Masson, Sh Sekretnye Zapiski o Rossii Vremeni Tsarstvovaniia Ekateriny II I Pavla I
Nabliudenia Frantsuza, Zhivshego pri Dvor’e, o Pridvornykh Nravakh
[ Secret writings on Russia in the period of Catherine the Great and Pavel I : The commentaries of a Frenchman who lived at the Court on its mores showing the author’s outstanding power of observation and great sophistication]
Moscow: Novoe Literaturnoe Obozrenie, 1996 208 p Serie: Rossiia v Memuarakh Hardcover. 14 x 21 cm ISBN: 586793019 Language: RussianThis memoir is a chronicle of the Russian Imperial Court of the second half of 18th and early 19th centuries. The author vividly characterizes the wise Empress and her irrational son, Catherine’s favorites, and Pavel’s circle of confidants. The author’s gift of observation, his literary merit, and his independence of judgment make this book a unique source of knowledge about the epoch. The memoir was not allowed to be published in Russia, but was nevertheless familiar to many and exerted a great influence on Masson’s contemporaries, including the marquis de Custin, the author of the famous book “Russia in 1839”. Supplements includes comments, name index.