V.G. Belinskii: Pro et Contra
Lichnost` i Tvorchestvo V.G. Belinskogo v Russkoi Mysli (1848-2011): Antologiia
[ V.G. Belinskii: Pro et Contra : Personality and works of V.G. Belinskii in Russian thought (1848-2011): Anthology]
Comp. by A.A. Eremichev
St. Petersburg: RKhGA, 2011 1168 p Serie: Russkii Put` Hardcover. 14 x 21 cm. Printing 800 ISBN: 9785888124260 Language: RussianThe next volume in the series The Russian Way contains polemics, articles and memoirs about one of the greatest and polemical Russian literary critics V.G. Belinskii (1811-48). The anthology is the most comprehensive repository of perceptions of the critic and his works in the 19th- early 21st centuries. (1.315 kg.). Also available: Vissarion Belinskii. Sobranie Sochinenii: V 3 Tomakh: Tom 1: Stat`i i Retsenzii 1834-1841. Tom 2: Stat`i i Retsenzii 1841-1846. Tom 3: Stat`i i Retsenzii 1843-1848 (2011); Vsia Zhizn` Moia v Pis`makh": Iz Perepiski V. G. Belinskogo (2011).