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Since 1989 Panorama of Russia has specialized in academic and reference publications from the Russian Federation and the Commonwealth of Independent States. |
Sotsial`naia Zhurnalistika Kak Obshchestvennaia Deiatel`nost`
Opyt i Nauchnye Issledovaniia v Rosii, SShA i Stranakh Severnoi Evropy
[ Journalism as a social activity : Practice and scholarly studies in Russia, the USA and North European countries]
Ed. by S.G. Korkonosenko et al
St. Petersburg: S.-Peterb. gos. un-t, In-t "Vyssh. Shk. Zhurn. i mass. kommunikatsii", 2014 125 p pbk. 13 x 20 cm. Printing 100 ISBN: 9785846512450 ISSN: 2306-417x Language: RussianThese are the materials of an international seminar (2014) at the St. Petersburg University. Chapters: Social journalism: professional criteria. Applied communications in the area of social responsibility.
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