Vkliuchen v Operatsiiu"
Massovyi Terror v Prikam`e v 1937-1938 gg
[ "Included in special operation" : Mass terror in the Kama River region in 1937-38]
Ed. by O.L. Leibovich
Moscow: ROSSPEN, Fond B.N. El`tsina, 2008 318 p Serie: Istoriia stalinizma Hardcover. 14 x 21.5 cm ISBN: 9785824311808 Language: RussianThis collective monograph by historians from the city of Perm` reconstructs the mass purges in this city and the region around it in 1937-38. The books shows that the NKVD used the same scenario in various areas and used standard accusations and charges: from "counterrevolutionary kulak" to "assistance to foreign intelligence". The contributors show the nature, methods and the main targets of political terror.