Germenevtika Drevnerusskoi Literatury
Sbornik 16-17
[ The Hermeneutics of Old Russian literature : Volume 16-17]
Ed. by M.V. Pervushin
Moscow: U Nikitskikh vorot, 2014 1216 p Serie: Studia philologica Hardcover. 15 x 21.5 cm. Printing 500 ISBN: 9785913667946 Language: RussianThis is the double issue (16-17) of the series. The current volume includes monographs, theses, and the most recent studies in Old Slavic and Russian medieval literature by the Institute of World Literature and the Society of Scholars of Old Rus. Contents: Chelovek smirennyi v agiografii Drevnei Rusi (XI - pervaia tret` XVII veka); "Az`" letopistsa v "Povesti vremennykh let", ego varianty i sposoby vyrazheniia; Materialy dlia monografii o khudozhestvennoi evoliutsii drevnerusskoi literatury; K probleme istoricheskoi poetiki drevnerusskoi literatury, etc. dBibliographical references. (1.295 kg.). Volumes 8 (1995) - 15 (2012) and standing order are available.