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Since 1989 Panorama of Russia has specialized in academic and reference publications from the Russian Federation and the Commonwealth of Independent States. |
Tolstaia, E.D Degot` ili Med": Aleksei N. Tolstoi kak Neizvestnyi Pisatel` (1917-1923)
[ "Tar or honey": Aleksei Tolstoi as an unknown writer (1917-1923)]
Moscow: RGGU, 2006 685 p Hardcover. 16 x 23 cm ISBN: 5728107605 Language: RussianThis book reopens the early works of Aleksei Nikolaevich Tolstoi (1883-1945) as a writer and journalist. The author publishes his articles of 1918-1919 from Moscow and Odessa periodicals, and offers a new view on his emigre period. Elena Tolstaia is a professor of Russian literature at the Hebrew University (Israel), the author of Poetika Razdrazheniia: Chekhov v Kontse 1880 - Nachale 1890-kh Godov (2002) (also available).
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