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Since 1989 Panorama of Russia has specialized in academic and reference publications from the Russian Federation and the Commonwealth of Independent States.
Tom XX: Dela Verkhovnogo Ugolovnogo Suda i Sledstvennoi Komissii
[ The Rebellion of the Decembrists: Documents : Volume twenty: Cases of the Supreme Criminal Court and its Investigation Commission]
Ed. by A.N. Sakharov; comp., introd., and comm. by A.V. Semenov
Moscow: ROSSPEN, 2001 591 p Serie: Materialy po Istorii Vosstaniia Dekabristov Hardcover. 16.5 x 26 cm ISBN: 5824301905 Language: Russian
The twentieth volume of the documentary series The Rebellion of the Decembrists, includes for the first time all the inquiry papers of early Decembrist organizations (Soiuz Spaseniia and Soiuz Blagodenstviia), whose members were not brought before the Supreme Criminal Court. These materials contain much valuable information on the history of the ideal thinking of Decembrists, educational activities of the Soiuz Blagodenstviia, organization forms of the Unions, history of the creation of the statute and other program documents. The documents shed light on the activities of these organizations in St. Petersburg and the southern part of Russia, as well as about many leading personalities of the movement: I.A. Fonvizin, F.N. Glinka, P.N. Grabbe, M.N. Murav`ev, M.F. Orlov, V.F. Raevskii, etc. Comments. Name, subject, and geographic indices.