Code: 028747 Alekseev, D.A Demon": Taina Koda Lermontova
[ "Demon": The secret code of Lermontov : ] Moscow: Gelios ARV, 2012 Language: Russian | Price: $ 34.00 | This book is a captivating story of investigation of women addresses of the poem Demon by Iurii Lermontov, and the not less interesting story of this poem. (0.305 kg.) | |
![](/media/books/21007/1268172712_th.jpg) | Code: 024907 Net, Ia ne Bairon, Ia Drugoi…" Izbrannaia Poeziia [ "No, I`m not Byron, it`s my Role…": Poetical Works : Izbrannaia Poeziia ] : Tsentr knigi VGBIL im. M.I.Rudomino, 2009 Language: Russian and English | Price: $ 35.00 | | |
Code: 014329 Lermontov, M.Iu Iz Plamia i Sveta Rozhdennoe Slovo..." Izbrannaia Poeziia [ "The Word born from flame and light" : Selected poetry ] Moscow: Tsentr knigi VGBIL im. M.I.Rudomino, 2010 Language: Russian and French | Price: $ 38.00 | Collection of poems by Mikhail Lermontov in translation into French by various translators (19th-20th centuries). The core of translations is made by participants of French seminar led by Efim Etkind. Parallel text in Russian and French. | |
Code: 020617 Belova, Lidiia Aleksandra i Mikhail Posledniaia Liubov` Lermontova [ Aleksandra and Mikhail : The last love of Lermontov ] Moscow: Profizdat, 2005 Language: Russian | Price: $ 22.10 | This is a documentary fiction about the last love of Mikhail Lermontov, Aleksandra Smirnova-Rosset (Rossetti, 1808-1882). It is based on memoirs of Smirnova-Rosset as well as memoirs of their contemporaries. | |
Code: 019315 Viskovatyi, P.A Mikhail Iur`evich Lermontov Biografiia [ Biography : Biografiia ] Moscow: Zakharov, 2004 Language: Russian | Price: $ 27.00 | The first academic biography of Mikhail Lermontov (1814-1841) is based on vast documentary materials. The author is the compiler and editor of the first complete collection of Lermontov`s works (1891). | |
Code: 010570D Lermontov, M. Iu Geroi Nashego Vremeni Bela. Taman. Kniazhna Meri. Fatalist [ Hero of our time: : Bela. Taman. Kniazhna Meri. Fatalist ] Moscow: Audiokniga, 2006 Language: Russian | Price: $ 19.00 | One of the most famous works of the classic Russian writer Mikhail Lermontov. Free from ideological pathos, the author`s admonition, this book is considered the most European of all Russian novels. It consists of four stories: Bela. | |
Code: 010570C Lermontov, M. Iu Geroi Nashego Vremeni Shest` CDs [ Hero of our time: Six CDs : Shest` CDs ] Moscow: Soiuz, 2006 Language: Russian | Price: $ 89.00 | One of the most famous works of the Russian classic writer Mikhail Lermontov. Free from an ideological pathos, the author`s admonition, this book is considered is the most European of all Russian novels. | |
Code: 023641-06 Lermontovskie Chteniia-2006 Sbornik Statei [ Lermontov readings - 2006 : Collected articles ] St. Petersburg: Filologicheskii fakul`tet SPbGU, 2007 Language: Russian | Price: $ 25.00 | Collection of the most recent studies on Mikhail Lermontov. This is the first book in the series. Standing order and volumes for 2007-2010 are available | |
Code: 023641-07 Lermontovskie Chteniia - 2007 Sbornik Statei [ Lermontov readings - 2007 : Collected articles ] St. Petersburg: Filologicheskii fakul`tet SPbGU, Liki Rossii, 2008 Language: Russian | Price: $ 24.00 | Collection of recent studies on Mikhail Lermontov. This is the second book in the series. Contents: Izuchenie Lermontova na sovremennom etape; O iazyke M.Iu. Lermontova; Avtobiograficheskie motivy v tvorchestve M. | |
Code: 023641-08 Lermontovskie Chteniia-2008 Sbornik Statei [ Lermontov readings - 2008 : Collected articles ] St. Petersburg: Filologicheskii fakul`tet SPbGU, Liki Rossii, 2009 Language: Russian | Price: $ 25.00 | Collection of the most recent studies on Mikhail Lermontov. This is the third book in the series. Contents: Mirosozertsanie Aleksandra Odoevskogo kak faktor tvorcheskoi evoliutsii Lermontova; Mir, kak sad`" (sad v poeticheskoi ontologii M. | |
Code: 023641-09 Lermontovskie Chteniia-2009 Sbornik Statei [ Lermontov readings - 2009 : Collected articles ] St. Petersburg: Filologicheskii fakul`tet SPbGU, Liki Rossii, 2010 Language: Russian | Price: $ 32.00 | Collection of the most recent studies on Mikhail Lermontov. This is the fourth book in the series. Started in 2006. Volumes for 2006-2010 as well as standing order are available | |
Code: 023641-10 Lermontovskie Chteniia-2010 Sbornik Statei [ Lermontov readings - 2010 : Collected articles ] St. Petersburg: Filologicheskii fakul`tet SPbGU, Liki Rossii, 2010 Language: Russian | Price: $ 35.00 | C | |
Code: 023641-11 Lermontovskie Chteniia-2011 Sbornik Statei [ Lermontov readings - 2011 : Collected articles ] St. Petersburg: Filologicheskii fakul`tet SPbGU, Liki Rossii, 2012 Language: Russian | Price: $ 34.00 | This is the sixth volume of the most recent studies on Mikhail Lermontov. Contents: "Mezhdu romantizmom i postmodernizmom. "Maskarad" M.Iu. Lermontova na sovremennoi stsene", "M.Iu. Lermontov i Estoniia", "Dva brata". | |
Code: 030633 Mikhailov, V.F Lermontov: Odin Mezh Nebom i Zemlei
[ Lermontov: Alone between heaven and earth : ] Moscow: Molodaia gvardiia, 2012 Language: Russian | Price: $ 39.00 | Aleksandr Blok wrote that there are very little sources on the Lermontov`s life so the future biographer should rely on his intuition rather than facts. This biography is based on the author`s interpretation of Lermontov`s works, on the understanding of one poet by another. | |
Code: 029443 Bondarenko, V.G Lermontov: Misticheskii Genii
[ Lermontov: Mystical genious : ] Moscow: Molodaia gvardiia, 2013 Language: Russian | Price: $ 35.00 | This is a new biography of Russian poet Mikhail Lermontov where the author stresses on mystical motives of poet and his confrontation with secular, spiritual and legal power. (0.435 kg.) | |
Code: 031426 Marchenko, A.M Lermontov: Pod Gibel`noi Zvezdoi
[ Lermontov: Under a fatal star : ] Moscow: AST, 2014 Language: Russian | Price: $ 39.00 | Alla Marchenko, the author of well known biographies of Akhmatova and Esenin, wrote a biography of Mikhail Lermontov that breaks existing stereotypes about the poet but is true to all the zigzags of his life and the scale of his personality. | |
Code: 022402-4 Literatura o M. Iu. Lermontove. 1992-2001 Bibliograficheskii Ukazatel` [ Literature about M. Iu. Lermontov : Bibliographic index ] St. Petersburg: Nauka, Biblioteka RAN, In-t Russkoi Literatury, 2007 Language: Russian | Price: $ 25.00 | This is the fourth volume of a bibliographical index of literature about M. Iu. Lermontov. The previous three were published in 1980, 1990, 2003. The current volume includes publications of 1992-2001 in the USSR and abroad: books and articles in collections and periodicals, dissertations etc. | |
Code: 018185-3 Literatura o Zhizni i Tvorchestve M.Iu. Lermontova Bibliograficheskii Ukazatel`. 1978-1991 [ Literature about the life and works of M.Iu. Lermontov: Bibliographical index. 1978-1991 : Bibliograficheskii Ukazatel`. 1978-1991 ] St. Petersburg: Blits, 2003 Language: Russian | Price: $ 27.00 | This bibliographic index includes publication about the life and works of Mikhail Lermontov of 1978-1991. It is the third volume of this index, the previous two volumes were published in 1980 (works of 1917-1977) and 1990 (works of 1825-1916). | |
Code: 021910 Nestor (Kumysh, V.Iu.) Poema M.Iu. Lermontova "Demon" v Kontekste Khristianskogo Miroponimaniia
[ M. Iu. Lermontov`s poem "Demon" in the context of the Christian world view : ] St. Petersburg: Dmitrii Bulanin, 2007 Language: Russian | Price: $ 25.00 | This book provides a new insight into M.Iu. Lermontov’s outstanding work “Demon”. The author examines the poem from the point of view of Tamara’s fate, considering that her image was as important for Lermontov as the Demon’s. | |
Code: 016947 M.Iu. Lermontov i Pravoslavie Sbornik Statei o Tvorchestve M.Iu. Lermontova [ M.Iu. Lermontov and the Orthodox Church : Collected articles on M.Iu. Lermontov`s works ] : K edinstvu!, 2010 Language: Russian | Price: $ 38.00 | | |
Code: 026868 Ochman, A.V M.Iu. Lermontov: Zhizn` i Smert` Sochinenie v 3-kh Chastiakh [ M.Iu. Lermontov: Life and death : Collected works in three parts ] Moscow: Gelios ARV, 2010 Language: Russian | Price: $ 43.00 | This is a new extended edition of the biography of Russian poet Mikhail Lermontov (1814-1841) with stress on his circle, private life, and the causes and circumstances of his duel with Martynov. Bibliography. | |
Code: 001823 M.Iu. Lermontov: Pro et Contra Lichnost` i Tvorchestvo Mikhaila Lermontova v Otsenke Russkikh Myslitelei i Issledovatelei: Antologiia [ M.Iu. Lermontov: Pro et Contra : The personality and works of Mikhail Lermontov by Russian thinkers and scholars ] St. Petersburg: RKhGI, 2002 Language: Russian | Price: $ 48.00 | The next volume in the series The Russian Way contains literary criticism and memoirs about one of the greatest and polemical Russian poets, M. Lermontov (1814-1841). The anthology is the most comprehensive repository of perceptions of the poet and his works in the 19th-20th centuries. | |
Code: 001823-2 M.Iu. Lermontov: Pro et Contra Lichnost` i Tvorchestvo Mikhaila Lermontova v Otsenke Russkikh Myslitelei i Issledovatelei: Antologiia: Tom 2 [ M.Iu. Lermontov: Pro et Contra : The personality and works of Mikhail Lermontov by Russian thinkers and scholars: Volume 2 ] St. Petersburg: RKhGA, 2014 Language: Russian | Price: $ 49.00 | The next volume in the series The Russian Way contains literary criticism and memoirs about one of the greatest and polemical Russian poets, M. Lermontov (1814-1841). The anthology is the second volume of the most comprehensive repository of perceptions of the poet and his works in the 19th-20th centuries. | |
Code: 029469 Kotliarevskii, N.A Mikhail Iur`evich Lermontov Lichnost` Poeta i Ego Proizvedeniia [ Mikhail Iur`evich Lermontov : His personality and works ] St. Petersburg: Tsentr gumanitarnykh initsiativ, 2013 Language: Russian | Price: $ 27.00 | The is a reprint of an academic biography of Mikhail Lermontov (1814-1841) by Russian historian of literature N.A. Kotliarevskii (1863-1925) . The book also includes an analysis of his works. The author studies printed and archival materials and memoirs of Lermontov`s contemporaries. | |
Code: 007447 Miller, Ts.G Moskva i Lermontov
[ Moscow and Lermontov : ] Moscow: Mosgorarkhiv, 1999 Language: Russian | Price: $ 22.50 | This book is about role and place of city of Moscow in Lermontov`s works and life. Moscow was his place of birth and childhood and later one of the most important themes in his poetry. The book describes all the places in Moscow related to Lermontov`s life and poetry. | |
Code: 030134 Lermontov, M.Iu Zametki, Plany, Siuzhety, Pis`ma
[ Notes, plans, stories, and letters : ] Moscow: LIBROKOM, 2011 Language: Russian | Price: $ 15.00 | This is a collection of notes, plans, stories, and letters of Lermontov to his relatives and friends in 1827-41. Some of documents are attributed to Lermontov without scanty evidence. (0.115 kg.) | |
Code: 002179-04 Vatsuro, V.E O Lermontove Raboty Raznykh Let [ On Lermontov : Works of various years ] Moscow: Novoe izdatel`stvo, 2008 Language: Russian | Price: $ 41.00 | This collection includes almost everything written by V.E.Vatsuro (1935-2000) about Lermontov from his fourth year student work to the investigations of the 1990’s, from the dictionary entries of the “Lermontov Encyclopedia” and studies dealing with separate poems, to the works summarized as the general achievements of Lermontov’s genius, and many years of strained studies of the outstanding philologist. | |
Code: 025241 Nestor (Kumysh, V.Iu.) O Lirike Lermontova: Ocherk
[ On Lermontov`s lyrics: Essay : ] Moscow: Sviato-Aleksievskaia Pustyn, 2009 Language: Russian | Price: $ 15.00 | The book studies poetical works of M.Iu. Lermontov, and traces the correlations between the motifs of his poetry and specific moments of the poet`s spiritual life. (0.205 kg.). Also available by the same author: Poema M. | |
Code: 028847 Gintsburg, D.G O Russkom Stikhoslozhenii: Opyt Issledovaniia Ritmicheskogo Stroia Stikhotvorenii Lermontova
[ On Russian versification: Research of the rythmic system in the poetry of Lermontov : ] Moscow: LIBROKOM, 2012 Language: Russian | Price: $ 26.00 | This is a reprint of a work by Russian orientalist and writer D.G. Gintsburg (1857-1910) on theory and history of Russian versification. The author`s studies are focused mostly on works by M.Iu. Lermontov. | |