Shtuder, B., Unfrid, B (Brigitte Studer, Berthold Unfried) Stalinskie Partiinye Kadry
Praktika Identifikatsii i Diskursy v Sovetskom Soiuze 1930-x gg.
[ The Stalinist party cadre : The practice of identification and discourse in the Soviet Union in the 1930s]
Der Stalinistische Parteikader: Identitaetsstiftende Praktiken und Diskure in der Sowjetunion der Dreissiger Jahre Transl. from German by I.A. Zolotarev
Moscow: ROSSPEN, 2011 247 p. [8 ill.] Serie: Istoriia stalinizma Hardcover. 14 x 21 cm ISBN: 9785824315394 Language: RussianThe monograph studies how foreign, mostly Western, communists understood and adapted to the soviet reality, way of thinking and behavior of soviet people, the cultural forms of the Stalin`s society. The main focus of this work is on practices of critics and self-critics, discipline and self-control, correlation of private and political life. Bibliography