Suslov, A.B Spetskontingent v Permskoi Oblasti (1929-1953 gg.)
[ Special forces in the Perm Oblast in 1929-1953]
2nd upd. and enl. ed
Moscow: ROSSPEN, Fond "Prezidentskii tsentr B.N.Eltsina", 2010 968 p. [8 ill.] Serie: Istoriia stalinizma Hardcover. 17 x 26 cm ISBN: 9785824313437 Language: Russian"Spetskontingent" (special contingent) is the term invented by the soviet repressive machine for millions of citizens forcefully moved from their place of living, and used as slaves for special needs of the socialist state. Among these people were prisoners, forced migrants, foreign prisoners of war, soviet prisoners of war brought from abroad, etc. This monograph describes the history of this special force, its legal status, the areas of deployment, methods of management of the force, living conditions, the social structure of the force before and after WWII, etc. The study is based on materials of the local archives. Appendices (pp. 352-415). Name index.