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Since 1989 Panorama of Russia has specialized in academic and reference publications from the Russian Federation and the Commonwealth of Independent States.

Rare Russian Books

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[ 1 ]
Theater and Entertainment
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Code: 010551

[ Autobiography : ]
: Khudozhestvennaia Literatura, 1994
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 13.00
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Code: 011796
V.E. Meierkhol`d. "Pikovaia Dama"
Zamysel. Voploshchenie. Sud`ba: Dokumenty i Materials

[ The Queen of Spades : Concept, realization and fate of the production: Documents and materials ]
St. Petersburg: Kompozitor, 1994
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 29.00
This book is about Meirkhol`d`s remarkable production of Chaikovskii`s Queen of Spades in the Leningrad Malyi Opera Theater, which premiered on January 25, 1935. After two years the production was banned, and soon the author was arrested.
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Code: 012161
Stanislavskii i Nemirovich-Danchenko: V Dvukh Tomakh
Istoriia Teatral`nykh Otnoshenii: 1909-1917. Istoriia Teatral`nykh Otnoshenii: 1917-1938

[ Stanislavskii i Nemirovich-Danchenko: The Story of their theater relationship: 1909-1938 In two volumes : In two volumes ]
: Artist. Rezhisser. Teatr, 1999
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 45.00
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Code: 006361
Kholodov, E.G
Teatr i Zriteli
Stranitsy Istorii Russkoi Teatral`noi Publiki

[ Theater and viewers : Pages of the history of the Russian theatrical audience ]
Moscow: Institut Iskusstvoznania, 2000
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 22.00
This is the last and unfinished work of the historian of theater from the Institute of Art Studies Efim Kholodov (1915-1981). His idea was to write the history of viewers from the first theatrical performances in 1672 through the whole nineteenth century.
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Code: 016770
Mil`don, V.I
Otkrylas` Bezdna…
Obrazy Mesta i Vremeni v Russkoi Drame

[ Abyss opened… : Images of place and time in Russian drama ]
Moscow: Artist. Rezhisser.Teatr, 1992
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 24.00
The author analyzes classic Russian drama from Griboedov to Gor`kii in categories of images of the place and time the drama takes place. These two categories, born in the theory of literature in the twentieth century, are used by Mil`don to discover a new meaning of famous dramas: Gore ot Uma, Maskarad, Motsart i Sal`eri, Vlast` T`my, Boris Godunov, Groza, Vishnevyi Sad, Na Dne, etc.
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Code: 026963
Maksimova, Aleksandra
Russkii Baletnyi Teatr Ekaterininskikh Vremen: Rossiia-Zapad

[ Russian ballet theater of Catherine`s time: Russia and the West : ]
Moscow: Kompozitor, 2010
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 43.00
This monograph-textbook studies the history of Russian ballet theater at the court of Catherine II (1762-1795): its genres, libretti, ballet directors, sets and dance techniques. Appendices (pp. 195-402) include scores, libretti of several ballets and other documents on this period.
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Code: 004874-2
Mikhail Bulgakov na Iskhode XX Veka
Materialy VIII Mezhdunarodnykh Bulgakovskikh Chtenii

[ Mikhail Bulgakov at the end of the 20th century : Materials of the 8th international Bulgakov readings ]
Moscow: Rossiiskii Institut Istorii Iskusstv, 1999
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 12.00
The eighth session of Bulgakov`s readings had the topic "Mikhail Bulgakov and European Culture of the 20th Century". Works of this outstanding Russian writer were discussed in the context of the main trends in the literature and theater of the past century.
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Code: 008701
Tarbanakova, S.N
Puti Razvitiia Teatrov Iuzhnoi Sibiri

[ Theater development in southern Siberia : ]
Gorno-Altaisk: Gorno-Altaiskii Nauchno-Issledovatel`skii Institut Istorii, Iazyka I Literatury, 1994
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 15.00
This book is the first on the history of theaters performing in languages of the aboriginal peoples of southern Siberia: Khakas, Altaic, and Tuvan. Many of them started in 1920-30s. They were based on local folklore traditions and made a significant contribution to preserving and developing the national culture of these peoples.
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Code: 004878
Iz Opyta Russkoi Sovetskoi Rezhissury 1930-kh gg.

[ On Russian theater directing in 1930s : ]
St. Petersburg: LGITMiK, 1989
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 11.00
This is a collection of six articles on the history of the Russian theater of 1930s and the most interesting productions and the leading directors: V. Meierkhol`d, A. Tairov, A. Dikii, N. Akimov, N. Khmelev.
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Code: 024754-05
Vremennik Zubovskogo Instituta
Vyp. 5: Petrushka Kruglyi God: Stat`i i Materialy v Chest` Anny Fedorovny Nekrylovoi

[ Proceedings of the Zubovskii Institut : Issue 5: Petrushka all year long: Articles and material in honor of Anna Fedorovna Nekrylova ]
St. Petersburg: RIII, 2010
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 23.00
This is the fifth issue of proceedings of the Russian Institute for the Studies in History of the Arts (St. Petersburg). The current volume contains works on Russian traditional culture, folk calendar and theater.
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Code: 026859-2
Teatral`nye Terminy i Poniatiia
Materialy k Slovariu: Vyp. 2

[ Theater terms and concepts : Materials toward a dictionary: Issue 2 ]
St. Petersburg: GNIUK RIII, 2010
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 25.00
This is the second volume of materials toward a dictionary of the theater. It examines the history of Russian theater and tendencies in Western art that influenced the development of the Russian theatre.
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Code: 006885
Lepskaia, L.A
Repertuar Krepostnogo Teatra Sheremet`evykh
Katalog P`es

[ Repertoire of the serf theater of the Sheremet`evs : Catalog of plays ]
Moscow: GTsTM im. A.A.Bakhrushina, 1996
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 21.00
The history of the Sheremet`evs’ serf theater is closely connected to the history of three generations of one of the most noble Russian family. This is a catalog of plays performed in 1775-1797, the period when theater had just established itself as a new art in Russia.
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Code: 031992
Kaminskaia, N.G
Vot Tebe i Teatr
Moskovskaia Stsena: 2000-e Gody, do i posle

[ So much for theatre : The Moscow stage. 2000s, before and after ]
Moscow: Artist. Rezhisser. Teatr, 2014
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 42.00
This book is about the theatrical life in Moscow in 2000s: theater directors, artistic leaders, artists. Among them: K. Ginkas, Iu. Liubimov, P. Fomenko, S. Zhenovach, K. Raikin, Iu. Pogrebnichko, M. Zakharov, D.
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Code: 003665
Elagin, Iurii
Vsevolod Meierkhol`d: Temnyi Genii

[ Vsevolod Meierkhol`d: Dark genius : ]
Moscow: Vagrius, 1998
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 21.00
One of the greatest Russian theater directors Vsevolod Meierkhol`d (1874-1940) is known also as a reformer of Russian theater, who through his own works and teaching of actors and directors significantly influenced the art of theater.
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Code: 008169
Dmitrievskii, V.N
Sotsial`noe Funktsionirovanie Teatra i Problemy Sovremennoi Kul`turnoi Politiki

[ Social functioning of theater and issues of modern cultural policy : ]
Moscow: Gos. Institut Iskusstvoznaniia, 2000
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 19.00
Modern theater is studied in this monograph as one of the sociocultural institutions with its mission in modern cultural policy. The author shows the social and cultural functions of theater in different cultural environments, and singles out various types of theater in terms of the relation with the "theater-viewer" and their drift in changing cultural conditions of 1960s-1990s.
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Code: 011605
Korogodskii, Z.Ia

[ The Beginning : ]
St. Petersburg: SPbGUP, 1996
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 36.00
This book by a well-known Russian theater director and professor describes his acting school. To use the words of the Director of MKHAT, Oleg Efremov, “Korogodskii destroyed the wall between art for grown-ups and art for children, he led children’s theater out of the second-rate art category and showed the unity of art, rejecting the notion of ‘nearly perfect’”.
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Code: 004479
Zolotnitskii, D.I
Meierkhol`d: Roman s Sovetskoi Vlast`iu

[ Meierkhol`d: Romance with Soviet power : ]
Moscow: Agraf, 1999
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 16.00
The author, an art historian, found new documents about the world renowned theater director Vsevolod Meierkhol`d (1874-1940) and his relations with the Bolshevik authorities. This book is about the post-revolutionary period of his life, his engagement in the Bolshevik cultural and political agenda, his works on the theater stage and his tragic end.
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Code: 012753
Meierkhol`d v Russkoi Teatral`noi Kritike. 1892-1918

[ Meierkhol`d in Russian theatrical critical writing. 1892-1918 : ]
Moscow: Artist. Rezhisser. Teatr, 1997
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 23.00
This anthology contains critical writings about the theatrical productions of one of the greatest Russian theater directors, Vsevolod Meierkhol`d (1874-1940). Meierkhol`d is also known as a reformer of Russian theater, who through his own works and teaching actors and directors significantly influenced the art of theater.
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Code: 030490
Moskovskii Khudozhestvennyi Teatr: Posle Stoletiia
Repertuar i Publika: Sbornik Statei i Materialov

[ The Moscow Art Theater. After a century : Repertoire and audience. Collection of articles and materials ]
Moscow: GII, 2011
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 39.00
The collection includes materials and articles on the repertoire and audience of the Moscow Art Theater in 1998-2005. This book is a chronicle of the main events in this period. Among contributors are scholars from many fields.
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Code: 007500
Iastrebova, N.A
Teatr 30-kh: Zerkalo i Zazerkal`e
Iskusstvo, Publika, Pressa, Vlast`

[ Theater of 1930s: Mirror and Wonderland : Art, audience, press, power ]
Moscow: Gosudarstvennyi Institut Iskusstvoznaniia, 2000
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 15.00
How did Russian theater of the 1930s flourish and enrich the traditions of pre-Revolutionary theater, despite the strengthening censorship and aggressive press? According to the author, the theater survived as art because of its is direct contact with the audience.
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Code: 003738-2
Evreinov, N.N
Samoe Glavnoe
Dlia Kogo Komediia, a dlia Kogo i Drama: V 4-kh Deistviiakh

[ The Most important : For one it is a comedy, for another - drama: In four acts ]
Moscow: Sovpadenie, 2006
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 11.00
"Samoe Glavnoe" (1920) is the best known play by Nikolai Evreinov (1879-1953), a Russian theater director, playwright, and historian of theater, one of the key figures of the so called Silver Age. This play reflects his theoretical views on the essence and mission of theater.
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Code: 016411
Mal`tseva, Ol`ga
Akter Teatra Liubimova

[ An Actor of Liubimov`s Theater : ]
St. Petersburg: By author, 1994
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 7.00
The Theater on Taganka (Moscow) and its director Iurii Liubimov were a legend of the 1960-1980s. This theater was extremely popular with the intelligentsia, and became a center of an artistic Fronde. However, many critics indicated that actors and acting were quite insignificant in this theater.
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