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Since 1989 Panorama of Russia has specialized in academic and reference publications from the Russian Federation and the Commonwealth of Independent States. |
Lettsev, Viktor M Prezhde Vsego, On Iskal Podlinnosti”
Ocherk Zhiznennogo i Tvorcheskogo Puti V.V. Zen`kovskogo
[ "Before everything, he sought authenticity" : Essay on the life and working path of V.V. Zen`kovskii]
Kiev: Dukh i Litera, 2014 184 p pbk. 13 x 20 cm ISBN: 9789663783468 Language: RussianThis is an account of works by the philosopher and historian of social thought V. Zen`kovskii (1881-1962). It also traces his spiritual evolution and describes various areas of his studies: philosophical psychology, personology, anthropology and Christian philosophy. Also available by Zen’kovskii: Problemy Vospitaniia v Svete Khristianskoi Antropologii (1996); Russkie Mysliteli i Evropa (1997); Apologetika (2004); Russkoe Staroobriadchestvo (2006).
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