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Since 1989 Panorama of Russia has specialized in academic and reference publications from the Russian Federation and the Commonwealth of Independent States. |
Brakman, Roman Sekretnaia Papka Iosifa Stalina
Skrytaia Zhizn`
[ Sekretnaia Papka Iosifa Stalina : Skrytaia Zhizn`]
The Secrete File of Joseph Stalin: A Hidden Life
Moscow: Ves` Mir, Iuventa, 2004 547 p. [8 ill.] Hardcover. 14 x 21 cm ISBN: 5834291894 Language: RussianWas Stalin an agent of the Tsar`s secret police? This question has been studied by many historians. They found out that Stalin made a systematic effort to hide this period of his life: deleted many files, destroyed several living witnesses, and created false evidence about his past. This book is the most comprehensive study of this issue, it reads like a detective story because the author sifted piles of lies and purposeful mystification to find the trustworthy information on Stalin`s cooperation with the secrete police. The author, a Russian journalist and historian, was arrested as a result of this work, and spent five years in the GULAG. This book was first published in England in a small printing. This is the first and most complete publication of the book in Russia. Name index.
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