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Since 1989 Panorama of Russia has specialized in academic and reference publications from the Russian Federation and the Commonwealth of Independent States.

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$ 29.00
Popov, G.Kh
Reformirovanie Nereformiruemogo
Popytka Alekseia Kosygina
[ Reforming what cannot be reformed : Try of Aleksei Kosygin]

Moscow:  Izd. dom Mezhdun. un-ta v Moskve, 2009
528 p
Serie: Mne na sheiu kidaetsia vek-volkodav. Pereosmyslenie sudeb Rossii v XX veke: Kniga 7
Hardcover. 12 x 17 cm
ISBN: 5924800598
Language: Russian
The seventh book in the series is about Aleksei Kosygin (1904-1980), Russian prime-minister in 1964-1980. A full professor of economics, head of the State Planning Committee (Gosplan), a government officer with over 30 year experience, he was probably the most competent Russian prime minister in the twentieth century. Kosygin was the first who tried to reform the Soviet economy and failed. Gavrila Popov is the former dean of the Economics department of Moscow State University and mayor of Moscow in 1991-92. (0.395 kg.) Also available by the same author: Blesk i Nishcheta Administrativnoi Sistemy (1990); Budet li u Rossii Vtoroe Tysiatcheletie? (1998); Teoriia i Praktika Sotsializma v XX Veke: K 150-letiiu so Dnia Rozhdeniia G.V. Plekhanova (2006)
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