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Since 1989 Panorama of Russia has specialized in academic and reference publications from the Russian Federation and the Commonwealth of Independent States. |
Ivan Turgenev
Code: 030072 Turgenev, I.S. (Tourgenev, I.S) Ivan Turgenev. Sobranie Sochinenii: v 6 Tomakh
[ Collected works in 6 volumes : ] Moscow: Knigovek, 2011 Language: Russian | Price: $ 165.00 | Collected works in 6 volumes: T.1: Zapiski Okhotnika, Mumu, Postoialyi Dvor, Rudin. T.2: Dvorianskoe Gnezdo, Nakanune, Ottsy i Deti: Romany. T.3: Dym, Nov`: Romany, Povesti. T.4: Povesti i Rasskazy. T. | |
| | Code: 003997 Turgenev, Ivan Pervaia Libov`. Povesti
[ First love. Stories : ] Moscow: Eksmo, 2007 Language: Russian | Price: $ 18.00 | This is a collection of eleven love stories by an outstanding Russian writer Ivan Turgenev (1818-1883), including "First Love". Afterword by historian of literature Ivan Grevs (1860-1941) (pp. 569-638) about the story of love relations between Ivan Turgenev and French singer Pauline Viardot-Garcia (1821-1910). | |
| | Code: 007373-01 I.S. Turgenev: Novye Issledovaniia i Materialy. I
[ I.S. Turgenev: New studies and materials : ] St. Petersburg: Al`ians-Arkheo, 2009 Language: Russian | Price: $ 39.00 | This is the first volume in the series I.S. Turgenev: New Studies and Materials. It includes recent and classic studies in Turgenev`s works and life and his relations with other great writers of his epoch: V. | |
| |  | Code: 007373-02 I.S. Turgenev Novye Issledovaniia i Materialy. Vyp. II [ I.S. Turgenev: New studies and materials: Vol. II : Novye Issledovaniia i Materialy. Vyp. II ] St. Petersburg: Al`ians-Arkheo, 2011 Language: Russian | Price: $ 54.00 | This is the second volume in the series I.S. Turgenev: New Studies and Materials. It includes recent and classic studies in Turgenev`s works and life and his relations with other great writers of his epoch and French existentialism. | |
| | Code: 007373-03 I.S. Turgenev Novye Issledovaniia i Materialy. Vyp. III [ I.S. Turgenev: New studies and materials: Vol. III : Novye Issledovaniia i Materialy. Vyp. III ] St. Petersburg: Al`ians-Arkheo, 2012 Language: Russian | Price: $ 49.00 | This is the third volume in the series I.S. Turgenev: New Studies and Materials. It includes recent and classic studies in Turgenev`s works and life, his critical works, translations, editing, and his relations with other great writers of Russia and France. | |
| | Code: 004626-4 Turgenevskie chteniia. Vyp. 4 Sbornik Statei [ Turgenev Readings: Volume 4 : Collected of articles ] Moscow: Russkii put`, 2009 Language: Russian | Price: $ 33.00 | The fourth volume of Turgenev Readings includes papers presented at several conferences on Turgenev`s legacy. The volume also includes paintings by Turgenev and of him. Started in 2004. (0.435 kg.) | |
| | Code: 004626-04 Turgenevskie chteniia. Vyp. 4 Sbornik Statei [ Turgenev Readings: Volume 4 : Collected of articles ] Moscow: Russkii put`, Biblioteka-Chital`nia im. Turgeneva, 2009 Language: Russian | Price: $ 33.00 | T | |
| | Code: 004626-05 Turgenevskie Chteniia. Vyp. 5 Sbornik Statei [ Turgenev Readings: Volume 5 : Collected articles ] Moscow: Knizhnitsa, 2011 Language: Russian | Price: $ 35.00 | The fifth volume of Turgenev Readings includes papers presented at several conferences on Turgenev`s legacy. The volume also includes paintings by Turgenev and of him. Started in 2004. (0.435 kg.) Volume 3 and 4 of this series is also available. | |
| | Code: 004626-06 Turgenevskie Chteniia. Vyp. 6 Sbornik Statei [ Turgenev Readings: Volume 6 : Collected articles ] Moscow: Knizhnitsa, 2014 Language: Russian | Price: $ 35.00 | The sixth volume of Turgenev Readings deals with the biographical and artistic ties of Turgenev with Germany and her culture. Started in 2004. (0.435 kg.) Volume 3-5 of this series is also available. (0. | |
| | Code: 008100 Turgenev bez Gliantsa
[ Turgenev without polish : ] St. Petersburg: Amfora, 2009 | Price: $ 27.00 | This is a collection of memoirs and correspondence about Ivan Turgenev (1818-83) which helps to reconstruct some of the facts of his biography, and see him through the eyes of people close to him and of his circle. | |
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