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Since 1989 Panorama of Russia has specialized in academic and reference publications from the Russian Federation and the Commonwealth of Independent States.
Moscow: Algoritm, 2005 480 p Serie: Narod protiv Hardcover. 12.5 x 20 cm ISBN: 5926502012 Language: Russian
"Perestroika” was an epoch of drastic political changes (1985-1991), as a peaceful revolution was started unintentionally by Gorbachev and his team, and is now seen by many as a very controversial period in Russian history. This book by the Russian mathematician and publicist Vladimir Boiarintsev unmasks this period as an anti-Russian action mostly from an anti-Semitic position. This collection of articles denounces "perestroika" and "democracy" which followed it as a result of a so called "fifth column", enemies and traitors within, who made this revolution and the following devastation of Russia happen. Also available by this author: Russkie i Nerusskie Uchenye: Mify i Real`nost` (2005).