V.I. Vernadskii: Pro et Contra
Antologiia Literatury o V.I. Vernadskom za Sto let (1898-1998)
[ V.I. Vernadskii: Pro et Contra : Anthology about V.I. Vernadskii for one hundred years: 1898-1998]
Ed. by A.L. Ianshin
St. Petersburg: RKhGI, 2000 872 p Serie: Russkii Put` Hardcover. 14 x 20.5 cm ISBN: 5888120677 Language: RussianThis book studies the legacy of the outstanding Russian scientist V. Vernadskii (1863-1945). He is a unique figure since the Renaissance in terms of the variety his scientific interests and achievements: a geologist by education, he is widely recognized as one of the founders of modern geography and biology. But the biggest recognition he received was for his pioneer studies in the absolutely new area of science about the biosphere and noosphere. This book comprises an anthology of the most interesting publications about Vernadskii himself, his contribution to world science, and his epoch. Name index. Summary in English.