Na "Kraiu" Sovetskogo Obshchestva
Sotsial`nye Marginaly kak Ob`ekt Gosudarstvennoi Politiki. 1945-1960-e gg.
[ In the "gutter" of soviet society : The social marginals as an object of government policy. 1945-1960]
Comp. by E.Iu. Zubkova, T.Iu. Zhukova
Moscow: ROSSPEN, 2010 816 p Serie: Dokumenty sovetskoi istorii Hardcover. 16 x 23 cm. Printing 800 ISBN: 9785824314441 Language: RussianThis book includes documents on the government policy in 1945-1960 towards the socially marginal: beggars, homeless, wanderers, prostitutes, drunkards, criminals and other marginal groups. The many people fell into a risk group not by their own choice, but because of specific social circumstances: the war, political exile, illness, lack of passport, etc. Most soviet laws treated these people as "antisocial elements", "parasites", "spongers", etc. 272 documents. Introductory articles, biographical notes, indices. (1.225 kg.)