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Since 1989 Panorama of Russia has specialized in academic and reference publications from the Russian Federation and the Commonwealth of Independent States.

Government Branches

Total records: 202
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Code: 019252
Bulakov, O.N
Dvukhpalatnyi Parlament Rossiiskoi Federatsii

[ Dvukhpalatnyi Parlament Rossiiskoi Federatsii : ]
St. Petersburg: Iuridicheskii Tsentr Press, 2003
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 37.50
This monograph describes the current Russian bicameral parliament, its place in the system of government, formation and mandate, organizational structure and activities of each chamber, laws and legal mechanism of legislative practice.
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Code: 030509
Niskanen, U.A. (William A. Niskanen)
Avtokraticheskaia, Demokraticheskaia i Optimal`naia Formy Pravleniia
Fiskal`nye Resheniia i Ekonomicheskie Rezul`taty

[ Avtokraticheskaia, Demokraticheskaia i Optimal`naia Formy Pravleniia : Fiskal`nye Resheniia i Ekonomicheskie Rezul`taty ]
Moscow: Izd-vo Instituta Gaidara, 2013
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 27.00
This book presents simple models of the major alternative types of political regimes, estimates of the parameters of these models, and quantitative estimates of the fiscal choices and economic outcomes of these regimes.
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Code: 019348
Tarasov, A.M
Prezidentskii Kontrol`
Poniatie i Sistema: Uchebnoe Posobie

[ Prezidentskii Kontrol` : Poniatie i Sistema: Uchebnoe Posobie ]
St. Petersburg: Iuridicheskii Tsentr Press, 2004
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 36.00
The President controls the functioning of the executive branch of the federal and local governments and observance of the Constitution. His role is permanently increasing in the Russian government, meaning the recent strengthening of the "power vertical".
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Code: 027873
Ister, Dzh. M. (Easter, Gerald M.)
Sovetskoe Gosudarstvennoe Stroitel`stvo
Sistema Lichnykh Sviazei i Samoidentefikatsiia Elity v Sovetskoi Rossii

[ Sovetskoe Gosudarstvennoe Stroitel`stvo : Sistema Lichnykh Sviazei i Samoidentefikatsiia Elity v Sovetskoi Rossii ]
Moscow: ROSSPEN, Fond "Prezidentskii tsentr B.N.El`tsina", 2011
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 23.00
Gerald M. Easter (Miami University) studies the history of the rise and fall of the soviet government with special focus on personal networks and elite identity as informal sources of power. Bibliography.
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Code: 032209
Izmozik, V.S
Chernye Kabinety"
Istoriia Rossiiskoi Perliustratsii. XVIII - Nachalo XX veka

[ "Black rooms": The History of Russian perlustration XVIII - ealy XX centuries : Istoriia Rossiiskoi Perliustratsii. XVIII - Nachalo XX veka ]
Moscow: Novoe Literaturnoe Obozrenie, 2015
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 42.00
The secret department of the St. Petersburg Post Office was called The Black Room. There many official and personal letters and documents of important people were secretly inspected and delivered through this office during the reigns of Catherine the Great, Pavel the First, and Aleksandr the First.
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Code: 003273
Erkebaev, A
1990 God: Prikhod k Vlasti A. Akaeva

[ 1990: Askar Akaev`s rise to power : ]
Bishkek: Kyrgyzstan, 1997
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 21.00
This book is about the political history and culture of Kirghizstan and the circumstances which brought A. Akaev to the presidential office in 1990
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Code: 009203
Vybory 1995

[ 1995 Election : ]
Moscow: Obozrevatel`, 1995
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 10.00
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Code: 010280
Karaulov, A.V
Plokhoi Mal`chik
Grustnaia Kniga

[ A bad boy : A sad book ]
Moscow: Sovershenno Sekretno, 1996
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 25.00
One of the best known journalists tells stories about Boris El`tsin and his circle, the Kremlin intrigues, the struggle for power in 1993-95 which resulted in the failure of democracy, and the Chechen war.
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Code: 008037-2
Iasin, Evgenii
Novaia Epokha - Starye Trevogi
Ekonomicheskaia Politika

[ A New Epoch - Old concerns : Economic policy ]
Moscow: Fond Liberal`naia Missiia, Novoe izd-vo, 2004
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 33.00
This book is the second volume of a collection of works of 1998-2004 on the interconnection of social and economic processes in Russia. Its author, Evgenii Iasin (b. 1934), former Minister of the Economy (1994-1997), was one of the major contributors to the first government program of the transformation of the centrally planned Russian economy into a market one.
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Code: 008037-1
Iasin, Evgenii
Novaia Epokha - Starye Trevogi
Politicheskaia Ekonomiia

[ A New Epoch - Old concerns : Political economy ]
Moscow: Fond Liberal`naia Missiia, Novoe izd-vo, 2004
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 27.00
Special price: $ 24.30
This book is a collection of works of 1998-2004 on the interconnection of social and economic processes in Russia. Evgenii Iasin (b. 1934), former Minister of Economy (1994-1997), was one of the major contributors to the first government program of the transformation of the centrally planned Russian economy into a market one.
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Code: 005884
Podberezkin, A.I., Makarov, V.V
Strategiia dlia Budushchego Prezidenta Rossii
Russkii Put`

[ A Strategy for the Russian president: A Russian way : Russkii Put` ]
Moscow: RAU-Universitet, 2000
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 14.00
Special price: $ 12.60
This program is addressed to the president to be elected in the 2000 elections. It is based on the ideology of the social movement "Spiritual Legacy" (Dukhovnoe Nasledie) which quite recently split with the Russian Communist Party.
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Code: 021046
Administrativnye Reformy v Rossii
Istoriia i Sovremennost`

[ Administrative reforms in Russia : History and the present ]
: ROSSPEN, 2006
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 28.00
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Code: 009278
Afganistan... Kreml`... Lefortovo..?
Epizody Politicheskoi Biografii Aleksandra Rutskogo

[ Afganistan... Kremlin... Lefortovo..? : Episodes in the political biography of Alexander Rutskoi ]
Moscow: Lada-M, 1994
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 18.00
This book is the political biography of the former Russian vice-president Aleksandr Rutskoi. Ten of the twelve chapters were written before the October 1993 political crisis. The book is meant to be a guide to the corridors of power in the Russian government.
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Code: 032022
Krotkov, V.O
Avtoritarnaia Vlast` Kremlia v Usloviiakh Sotsial`no-Politicheskogo Tranzita

[ Authoritarian power of the Kremlin in the situation of social and political transition : ]
Moscow: ROSSPEN, 2014
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 25.00
This monograph studies the social and political metamorphosis of Kremlin power in 1985-2013. The author analyzes the relations between social and political transformation, on one hand, and the dynamics of the political regime on the other.
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Code: 026611
Remnev, A.V
Samoderzhavnoe Pravitel`stvo
Komitet Ministrov v Sisteme Vysshego Upravleniia Rossiiskoi Imperii: Vtoraia Polovina XIX - Nachalo XX Veka

[ Autocratic government : The Committee of Ministers in the government system of the Russian Empire: Second half 19th - early 20th centuries ]
Moscow: ROSSPEN, 2010
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 32.00
This monograph studies the structures and work flows in the government of the Russian Empire under Aleksandr I, Aleksandr II, Nicolas II: Committee of Ministers, State Council, the Senate, and other committees.
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Code: 002068
Pribylovskii, Vladimir
Biograficheskii Spravochnik

[ Candidates-96 : Biographical handbook ]
Moscow: Panorama, 1996 (April)
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 75.00
Special price: $ 67.50
Includes 62 biographical sketches of the candidates for president in the election on June 16, 1996.Primary attention is paid to the six major candidates: El`tsin, Zhirinovskii, Ziuganov, Lebed`, Fedorov, and Iavlinskii.
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Code: 005071
Bazovskaia, O.M., Beliaeva, I.L
Gosudarstvennaia Sluzhba. Gosudarstvennoe Upravlenie
Anglo-Russkii i Russko-Angliiskii Slovar`-Spravochnik: Uchebnoe Posobie

[ Civil service and government : English-Russian and Russian-English Dictionary-Teaching aid ]
Moscow: Nauka, 2005
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 33.00
This book is a first attempt to develop a specialized dictionary for translation of English publications in civil service and government.
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Code: 029406
Gromyko, Iurii

[ Class "Development" : ]
Moscow: Institut operezhaiushchikh issledovanii imeni E.L. Shiffersa, 2013
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 23.00
This book is about the new social class which will take the responsibility and will lead Russia out of the current economic and social crisis. Iurii Gromyko is a professor of education, the director of the E.
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Code: 005125
Ispoved` Gosudaria

[ Confession of a sovereign : ]
Moscow: Shelkovyi Put`, 1999
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 15.00
This book is published under mysterious circumstances. Its author chose to remain anonymous. It is about the President of Kazakhstan Narsultan Nazarbaev, who, according to the author, appropriated unprecedented power which can be compared only with the power of a Sovereign.
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Code: 005810
Koliushin, Evgenii
Konstitutsionnoe (Gosudarstvennoe) Pravo Rossii

[ Constitutional (government) law of Russia : ]
Moscow: Izd-vo Moskovskogo Universiteta, 1999
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 27.00
A textbook for graduate students of the Moscow State University with a major in Constitutional Law and Federal and Municipal Government. Bibliography.
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Code: 010957
Konstitutsionnoe Pravo Rossiiskoi Federatsii

[ Constitutional law of the Russian Federation : Anthology ]
Moscow: Akademkniga, 2004
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 67.50
This anthology contains the main laws, decrees, international treaties, court decisions and other legal documents for the course Constitutional law of the Russian Federation. All official documents are as of Janiary, 2004.
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Code: 019461
Nudnenko, L.A
Konstitutsionno-Pravovoi Status Deputata Zakonodatelnogo Organa Gosudarstvennoi Vlasti v Rossiiskoi Federatsii

[ Constitutional Legal Status of Deputy of Legislative Body of State Power in the Russian Federation : ]
St. Petersburg: Iuridicheskii Tsentr Press, 2004
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 37.50
This book analyzes the legislation on status of deputy in various subjects of the Russian Federation, practice of its realization, problems of further improvement of the legal status of deputies of legislative bodies.
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Code: 023537
Mironiuk, M.G
Sovremennyi Federalizm
Sravnitel`nyi Analiz: Uchebnoe Posobie

[ Contemporary federalism : Comparative analysis: Textbook ]
Moscow: ROSSPEN, 2008
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 21.00
This is a teaching aid on the history and theory of federalism, its modern state and trends, the formation of the federation in Russia and its national peculiarities. The book is based on a course of lectures at the Moscow State Institute of International Relations.
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Code: 026904
Sovremennoe Gosudarstvo
Politiko-Pravovye i Ekonomicheskie Issledovaniia: Sbornik Nauchnykh Trudov

[ Contemporary government : Politico-legal and economic research: Collected scholarly works ]
Moscow: INION RAN, 2010
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 23.00
Collection of articles and reviews of recent publications on modern government, its trends, the issue of the state sovereignty in a globalized world, government functions and their evolution. (0.285 kg.
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Code: 027096
Sovremennoe Gosudarstvo, Sotsium, Chelovek
Rossiiskaia Spetsifika

[ Contemporary government, socium, person : Russian specificity ]
Moscow: IF RAN, 2010
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 19.00
The authors of this monograph focus their attention on the goals and tasks of the modern Russian government and state, and on the current state of the Russian socium. The authors compare the principles of Western and Russian civilizations, analyze the effects of Western influence on Russian culture and society and their development.
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Code: 024941
Turchinov, A.I., Magomedov, K.O
Sovremennye Problemy Kadrovoi Politki i Upravleniia Personalom v Rossii
Sotsiologicheskii Analiz

[ Contemporary issues of personnel policy and of management of state personnel in Russia : Sociological analysis ]
Moscow: RAGS, 2009
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 18.00
This monograph studies the issues of recruiting and training of state employees and of management of personnel in Russia. It is based on results of sociological survey of the state branches in 2007.
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Code: 027586-08
Korruptsionnoe i Kvalifikatsionnoe "Porazhenie" Gosudarstvennogo Upravleniia v Rossii
Materialy Postoianno Deistvuiushchego Nauchnogo Seminara: Vyp. 8 [38]

[ Corruption and incompetence "defeat" of public administration in Russia : Materials of the continuing seminar: Issue 8 (38) ]
Moscow: Nauchnyi ekspert, 2011
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 14.00
Materials of the seminar Problems of Public Administration in Russia. Contents: Vozmozhnosti protivodeistviia korruptsii v sisteme gosudarstvennogo i munitsipal`nogo upravleniia Rossii; O grazhdanskom obshchestve i potentsiale gosudarstvennogo upravleniia; Korruptokratiia - nezavershennaia forma vlasti deneg, etc.
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Code: 009961-2
Isakov, Vladimir

[ Coup d`etat : 1992-1993 ]
Moscow: [n/p], 1995
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 21.00
V. Isakov was chairman of the Republic Council of the Supreme Soviet (1990-91) and a deputy in the Gosudarstvennaia Duma from the Agrarian Party of Russia. At the same time he was a columnist for the newspaper "Sovetskaia Rossiia".
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Code: 004934
Zevelev, A., Pavlov, Iu
Sozidatel` ili Razrushitel`?
B.N. El`tsin: Fakty i Razmyshleniia

[ Creator or destroyer : B.N. El`tsin: Facts and thoughts ]
Moscow: Novaia Igrushechka, 1999
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 16.00
Though the authors ask themselves in the title what is the El`tsin`s role in Russian history, they give their answer on the very first page: destroyer. El`tsin`s political biography in the book is intended to prove this diagnosis.
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Code: 010649
Gaidar, Egor
Dni Porazhenii i Pobed

[ Days of defeats and victories : ]
Moscow: Vagrius, 1996
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 22.00
Egor Gaidar (1956-2009), the youngest Russian prime-minister (1992-1994) held office when Russia began its major economic changes. He was also chairman of the party "Demokraticheskii Vybor Rossii" and the leader of the Gosudarstvennaia Duma faction "Vybor Rossii".
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