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Since 1989 Panorama of Russia has specialized in academic and reference publications from the Russian Federation and the Commonwealth of Independent States.
Muzyka Vmesto Sumbura: Kompozitory i Muzykanty v Strane Sovetov. 1917-1991
[ Music instead of chaos: Composers and musicians in the soviet country: 1917-1991]
Comp. by L.V. Maksimenkov
Moscow: MFD, 2013 864 p Serie: Rossiia. XX Vek. Dokumenty Hardcover. 16 x 24 cm ISBN: 9785895110300 Language: Russian
This collection offers documents without any cuts by government and party bodies in charge of the state network of musical arts: the orchestras, philharmonics, theaters, concert organizations, music schools and conservatories, national and international music festivals, contests, etc. Taken together these documents give an idea of how and why soviet musical life reached such a high level, and became a symbol and standard of achievement of the soviet country. (1.345 kg.)