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Since 1989 Panorama of Russia has specialized in academic and reference publications from the Russian Federation and the Commonwealth of Independent States. |
Avak`ian, S.A., et al Izbiratel`noe Pravo i Izbiratel`nyi Protsess v Rossiiskoi Federatsii
Uchebnik dlia Vuzov
[ Electoral law and the electoral process in the Russian Federation : Textbook]
Ed. by A.V. Ivanchenko
Moscow: Norma, 1999 841 p Hardcover. 14 x 22 cm ISBN: 5891233118 Language: RussianThis is the first Russian textbook on Electoral law for law students and organizers of election campaigns and referenda at all levels. This textbook reflects the large scale reform of the political system of Russia on her way towards democracy. It contains both legal norms and procedures for the electoral process, including the necessary documentation. Each chapter includes a reading list, legal documents, self-checking questions and topics for papers. Information about the thirty-one contributors to this book.
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