Shpet, G.G Istoriia kak Problema Logiki
Kriticheskie i Metodologicheskie Issledovaniia. Materialy: V 2-kh Chastiakh: Chast`1: materialy
[ History as a logic problem : Critical and methodological studies. Materials: In two parts]
Ed. and introd. by T.G. Shchedrina
St. Petersburg: Universitetskaia kniga, 2014 510 p Serie: Rossiiskie Propilei Hardcover. 17 x 24 cm ISBN: 9785987121641 Language: RussianThe understanding of history and, first of all Russian history, is always considered as a test for defining the status and position of any philosopher in Russia. Gustav Shpet (1879-1937), one of the most important Russian philosophers of the 20th century, was also a linguist, historian, psychologist, ethnologist, and literary critic. He spent the last two years of his life (1935-1937) in exile in Siberia. This book, his doctoral thesis (1916), is published in a new composition based on Shpet’s personal copy with his marginalia and provided with extensive comments. (0.805 kg.)