Livshin, A.Ia Nastroeniia i Politicheskie Emotsii v Sovetskoi Rossii
1917-1932 gg
[ Mood and political emotions in Soviet Russia : 1917-1932]
Moscow: ROSSPEN, Fond "Prezidentskii tsentr B.N.Eltsina", 2010 344 p Serie: Istoriia stalinizma Hardcover. 17 x 26 cm ISBN: 9785824313581 Language: RussianThis monograph studies the political emotions of Russian citizens during the period of large scale transformation after the 1917 revolution, the Civil War and Stalin`s revolution "from above". A.Ia. Livshin, professor of history, is the author of Vlast` i Obshchestvo: Dialog v Pis`makh (2002); Pis`ma vo Vlast`: 1928-1939: Zaiavleniia, Zhaloby, Donosy, Pis`ma v Gosudarstvennye Struktury i Sovetskim Vozhdiam (2002). Both books are available. (0.455 kg.)