Shirokorad, A.B Velikaia Kontributsiia: Chto SSSR Poluchil posle Voiny
[ A Great contribution: What the USSR received after the war]
Moscow: Veche, 2013 384 p. [16 ill.] Serie: Voennye tainy XX veka Hardcover. 12.5 x 20 cm ISBN: 9785444407660 Language: RussianUntil early 1990 there was no information published about what the USSR seized from Germany in 1945-47. The Soviet Union took everything they could take: ships, equipment, cars, steam locomotives, rails and even telescopes from observatories. Was this retribution or robbery? How did the Russian allies behave in their own sectors of Germany? What role did salvage play in the restoration of the Russian economy and its further growth? This book has interesting facts about the influence of German booty on the economic and social life of Russia. (0.345 kg.)