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Since 1989 Panorama of Russia has specialized in academic and reference publications from the Russian Federation and the Commonwealth of Independent States.

Ethnic History

Total records: 32
[ 1 ][ 2 ]
Code: 010514-2
Svod Drevneshikh Pis`mennykh Izvestii o Slavianakh
VII-IX vv.

[ Svod Drevneshikh Pis`mennykh Izvestii o Slavianakh : VII-IX vv. ]
Moscow: Vostochnaia Literatura, 1995
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 32.00
Special price: $ 28.00
This is the second and last volume of the collection of the most ancient documents pertaining to Slavic history. The first volume of this work was published in 1991.The book was prepared by the Institut of Slavianovedeniia i Balkanistiki RAN.
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Code: 009592
Gumilev, L. N
Tysiacheletie Vokrug Kaspiia

[ A Thousand years around the Caspian : ]
[Moscow]: Mishel` i Ko, [1993]
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 24.00
This book is a multidisciplinary study, with emphasis on ethnology, of the region around the Caspian sea in the period from the 3rd century B.C. to the 12th century A.D.
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Code: 013822-11
Arkheologicheskie Vesti. Vypusk 11

[ Archaeological News. Issue eleven : ]
St. Petersburg: Dmitrii Bulanin, 2004
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 29.00
The eleventh volume of the annual Archeological News contains materials on new discoveries on the territory of the Russian Federation and NIS, topical problems of archeology, book reviews, East-West cooperation, etc.
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Code: 013822-15
Arkheologicheskie Vesti. Vypusk 15

[ Archaeological News. Issue fifteen : ]
Moscow: Nauka, 2008
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 49.00
The fifteenth volume of annual Archeological News contains materials on new discoveries on the territory of the Russian Federation and NIS, topical problems of archeology, book reviews, East-West cooperation, etc.
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Code: 011717
Dokumental`nye Materialy po Istorii Evreev v Arkhivakh SNG i Stran Baltii
Predvaritel’nyi Spisok Arkhivnykh Fondov

[ Documentary sources on Jewish history in the archives of the CIS and the Baltic states : Preliminary list of collections ]
St. Petersburg: Akropol`, 1994
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 33.00
Special price: $ 29.00
This publication is the first effort to date at compiling a guide to archival and documentary sources relating to Jewish history in Eastern Europe. It contains information about 938 collections (fonds) in 92 state and governmental archives dispersed in 61 cities of the former USSR.
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Code: 009590
Gumilev, L. N
V Poiskakh Vymyshlennogo Tsarstva

[ In search of an imaginary kingdom : ]
St. Petersburg: Abris, 1994
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 22.00
Lev Gumilev was a famous Russian historian and ethnologist. This book is about the history of Central Asia in the first to the fourth centuries.
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Code: 012213
Pak, B.D
Koreitsy v Sovetskoi Rossii (1917 - Konets 30-kh godov)

[ Koreans in Soviet Russia (1917 - late 1930s) : ]
Irkutsk: Irkutskii Gosudarstvennyi Pedagogicheskii Institut,, 1995
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 29.00
In this book B.D. Pak, a major expert on the Far East, the author of "Koreans in the Russian Empire", analyzes the economic, political, and legal status of Koreans in Soviet Russia from 1917 until their deportation from the Far East to Kazakhstan in 1937.
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Code: 021432
Krasovitskaia, T.Iu
Natsional`nye Elity kak Sotsiokul`turnyi Fenomen Sovetskoi Gosudarstvennosti: Oktiabr` 1917-1923
Dokumenty i Materialy

[ National elites as a socio-cultural phenomenon of the soviet state system: October 1917-1923 : Documents and materials ]
Moscow: In-t Rossiiskoi Istorii RAN, 2007
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 29.00
One of the key instruments of the national policy of the soviet state was creating a new national elites and administrations. This is the first publication of personnel files of the officials in the Commissariat of Nationalities (Narkomnats).
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Code: 008601-24
Natsional`nye Istorii na Postsovetskom Prostranstve - II
Sbornik Statei

[ National histories at the post-Soviet space-II : Collection ]
Moscow: Fond Fridrikha Naumana, AIRO-XX, 2009
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 33.00
Until 1991 all the numerous peoples living in the USSR had a mutual history defined by textbooks, political documents and current writing, and mass culture. After the dissolution of the USSR, historians and ideologues started to rewrite or to create from scratch their own national histories.
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Code: 009531
O Khristianskom Edinstve

[ On Christian unity : ]
: Rudomino, 1994
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 27.00
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Code: 010749
Problemy Etnicheskoi Istorii
Po Materialam Zapadnoi Sibiri

[ Problems of ethnic history : On materials of Western Siberia ]
: Izd-vo Tomskogo Universiteta, 1993
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 19.00
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Code: 025187
Rossiia, Pol`sha, Germaniia
Istoriia i Sovremennost` Evropeiskogo Edinstva v Ideologii, Politike i Kul`ture

[ Russia, Poland, Germany : History and modernity of the European unity in ideology, politics and culture ]
Moscow: Indrik, 2009
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 19.00
A collection of articles by historians from Germany, Lithuania, Poland and Russia about the mutual interaction of the peoples of these countries in modern and contemporary times. The contributors focus on historical regions in Central and Eastern Europe, and the national and cultural identity of the peoples of these regions.
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Code: 003368
Russkaia Galitsiia i "Mazepinstvo"

[ Russian Galicia and "Mazepinstvo" : ]
Moscow: Imperskaia traditsiia, 2005
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 37.70
The area around the Carpathian Mountains was traditionally part of what is called Greater Russia. Despite the long years of Polish and Austro-Hungarian rule many of settlers of Galicia preserved their Russian identity.
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Code: 011710
Russkie: Istoriko-Etnograficheskie Ocherki

[ Russians: Historico-Demographic essays : ]
Moscow: Institut Etnologii i Antropologii RAN, 1997
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 29.00
This collected work studies the historical, demographic, anthropological, and ethnographic aspects of the Russian folk: family traditions and life style, country schools, traditions of work education, customary land use law, etc.
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Code: 011197-9
Slaviane i Ikh Sosedi: Srednie Veka - Rannee Novoe Vremia
Vypusk 9. Slaviane i Nemtsy: 1000-letnee Sosedstvo: Mirnye Sviazi i Konflikty

[ Slavs and their neighbors: Middle ages - Early New Time : Volume nine. Slavs i Germans: One thousand years neighborship: Peaceful relations and conflicts ]
Moscow: Nauka, 1999
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 19.50
This collected work studies the political, cultural, and economic contacts between Slavs and Germans over a thousand year period. Volumes 6 and 8 of the series are also available.
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Code: 010136
Petrukhin, V.Ia
Nachalo Etnokul`turnoi Istorii IX-XI vv

[ The beginning of ethno-cultural history IX-XI : ]
Smolensk-Moscow: Rusich-Gnozis, 1995
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 21.00
This book is about the birth of Rus in the Slavic world. It contains an analysis of the earliest chronicles.
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Code: 003071-1
Bibliia: Literaturnye i Lingvisticheskie Issledovaniia. Vypusk 1

[ The Bible: Literary and linguistic studies : Issue one ]
: RGGU, 1998
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 12.00
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Code: 003071-3
Bibliia: Literaturnye i Lingvisticheskie Issledovaniia. Vypusk 3

[ The Bible: Literary and linguistic studies : Issue Three ]
Moscow: RGGU, 1999
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 18.00
The third volume of the series the Bible - Language, Text, History consists of four chapters. Chapter one, the Hebrew Bible, includes: Solomon`s Temple: Biblical Text and Reconstruction; Poetry vs. Prose and Related Problems of the Archaic Poetry of Israel; Carrying-over in Lamentations.
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Code: 003071-2
Bibliia: Literaturnye i Lingvisticheskie Issledovaniia
Vypusk 2. Sintaksis Drevneevreiskoi Povestvovatel`noi Prozy

[ The Bible: Literary and linguistic studies : Volume two. Syntax of the Biblical Hebrew Narrative ]
Moscow: RGGU, 1999
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 18.00
The second volume of the series the Bible - Language, Text, History consists of three articles: Inversion in the Biblical Hebrew Narrative by M. Seleznev; Si Vera Lectio (The Syntax of the Biblical Hebrew Narrative) by S.
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Code: 003471
Bugai N.F., Gonov A.M
Kavkaz: Narody v Eshelonakh (20-e - 60-e gg.)

[ The Caucasus: Peoples in echelons: 1920-60s : ]
Moscow: INSAN, 1998
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 22.50
The book describes in detail the process of the deportation of peoples and ethnic groups from the Transcaucasus by the Soviet punitive organs. It is based on archival documents of these organizations.
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Code: 001100
Mazalova, N.E
Sostav Chelovecheskii
Chelovek v Traditsionnykh Somaticheskikh Predstavleniiakh Russkikh

[ The Composition of man : Man in the traditional somatic view ]
St. Petersburg: Peterburgskoe Vostokovedenie, 2001
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 19.50
This monograph investigates traditional somatic views of Russians, or, how Russians think about their bodies, its structure and functioning. The author pays special attention to the role and place of the body in the Russian world paradigm as it is reflected in Russian folklore and beliefs.
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Code: 029752
Teslia, Andrei A
Pervyi Russkii Natsionalizm... i Drugie

[ The First Russian nationalism... and other things : ]
Moscow: Evropa, 2014
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 23.00
This book is an attempt to clear the history of Russian nationalist movement of the 19th century away from the propaganda garbage. The Russian nation has formed in the specific conditions when those who could serve as its kernel had already been the kernel of the Russian Empire.
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Code: 005170
Istoriia Iuzhnykh i Zapadnykh Slavian. V 2-kh Tomakh

[ The history of the southern and western Slavic peoples : ]
Moscow: Izd-vo Moskovskogo Universiteta, 1998
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 42.00
This textbook on Slavic studies for students of Departments of History in Russian universities gives a partly renewed survey of Slavic history from the 6th to the beginning of the 20th centuries (vol. 1) and from World War I to the 1990s (vol.
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Code: 010754
Saprykin, S.Iu
Pontiiskoe Tsarstvo
Gosudarstvo Grekov i Varvarov v Prichernomor`e

[ The Ponting Kingdom: A state of the Greeks and the barbarians in the Black Sea Littoral : Gosudarstvo Grekov i Varvarov v Prichernomor`e ]
Moscow: Nauka, 1996
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 36.00
This book is devoted to the social, economic and political history of the Kingdom of Pontos from its beginning until its absorption into the Roman empire.
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Code: 010508-168
Shlygina, N.V
Finny-Repatrianty iz Byvshchego Sovetskogo Soiuza na Istoricheskoi Rodine

[ The Repatriated ethnic Finns from the former Soviet Union in their historical motherland : ]
Moscow: Institut Etnologii i Antropologii, 2004
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 9.00
This report deals with the adaptation of ethnic Finns, who have repatriated from the USSR to Finland. It is based on field materials collected in Finland in 1999-2003. The author focuses his attention on forms of social support and placing the repatriants in jobs, as well as their linguistic problems and processes of integration into society.
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Code: 011197-10
Slaviane i Ikh Sosedi
Vypusk 10. Slaviane i Kochevoi Mir

[ The Slavs and their neighbors : Volume ten: Slavs and nomads ]
Moscow: Nauka, 2001
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 22.00
This collected work studies the political, cultural, and economic contacts between the Slavs and the Golden Horde, the coexistence of different groups of nomads with grain farmers within the same state.
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Code: 011439
Zhilina, A.N, Tomina, T.N
Traditsionnoe Zhilishche Narodov Srednei Azii (XIX-Nachalo XX v. Osedlo-Zemledel`cheskie Raiony)

[ The Traditional housing of the peoples of Central Asia (19th -the beginning of 20th cent.) : ]
Moscow: Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology RAN, 1993
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 30.00
This book describes several types of houses and their interiors that were common for various peoples living in Central Asia in the 19th -the beginning of the 20th centuries. Includes bibliographic references.
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Code: 021096
Marchukov, A.V
Ukrainskoe Natsional`noe Dvizhenie
USSR. 1920-1930-e Gody: Tseli, Metody, Rezul`taty

[ The Ukrainian national movement : USSR. 1920-1930`s: Goals, methods, results ]
Moscow: Nauka, 2006
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 29.00
This is the first monograph which studies the phases, moving forces and mechanisms of the creation of the Ukrainian nationality and nation in the 1920s-1930s. The author describes the phenomenon of Ukrainian nationalism, its ideological and philosophical agenda, the relationship among Ukrainian, Russian, and Soviet national identities.
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Code: 029351
Gumilev, L.N. (Lev Nikolaevich)
Teoriia Etnogeneza: Velikoe Otkrytie ili Mistifikatsiia?
Sbornik Statei

[ Theory of ethnogenesis: Great discovery or hoax? : Collected articles ]
Moscow: AST, 2013
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 25.00
This book includes the most interesting and debatable works of the author of the theory of ethnogenesis. The works are provided with comments and reviews of Gumilev`s ideas by specialists in ethnology and historiography: M.
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Code: 005889
Eidel`man, Ia.N
Nezakonchennye Dialogi

[ Unfinished dialogs : ]
Moscow: Mosty Kul`tury, 1999
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 12.00
Iakov Eidel`man (1896-1978) was a famous Russian Zionist who was accused for his religious convictions and spent many years in Russian camps. He was also the father of the not less famous writer and historian Natan Eidel`man.
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