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Since 1989 Panorama of Russia has specialized in academic and reference publications from the Russian Federation and the Commonwealth of Independent States.
Moscow: AST, 2009 383 p Serie: Istoricheskaia biblioteka Hardcover. 13 x 20 cm ISBN: 9785170581122 Language: Russian
Why did Napoleon start a war against Russia? Why did the undefeated Napoleonic army lose to Russia? These and many other questions answered in this work. Evgenii Tarle (1874-1955) was a famous Russian historian. Bibliography. Also available on the same subject: Zhilin, P.A. Otechestvennaia Voina 1812 Goda (1988); Voina 1812 Goda i Russkaia Literatura (1993); Bezotosnyi, V.M., et al Russkaia Armiia 1812-1814 (2000); Gusev, I Russkaia Artilleriia Epokhi Napoleonovskikh Voin (2001); Sirotkin, V.G Napoleon i Aleksandr I: Diplomatiia i Razvedka…(2003); Otechestvennaia Voina 1812 Goda: Entsiklopediia (2004); Mikhailovskii-Danilevskii, A.I. Otechestvennaia Voina 1812 Goda (2004); Napoleon v Rossii Glazami Inostrantsev: V Dvukh Knigakh (2004); Napoleon v Rossii Glazami Russkikh (2004).