia, 2000
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 24.00
Special price: $ 19.00
This is the first volume of the annual proceedings of the Novosibirsk Academy of Economics and Management. Articles are arranged into several chapters: Urban studies and city development; Labor relations; Financial market theory and practice; Management; Methodological issue of teaching economics and management; Reviews of new books and events in the field.
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Code: 008392
Parshev, A.P
Pochemu Rossiia ne Amerika
Kniga dlia Tekh, Kto Ostaetsia Zdes`

[ Why Russia is not America : A Book for those who stay in Russia ]
Moscow: Krymskii Most-9D, Forum, 2000, 2003
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 24.00
Special price: $ 21.60
This book has been a bestseller in Russia for two years. The author sums the results of numerous recent attempts of Russia to integrate into the world economy. Parshev debunks modern political and economic myths and illusions, and shows why efforts to attract foreign investments to Russia failed, why Russia cannot compete with the rest of the world in most industries, and why the West will never be interested in industrial development in Russian territory.
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Code: 002096
Amirov, Anvar
Naibolee Vliiatel`nye Predprinimateli Rossii
Biograficheskii Spravochnik

[ The most influential businessmen of Russia : Biographies ]
Moscow: Panorama, 1996, October
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 30.00
Special price: $ 27.00
This handbook is based on surveys by information agencies. It contains more then fifty biographical sketches of businessmen who play a significant role in forming Russian economic policy.
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Code: 002112
Zagorodnaia, Elena
Sotsiologicheskie Tsentry i Sluzhby Politicheskogo i Ekonomicheskogo Marketinga

[ Sociological centers and services of political and economic marketing : Handbook ]
Moscow: Panorama, 1997, March
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 42.00
Special price: $ 37.80
This handbook contains information about 47 organizations in Moscow and St. Petersburg which study and/or form public opinion: sociological centers at universities and the Russian Academy of Sciences, independent and private services and centers, centers for political consulting, public relations agencies, regional services, biographies of the center leaders.
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Code: 007872-1
Al`b. L. Vainshtein: Izbrannye Trudy: V Dvukh Knigakh
Kniga 1: Sovetskaia Ekonomika: 20-e Gody

[ Selected works: In two volumes : Volume one: The Soviet economy: 1920s. ]
: Nauka, 2000
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 59.00
Special price: $ 49.00
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Code: 007872
Vainshtein, Al`b. L
Al`b. L. Vainshtein: Izbrannye Trudy: V Dvukh Knigakh
Kniga 1: Sovetskaia Ekonomika: 20-e Gody. Kniga 2 Narodnoe Bogatstvo i Narodnyi Dokhod Rossii i SSSR

[ Selected works: In two volumes : Volume one: The Soviet economy: 1920s. Volume two. National wealth and national income of Russia and the USSR ]
Moscow: Nauka, 2000
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 59.00
Special price: $ 49.00
Al`bert Vainshtein (1892-1970), a well known Russian economist and statistician, was one of the very few economists of the so called "old school" who survived the Stalinist era. He trained many leading Russian economists of the next generation, including the academician Tatyana Zaslavskaia.
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Code: 007872-2
Vainshtein, Al`b. L
Al`b. L. Vainshtein: Izbrannye Trudy: V Dvukh Knigakh
Kniga 1: Sovetskaia Ekonomika: 20-e Gody. Kniga 2 Narodnoe Bogatstvo i Narodnyi Dokhod Rossii i SSSR

[ Selected works: In two volumes : Volume one: The Soviet economy: 1920s. Volume two. National wealth and national income of Russia and the USSR ]
Moscow: Nauka, 2000
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 59.00
Special price: $ 49.00
Al`bert Vainshtein (1892-1970), a well known Russian economist and statistician, was one of the very few economists of the so called "old school" who survived the Stalinist era. He trained many leading Russian economists of the next generation, including the academician Tatyana Zaslavskaia.
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Code: 002095-97
Amirov, Anvar
Kto Est` Kto v Bankovskoi Sisteme
Biograficheskii Spravochnik

[ Who is who in the banking sector : Biographical handbook ]
Moscow: Panorama, 1997, November
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 55.00
Special price: $ 49.50
Includes biographical sketches of more than two hundred of the leading figures in banking and finance. Most of them are also famous politicians, social activists, etc. Though the banking system is a very young industry in Russia, about nine years old, its history is already filled with events, achievements and tragic stories.
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Code: 010609
Nalogovaia Sistema Rossiiskoi Federatsii
Sbornik Normativnykh Dokumentov po Sostoianiiu na 1 Aprelia 1996 g.

[ The Tax system of the Russian Federation : Collection of normative documents effective as of April 1, 1996 ]
Moscow: INFRA-M, 1996
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 72.00
Special price: $ 60.00
This is the first code of laws and other normative acts regulating the taxation of legal and natural persons. All the documents are classified in accordance with kinds of taxes, and are further grouped within the sections by subject matter.
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