Nerar, Fransua-Ksab`e (Nerard, Francois-Xavier) Piat` Protsentov Pravdy
Razoblachenie i Donositel`stvo v Stalinskom SSSR (1928-1941)
[ Five percent of truth : Exposure and denunciation in Stalin`s USSR (1928-1941)]
Cinq Pour Cent de Verite: La Denonciation dans l`URSS de Staline (1928-1941) Transl. from French by E.I. Balakhovskaia
Moscow: ROSSPEN, Fond B.N. El`tsina, 2011 398 p Serie: Istoriia stalinizma Hardcover. 14 x 21.5 cm ISBN: 978824315479 Language: RussianThis monograph studies the phenomenon of reporting and denunciation in Stalin`s USSR (1928-1941) and its role in the critical and stable years of his rule. The author analyzes the specific characteristics of information to the soviet organs: family members against each other, volunteering vs. forced cooperation, pragmatism vs. help to and support of the regime, etc. Appendices. Bibliography. Name index. (0.495 kg.)